#!/bin/sh set -e bootstrap_install() { if [ -x "$(which wine)" ] ;then echo "Wine version $(wine --version) found." else echo "Wine not found. Please install Wine with your Package Manager." echo "WineHQ or Developer Version are recommended." printf "\nExiting.\n\n" exit 0 fi if [ -x "$(which winetricks)" ] ;then echo "Winetricks version $(winetricks --version | cut -d' ' -f1) found." else echo "Winetricks not found. Winetricks are required." echo " Please install Winetricks with your Package Manager." printf "\nExiting.\n\n" exit 0 fi install -dv "${target}/bin/" install -d "${prefix}/bin/" install -d "${prefix}/share/applications/" for cmd in evelauncher.sh evewine evewinetricks everegedit evewinecfg ;do if [ -f "./$cmd" ] ;then install "./$cmd" "${target}/bin/" else ln -sf evewine "${target}/bin/${cmd}" fi ln -s "${target}/bin/$cmd" "${prefix}/bin/$cmd" if [ ! "$cmd" = "evewine" ] ;then #-- testing only # oexec=$(grep Exec= ./${cmd%.*}.desktop) # sed -i s,$oexec,Exec=$prefix/bin/$cmd, ./${cmd%.*}.desktop #-- install -m 0644 "./${cmd%.*}.desktop" "${prefix}/share/applications/" #-- testing only # sed -i s,Exec=$prefix/bin/$cmd,$oexec, ./${cmd%.*}.desktop #-- fi done install -dv "${target}/lib/" for eta in $(ls ./eve-transl${qtver}-??.tar.gz) ;do install -m 0644 "$eta" "${target}/lib" done install -m 0644 "./evelauncher-${elver}.tar.gz" "${target}/lib" for icons in $(find . -type f -name '*.png') ;do install -D -m 0644 "$icons" "${prefix}/share/${icons#*/}" done if [ -x $(which gtk-update-icon-cache) ] ;then gtk-update-icon-cache -t -f "${prefix}/share/icons/hicolor" 2>/dev/null [ -f "${prefix}/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache" ] && \ chmod 0644 "${prefix}/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache" fi } bootstrap_remove() { for icons in $(find . -type f -name '*.png') ;do rm -f "${prefix}/share/${icons#*/}" done if [ -x $(which gtk-update-icon-cache) ] ;then gtk-update-icon-cache -t -f "${prefix}/share/icons/hicolor" 2>/dev/null [ -f "${prefix}/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache" ] && \ chmod 0644 "${prefix}/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache" fi rm -rfv "${target}/lib/" for cmd in evelauncher.sh everegedit evewine evewinecfg evewinetricks ;do rm -fv "${prefix}/bin/$cmd" if [ ! "$cmd" = "evewine" ] ;then rm -f "${prefix}/share/applications/${cmd%.*}.desktop" fi done rm -rfv "${target}" } target="/opt/evesetup" prefix="/usr" key="" qtver="5.11" elver="1385477" if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ] ;then printf "\nEVE Online Launcher Setup need root permissions." printf "\nExiting.\n\n" exit 0 fi if [ -d "${target}/bin/" ] ;then printf "\n" read -p 'Remove EVE Online Launcher Setup? (Y/n) ' key [ ! "x$(echo $key | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])" = "xn" ] && \ bootstrap_remove else #-- testing only # otarget=$(grep ^SETUPDIR= ./evelauncher.sh) # sed -i s,$otarget,SETUPDIR=\"$target\", ./evelauncher.sh #-- printf "\n" read -p 'Install EVE Online Launcher Setup? (Y/n) ' key [ ! "x$(echo $key | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])" = "xn" ] && \ bootstrap_install && \ printf "\nYou can now start EVE Online Launcher and his " && \ echo "Tools from your Application menu." #-- testing only # sed -i s,SETUPDIR=\"$target\",$otarget, ./evelauncher.sh #-- fi printf "\nDone.\n\n"