#!/bin/bash #/opt/skywire/scripts/skywire-autoconfig #skywire autoconfiguration script for debian & archlinux packages [[ ${DEBUGAUTOCONF} == "1" ]] && set -x #source the skyenv file if it exists - provided by the skyrepo package or the user [[ -f /etc/profile.d/skyenv.sh ]] && source /etc/profile.d/skyenv.sh #The above file was the previous limited configuration ; the new file is /etc/skywire.conf but may also be specified [[ ! -z "${SKYENV}" ]] && [[ -f "${SKYENV}" ]] && source ${SKYENV} #if the env is empty, we set a default and source that if it exists [[ -z "${SKYENV}" ]] && SKYENV=/etc/skywire.conf && [[ -f "${SKYENV}" ]] && source ${SKYENV} && unset SKYENV || unset SKYENV [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]] && [[ -f /etc/profile.d/skyenv.sh ]] && source /etc/profile.d/skyenv.sh #set NOAUTOCONFIG=true to avoid running the script in the postinstall [[ ${NOAUTOCONFIG} == true ]] && { unset NOAUTOCONFIG ; echo "autoconfiguration disabled. to configure and start skywire run: skywire-autoconfig" ; exit 0 ; } #check for root [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && { echo "root permissions required" ; exit 1 ; } #make the custom logserver path just in case [[ ! -d /opt/skywire/local/custom ]] && mkdir -p /opt/skywire/local/custom #transition to new /etc/skywire.conf file from /etc/profile.d/skyenv.sh [[ ! -z "${SKYENV}" ]] && [[ -f "${SKYENV}" ]] && source ${SKYENV} [[ -z "${SKYENV}" ]] && SKYENV=/etc/skywire.conf export SKYENV=/etc/skywire.conf && [[ -f "${SKYENV}" ]] && source ${SKYENV} || unset SKYENV if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]] && [[ -f /etc/profile.d/skyenv.sh ]] && [[ ! -f "${SKYENV}" ]] ; then source /etc/profile.d/skyenv.sh SKYENV=/etc/skywire.conf skywire-cli config gen -q | tee ${SKYENV} > /dev/null sed -i "s/#BESTPROTO=true/BESTPROTO=true/g" /etc/skywire.conf [[ ( ${URL} -ne "") ]] && sed -i "s/#SVCCONFADDR=('')/SVCCONFADDR=('${URL}')/g" ${SKYENV} ; [[ ( ${DMSGHTTP} -eq "1") ]] && sed -i 's/^.*DMSGHTTP.*$/DMSGHTTP=true/g' ${SKYENV} ; [[ ( ${VISORISPUBLIC} -eq "1") ]] && sed -i 's/^.*VISORISPUBLIC.*$/VISORISPUBLIC=true/g' ${SKYENV} ; [[ ( ${NOAUTOCONNECT} -eq "1") ]] && sed -i 's/^.*DISABLEPUBLICAUTOCONN.*$/DISABLEPUBLICAUTOCONN=true/g' ${SKYENV} ; [[ ${VPNSERVER} -eq "1" ]] && sed -i 's/^.*VPNSERVER.*$/VPNSERVER=true/g' ${SKYENV} ; [[ ${TESTENV} -eq "1" ]] && sed -i 's/^.*TESTENV.*$/TESTENV=true/g' ${SKYENV} ; sed -i 's/^.*PKGENV.*$/PKGENV=true/g' ${SKYENV} [[ (! -f /opt/skywire/skywire.json) || ($(cat /opt/skywire/skywire.json | grep -Po '"hypervisor":') != "") ]] && sed -i "s/#ISHYPERVISOR=true/ISHYPERVISOR=true/g" ${SKYENV} export SKYENV=/etc/skywire.conf && [[ -f "${SKYENV}" ]] && source ${SKYENV} echo "export SKYENV=${SKYENV}" fi #grant network permissions to the vpn app binaries ; should be done via systemd service #setcap cap_net_admin+ep /opt/skywire/apps/vpn-client #setcap cap_net_admin+ep /opt/skywire/apps/vpn-server # determine if skywire is running via systemd [[ $(ps -eo pid,comm,cgroup | grep skywire) == *"system.slice"* ]] && WSYSTEMD=1 ; systemctl is-active --quiet