post_install() { echo "Now you need to create database and check credentials in config files: * /etc/teslamate.conf * /var/lib/grafana/conf/provisioning/datasources/teslamate.yml Create the teslamate database: # psql -U postgres -c \"create database teslamate;\" # psql -U postgres -c \"create user teslamate with encrypted password 'secret';\" # psql -U postgres -c \"grant all privileges on database teslamate to teslamate;\" # psql -U postgres -c \"ALTER USER teslamate WITH SUPERUSER;\" To install needed grafana plugins run the following: # grafana-cli plugins install natel-discrete-panel # grafana-cli plugins install grafana-piechart-panel # grafana-cli plugins install grafana-worldmap-panel # grafana-cli plugins install pr0ps-trackmap-panel" }