#!/bin/bash # Test if external packages for PETSC are installed CONFOPTS="" ## External downloads #for external_pkg in hypre; do #CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --download-${external_pkg}=1" #done # Add hypre support if [ -f "/usr/lib/libHYPRE.so" ]; then CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-hypre=1" fi # Add mumps support if [ -f "/usr/lib/libmumps_common.so" ]; then CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-mumps=1" fi # Add fftw support if [ -f "/usr/lib/libfftw3_mpi.so" ]; then CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-fftw=1" fi # Add hdf5 support if [[ "$(h5stat -V)" ]]; then CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-hdf5=1" fi # Add scalapack support if [ -f "/usr/lib/pkgconfig/scalapack.pc" ]; then CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-scalapack=1" fi # Add suitesparse support if [ -f "/usr/include/SuiteSparse_config.h" ]; then CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-suitesparse=1" fi # Add metis support if [ -f "/usr/include/metis.h" ]; then CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-metis=1" # Add parmetis support if [ -f "/usr/include/parmetis.h" ]; then CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-parmetis=1" fi fi # Add scotch support SCOTCH_DIR="/usr/include/scotch" if [ -d "${SCOTCH_DIR}" ]; then SCOTCH_LIBS="libesmumps.so,libptscotch.so,libptscotcherr.so,libscotch.so,libscotcherr.so" # Include bzip2 if scotch was build with bzip2 support if [ -f /usr/include/bzlib.h ];then SCOTCH_LIBS="${SCOTCH_LIBS},libbz2.so" fi SCOTCH_LIBS="[${SCOTCH_LIBS}]" CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-ptscotch=1 --with-ptscotch-lib=${SCOTCH_LIBS} --with-ptscotch-include=${SCOTCH_DIR}" fi # Add superlu support SUPERLU_DIR="/usr/include/superlu" if [ -d "${SUPERLU_DIR}" ]; then CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-superlu=1 --with-superlu-lib=-lsuperlu --with-superlu-include=${SUPERLU_DIR}" fi # Add pastix support PASTIX_CONF=$(which pastix-conf) if [ -f "${PASTIX_CONF}" ]; then PASTIX_DIR="$($PASTIX_CONF --incs | sed 's/-I//')" if [ ! -d ${PASTIX_DIR} ]; then PASTIX_DIR="[]" fi #PASTIX_LIBS="$($PASTIX_CONF --libs)" PASTIX_LIBS="[libpastix.a,librt.so,libhwloc.so,libpthread.a]" CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-pastix=1 --with-pastix-lib=${PASTIX_LIBS} --with-pastix-include=${PASTIX_DIR}" fi # Add trilinos support if [ "${TRILINOS_DIR}" ]; then CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-ml-dir=${TRILINOS_DIR}" # Add boost support (may be useful for trilinos) #CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-boost=1" fi echo "${CONFOPTS}"