Secrets can optionally be provided by the systemd LoadCredential directive. Example: # LoadCredential=secret_key:/var/lib/standardfile/secret_key.txt # LoadCredential=session.secret:/var/lib/standardfile/session_secret.txt # Address to bind address: "localhost:4565" # Registrations are open when it is set to false. no_registration: false # Show real version in `GET /version' show_real_version: false # Database folder path; empty value means current directory. You need to init the db with standardfile init -c /etc/standardfile.yaml then make the db file writable for standardfile user. database_path: "/var/lib/standardfile/" # Secret key used for JWT authentication (before 004 and 20200115) # If missing, will be read from $CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/secret_key file secret_key: ChangeThisWithASecretCode # Session used for authentication (since 004 and 20200115) session: # If missing, will be read from $CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/session.secret file secret: ChangeThisWithASecretCode access_token_ttl: 1440h # 60 days expressed in Golang's time.Duration format refresh_token_ttl: 8760h # 1 year