post_install() { cat << 'EOF' To tweak parameters: 1. Copy /usr/lib/modprobe.d/snd-usb-audio.conf to /etc/modprobe.d/snd-usb-audio.conf 2. Modify /etc/modprobe.d/snd-usb-audio.conf as needed 3. modprobe -r snd-usb-audio Note: You will need to stop all processes currently using USB audio before unloading the module. 4. modprobe snd-usb-audio Test round trip latency using one of the following tools with a loopback audio cable: - Cockos Reaper DAW ReaInsert plugin using "Ping detect" button (reaper-bin package) - jack_iodelay (jack2 package) EOF } post_upgrade() { post_install }