skywire-autoconfig && systemctl disable skywire-autoconfig 2> /dev/null #make the logging of this script colorful _nc='\033[0m' _red='\033[0;31m' _green='\033[0;32m' _yellow='\033[0;33m' _blue='\033[1;34m' _purple='\033[0;35m' _cyan='\033[0;36m' _bold='\033[1m' ##set the argument to pass into functions## _1=${1} #recreate pacman logging _msg2() { (( QUIET )) && return local mesg=$1; shift printf "${_cyan} ->${_nc}${_bold} ${mesg}${_nc}\n" "$@" } _msg3() { (( QUIET )) && return local mesg=$1; shift printf "${_blue} -->${_nc}${BOLD} ${mesg}${_nc}\n" "$@" } _errmsg1() { (( QUIET )) && return local mesg=$1; shift printf "${_red}>>> Error:${_nc}${_bold} ${mesg}${_nc}\n" "$@" } _warnmsg1() { (( QUIET )) && return local mesg=$1; shift printf "${_red}>>> Warning:${_nc}${_bold} ${mesg}${_nc}\n" "$@" } _errmsg2() { (( QUIET )) && return local mesg=$1; shift printf "${_red}>>> FATAL:${_bold} ${mesg}${_nc}\n" "$@" } #generate config as root _config_gen() { ##generate (hyper)visor configuration## if [[ ! -z "${SKYENV}" ]] && [[ -f "${SKYENV}" ]] ; then # 0 as argument drops any remote hypervisors which were set in the configuration # & triggers the creation of the local hyperisor configuration if [[ ${_1} == "0" ]]; then _retainhv="" unset _1 grep -q "HYPERVISORPKS" ${SKYENV} && sed -i "s/^.*HYPERVISORPKS.*\$/#HYPERVISORPKS=('')/" ${SKYENV} || echo "#HYPERVISORPKS=('')" | tee -a ${SKYENV} > /dev/null grep -q "ISHYPERVISOR" ${SKYENV} && sed -i 's/^.*ISHYPERVISOR.*$/ISHYPERVISOR=true/' ${SKYENV} || echo "ISHYPERVISOR=true" | tee -a ${SKYENV} > /dev/null fi # 1 as argument drops remote hypervisors and does not create the local hv config if [[ ${_1} == "1" ]]; then _retainhv="" unset _1 grep -q "HYPERVISORPKS" ${SKYENV} && sed -i "s/^.*HYPERVISORPKS.*\$/#HYPERVISORPKS=('')/" ${SKYENV} || echo "#HYPERVISORPKS=('')" | tee -a ${SKYENV} > /dev/null grep -q "ISHYPERVISOR" ${SKYENV} && sed -i 's/^.*ISHYPERVISOR.*$/#ISHYPERVISOR=true/' ${SKYENV} || echo "#ISHYPERVISOR=true" | tee -a ${SKYENV} > /dev/null fi # create the flag to set the remote hypervisor(s) if [[ ! -z ${_1} ]]; then _retainhv="" grep -q "HYPERVISORPKS" ${SKYENV} && sed -i "s/^.*HYPERVISORPKS.*\$/HYPERVISORPKS=('${_1}')/" ${SKYENV} || echo "HYPERVISORPKS=('${_1}')" | tee -a ${SKYENV} > /dev/null grep -q "ISHYPERVISOR" ${SKYENV} && sed -i 's/^.*ISHYPERVISOR.*$/#ISHYPERVISOR=true/' ${SKYENV} || echo "#ISHYPERVISOR=true" | tee -a ${SKYENV} > /dev/null fi [[ -f /opt/skywire/local/reward.txt ]] && { grep -q "REWARDSKYADDR" ${SKYENV} && { sed -i "s/^.*REWARDSKYADDR.*\$/REWARDSKYADDR=('$(cat /opt/skywire/local/reward.txt)')/" ${SKYENV} ; } || { echo "REWARDSKYADDR=$(cat /opt/skywire/local/reward.txt)" | tee -a ${SKYENV} > /dev/null ; } ; } ; source ${SKYENV} _skyenv="SKYENV=${SKYENV}" export SKYENV=${SKYENV} _configgencmd() { skywire-cli config gen -r ${_retain_hv} } # SKYENV=${SKYENV} skywire-cli config gen --all # show config gen command used _configgencmdcolor="${_green}${_skyenv} ${_cyan}skywire-cli ${_yellow}config gen -r ${_retain_hv}" else #create by default the local hypervisor config if no config exists ; and retain any hypervisor