# This document gives some guidance on the initial configuration of a # Taskserver. For information on setting up organizations and users at the # server, and on how to configure the Task clients to sync, please see the # documentation at http://taskwarrior.org/docs/server_setup.html ################################################################################ # In order to control the server as a user, add the taskd group to your user. # # $ sudo usermod -a -G taskd $USER # $ exec newgrp taskd # Before anything else, set the configuration variables in /etc/conf.d/taskd # (server storage and other conf) and /usr/lib/taskd/pki/var (certificate # generation). # Source the environment variables export $(cat /etc/conf.d/taskd | sed -e '/^#/d' -e '/^\s*$/d') # Create the storage path sudo install -o taskd -g taskd -Dm770 -d /var/lib/taskd # Initialize the database taskd init sudo chown taskd: $TASKDDATA/* # this may be necessary to do again after adding # organizations or users sudo chmod 660 $TASKDDATA/config sudo chmod 770 $TASKDDATA/orgs # Initial configuration taskd config --force server $TASKDSERVER:$TASKDPORT # Generate and install your self-signed cert (assuming that the configuration at # /var/lib/taskd/pki/vars has been set) cd /usr/lib/taskd/pki sudo ./generate sudo chown taskd: *.pem sudo chmod g+rw server.*.pem # <-- if not set, taskd will not read its cert sudo cp *.pem $TASKDDATA # <-- these files need to be in /usr/lib/taskd/ # because they are used to create client certs taskd config --force client.cert $TASKDDATA/client.cert.pem taskd config --force client.key $TASKDDATA/client.key.pem taskd config --force server.cert $TASKDDATA/server.cert.pem taskd config --force server.key $TASKDDATA/server.key.pem taskd config --force server.crl $TASKDDATA/server.crl.pem taskd config --force ca.cert $TASKDDATA/ca.cert.pem # Various settings taskd config --force log $TASKDDATA/taskd.log taskd config --force pid.file $TASKDDATA/taskd.pid # Add the organization # $ taskd add org Public # Add your user # $ taskd add user 'Public' 'Your Name' > ~/taskd.key