post_install() { if [[ -d /var/lib/plexpy ]]; then echo "To migrate your plexpy config and db, run the following commands:" echo " sudo mv /var/lib/plexpy/* /var/lib/tautulli/" echo " sudo sed 's#\/var\/lib\/plexpy#\/var\/lib\/tautulli#g' -i /var/lib/tautulli/config.ini" echo " sudo chown -R tautulli: /var/lib/tautulli" fi } # arg 1: the new package version # arg 2: the old package version post_upgrade() { # Version 2.5.2 switched to python 3, but the .pyc files need to be cleaned. if (( $(vercmp "2.5.2" "$2") >= 0 )); then echo "Removing .pyc files in /usr/lib/tautulli." find /usr/lib/tautulli -type f -iname '*.pyc' -delete fi }