config which exists #check for argument - remote pk or 0 # 0 as argument drops any remote hypervisors which were set in the configuration # & triggers the creation of the local hyperisor configuration [[ ${_1} == "0" ]] && { _retainhv="" ; unset _1 ; _ishypervisor=" -i" ; } # 1 as argument drops remote hypervisors and does not create the local hv config [[ ${_1} == "1" ]] && { _retainhv="" ; unset _1 ; _ishypervisor="" ; } # create the flag to set the remote hypervisor(s) [[ ! -z ${_1} ]] && { _retainhv="" ; _hypervisorpks=" -j ${_1}" ; _ishypervisor="" ; } _configgencmd() { skywire-cli config gen -r ${_visorispublic}${_vpnserver}${_testenv}${_bestproto}${_svccconfaddr}${_loglvl}${_dmsghttp}${_ishypervisor}${_displaynodeip}${_pkgenv}${_sk}${_disablepublicautoconn}${_version}${_binpath}${_proxyclientpk}${_startproxyclient}${_noproxyserver}${_proxyserverpass}${_proxyclientpass}${_vpnks}${_addvpn}${_vpnclientpass}${_vpnserverpass}${_vpnserversecure}${_vpnservernetifc}${_hypervisorpks} } _configgencmdcolor="${_cyan}skywire-cli ${_yellow}config gen -r ${_visorispublic}${_vpnserver}${_testenv}${_bestproto}${_svccconfaddr}${_loglvl}${_dmsghttp}${_ishypervisor}${_displaynodeip}${_pkgenv}${_sk}${_disablepublicautoconn}${_version}${_binpath}${_proxyclientpk}${_startproxyclient}${_noproxyserver}${_proxyserverpass}${_proxyclientpass}${_vpnks}${_addvpn}${_vpnclientpass}${_vpnserverpass}${_vpnserversecure}${_vpnservernetifc}${_hypervisorpks}" fi _msg3 "Generating skywire config with command: ${_configgencmdcolor}" _configgencmd > /dev/null if [[ ${?} != 0 ]]; then #print the error! _configgencmd _err=$? _errmsg2 "error generating skywire config" exit ${_err} fi #logging check [[ -f /opt/skywire/skywire.json ]] && { _msg3 "${_blue}Skywire${_nc} configuration updated\nconfig path: ${_purple}/opt/skywire/skywire.json${_nc}" ; } || { _errmsg2 "expected config file not found at /opt/skywire/skywire.json" ; exit 100 ; } [[ ! -f /etc/skywire-config.json ]] && { _msg2 "backing up configuration to /etc/skywire-config.json" && cp -b /opt/skywire/skywire.json /etc/skywire-config.json ; } } if [[ ! -z "${SKYENV}" ]] && [[ -f "${SKYENV}" ]] ; then [[ "${VISORISPUBLIC}" == "true" ]] && _visorispublic=" --public" ; [[ "${VPNSERVER}" == "true" ]] && _vpnserver=" --servevpn" ; [[ "${TESTENV}" == "true" ]] && _testenv=" -t" ; [[ "${BESTPROTO}" == "true" ]] && _bestproto=" -b" ; [[ "${#SVCCONFADDR[@]}" -gt 0 ]] && IFS=',' _svccconfaddr=" -a='${SVCCONFADDR[*]}'" ; [[ "${LOGLVL}" != "" ]] && _loglvl=" --loglvl=${LOGLVL}" ; [[ "${DMSGHTTP}" == "true" ]] && _dmsghttp=" -d" ; [[ "${ISHYPERVISOR}" == "true" ]] && _ishypervisor=" -i" ; [[ -n "${OUTPUT}" ]] && _output=" -o '${OUTPUT}'" ; [[ "${DISPLAYNODEIP}" == "true" ]] && _displaynodeip=" --publicip" ; _pkgenv=" -p" ; [[ -n "${SK}" ]] && _sk=" -s '${SK}'" ; [[ "${DISABLEPUBLICAUTOCONN}" == "true" ]] && _disablepublicautoconn=" -y" ; [[ -n "${VERSION}" ]] && _version=" --version='${VERSION}'" ; [[ -n "${BINPATH}" ]] && _binpath=" --binpath='${BINPATH}'" ; [[ -n "${PROXYCLIENTPK}" ]] && _proxyclientpk=" --proxyclientpk='${PROXYCLIENTPK}'" ; [[ "${STARTPROXYCLIENT}" == "true" ]] && _startproxyclient=" --startproxyclient" ; [[ "${NOPROXYSERVER}" == "true" ]] && _noproxyserver=" --noproxyserver" ; [[ -n "${PROXYSEVERPASS}" ]] && _proxyserverpass=" --proxyserverpass='${PROXYSEVERPASS}'" ; [[ -n "${PROXYCLIENTPASS}" ]] && _proxyclientpass=" --proxyclientpass='${PROXYCLIENTPASS}'" ; [[ "${VPNKS}" == "true" ]] && _vpnks=" --killsw='${VPNKS}'" ; [[ -n "${ADDVPNPK}" ]] && _addvpn=" --addvpn='${ADDVPNPK}'" ; [[ -n "${VPNCLIENTPASS}" ]] && _vpnclientpass=" --vpnpass='${VPNCLIENTPASS}'" ; [[ -n "${VPNSEVERPASS}" ]] && _vpnserverpass=" --vpnserverpass='${VPNSEVERPASS}'" ; [[ -n "${VPNSEVERSECURE}" ]] && _vpnserversecure=" --secure='${VPNSEVERSECURE}'" ; [[ -n "${VPNSEVERNETIFC}" ]] && _vpnservernetifc=" --netifc='${VPNSEVERNETIFC}'" ; [[ "${#HYPERVISORPKS[@]}" -gt 0 ]] && IFS=',' _hypervisorpks=" -j '${HYPERVISORPKS[*]}'" ; else [[ ( ${URL} != "") ]] && _svccconfaddr=" -a '${URL}'" ; [[ ( ${DMSGHTTP} -eq "1") ]] && _dmsghttp=" -d" ; [[ ( ${VISORISPUBLIC} -eq "1") ]] && _visorispublic=" --public" ; [[ ( ${NOAUTOCONNECT} -eq "1") ]] && _disablepublicautoconn=" -y" ; [[ ${VPNSERVER} -eq "1" ]] && _vpnserver=" --servevpn" ; [[ ${TESTENV} -eq "1" ]] && _testenv=" -t" ; _retainhv="-x" ; _bestproto=" -b" ; _pkgenv=" -p" ; [[ ( ! -f /opt/skywire/skywire.json ) || ( $( cat /opt/skywire/skywire.json | grep -Po '"hypervisor":' ) != "" ) ]] && _ishypervisor=" -i" ; fi #check if >>this script<< is a child process of the systemd service i.e.: run in dmsgpty terminal [[ "${SYSTEMDCHILD}" -ne "1" ]] && _now="--now" ; #root portion of the config _msg2 "Configuring skywire" [[ $(skywire -v | awk '{print $NF}') != *"unknown"* ]] && _msg2 "version: $(skywire -v | awk '{print $NF}')" ; #attempt to import config if none exists - i.e. import skybian config or restore config [[ ! -f /opt/skywire/skywire.json ]] && [[ -f /etc/skywire-config.json ]] && { _warnmsg1 "Importing configuration from /etc/skywire-config.json to /opt/skywire/skywire.json" ; cp -b /etc/skywire-config.json /opt/skywire/skywire.json ; } [[ ! -f /opt/skywire/local/reward.txt ]] && [[ -f /etc/reward.txt ]] && { _warnmsg1 "Importing reward address from /etc/reward.txt to /opt/skywire/local/reward.txt" ; cp -b /etc/reward.txt /opt/skywire/local/reward.txt ; } [[ ! -f /opt/skywire/users.db ]] && [[ -f /etc/users.db ]] && { _warnmsg1 "Importing hypervisor UI login credentials from /etc/users.db to /opt/skywire/users.db" ; cp -b /etc/users.db /opt/skywire/users.db ; } #config generation _config_gen _svc=skywire [[ $SKYBIAN == "true" ]] && { _msg3 "Enabling ${_svc} service${_now/--/ and starting }..\n systemctl enable ${_now} ${_svc}.service" ; systemctl enable ${_now} ${_svc}.service 2> /dev/null ; } [[ $DMSGPTYTERM == "1" ]] && { [[ ${_now} != "--now" ]] && { _msg3 "Please restart ${_svc} service manually:\n ${_red}systemctl restart ${_svc} 2> /dev/null${_nc}" ; exit 0 ; } || { _msg3 "Please shut down your visor and start it again with:\n ${_red}systemctl start ${_svc} 2> /dev/null${_nc}" ; exit 0 ; } ; } #restart the service systemctl is-active --quiet ${_svc} && _msg3 "Restarting skywire.service..." && systemctl restart ${_svc} 2> /dev/null ! systemctl is-active --quiet ${_svc} >/dev/null && { _msg2 "Start the skywire service with:\n ${_red}systemctl start ${_svc}${_nc}" ; exit 0 ; } _pubkey=$(skywire-cli visor pk -p | tail -n1) #helpful text _welcome(){ #set / print reward address [[ ! -z "$REWARDSKYADDR" ]] && echo "$REWARDSKYADDR" | tee /opt/skywire/local/reward.txt >/dev/null skywire-cli reward -r >> /dev/null 2>&1 && [[ ${?} == 0 ]] && { _msg2 "skycoin reward address:\n${_green}$(skywire-cli reward -r)${_nc}" ; _msg2 "reward metrics:\n${_blue}https://fiber.skywire.dev/skycoin-rewards${_nc}" ; _msg2 "distribution notifications:\n${_blue}https://t.me/skywire_reward${_nc}" ; } || { _msg2 "reward eligibility rules:\n${_yellow}https://github.com/skycoin/skywire/blob/develop/mainnet_rules.md${_nc}" ; _msg2 "set your skycoin reward address:\n${_cyan}skywire-cli ${_yellow}reward ${_green}${_nc}" ; } _msg2 "track uptime:\n ${_cyan}skywire-cli ${_yellow}ut -m0 -k ${_green}${_pubkey}${_nc}\n${_blue}https://ut.skywire.skycoin.com/uptimes?v=v2&visors=${_pubkey}${_nc}" _msg2 "support:\n${_blue}https://t.me/skywire${_nc}" [[ ! -z ${SKYENV} ]] && [[ "${ISHYPERVISOR}" == "true" ]] && { _msg2 "run the following command on OTHER NODES to set this one as the hypervisor:" ; echo -e "${_cyan}skywire-autoconfig ${_yellow}${_pubkey}${_nc}" ; _msg2 "to see this text again run: ${_cyan}skywire-autoconfig${_nc}" ; } ; } _msg2 "Visor Public Key:\n${_green}${_pubkey}${_nc}" [[ ! -z ${SKYENV} ]] && [[ "${ISHYPERVISOR}" == "true" ]] && [[ $(ps -o comm= -p $PPID) != "sshd" ]] && { _msg2 "Hypervisor UI Starting now on:\n${_red}${_nc}" ; _vpnurl="${_pubkey}" ; _msg2 "Use the vpn:\n${_red}${_vpnurl}${_nc}" ; } [[ -z ${SKYENV} ]] && [[ $_ishypervisor == " -i" ]] && [[ $(ps -o comm= -p $PPID) != "sshd" ]] && { _msg2 "Hypervisor UI Starting now on:\n${_red}${_nc}" ; _vpnurl="${_pubkey}" ; _msg2 "Use the vpn:\n${_red}${_vpnurl}${_nc}" ; } [[ ! -z ${SKYENV} ]] && [[ "${ISHYPERVISOR}" == "true" ]] && { _hpvurl="Hypervisor UI LAN access:" ; _lanips="$(ip addr show | grep -w inet | grep -v | awk '{ print $2}' | cut -d "/" -f 1)" ; for _lanip in $_lanips ; do _hpvurl+="\n${_yellow}http://${_lanip}:8000${_nc}" ; done ; _msg2 "$_hpvurl" ; } [[ ! -z ${SKYENV} ]] && [[ "${ISHYPERVISOR}" != "true" ]] && _msg2 "${_blue}Skywire${_nc} starting without Hypervisor UI" [[ ! -z ${SKYENV} ]] && [[ "${#HYPERVISORPKS[@]}" -gt 0 ]] && { _hvpk=$(printf '%s\n' "${HYPERVISORPKS[@]}") ; _msg2 "Remote Hypervisor Public Key:\n ${_purple}${_hvpk}${_nc}" ; } _welcome #( _hvpk=$(grep -A 2 "\"hypervisors\": \[" /opt/skywire/skywire.json | grep -v "\[\]" | head -n2 | tail -n1 | cut -d '"' -f2) [[]] ; _msg2 "hypervisor Public Key: ${_purple}${_hvpk}${_nc}" ; _welcome ) systemctl is-active --quiet ${_svc} >/dev/null && [[ ${#SKYFWD[@]} -gt 0 ]] && command -v nc >/dev/null 2>&1 && { while ! nc -z localhost 3435; do _msg2 "waiting for RPC" ; sleep 1; done ; for _port in ${SKYFWD[@]} ; do _msg2 "setting up skyfwd connection ${_yellow}skywire-cli fwd -p $_port${_nc}" ; skywire-cli fwd -p $_port ; done ; } exit 0 }