# Log filtering level. LOG_LEVEL="--log.level=info" # Log format to use. LOG_FORMAT="--log.format=logfmt" # GCP project to send Google Cloud Trace tracings to. # If empty, tracing will be disabled. #GCLOUDTRACE_PROJECT="--gcloudtrace.project=GCLOUDTRACE.PROJECT" # How often we send traces (1/). # If 0 no trace will be sent periodically, unless forced # by baggage item. See `pkg/tracing/tracing.go` for details. #GCLOUDTRACE_SAMPLE="--gcloudtrace.sample-factor=1" # Listen ip:port address for gRPC endpoints (StoreAPI). # Make sure this address is routable from other components # if you use gossip, 'grpc-advertise-address' # is empty and you require cross-node connection. #GRPC_ADDRESS="--grpc-address=" # Explicit (external) host:port address to advertise # for gRPC StoreAPI in gossip cluster. If empty, 'grpc-address' will be used. #GRPC_ADVERTISE_ADDRESS="--grpc-advertise-address=GRPC-ADVERTISE-ADDRESS" # TLS Certificate for gRPC server, leave blank to disable TLS #GRPC_SERVER_TLS_CERT="--grpc-server-tls-cert=" # TLS Key for the gRPC server, leave blank to disable TLS #GRPC_SERVER_TLS_KEY="--grpc-server-tls-key=" # TLS CA to verify clients against. If no client CA is specified, # there is no client verification on server side. (tls.NoClientCert) #GRPC_SERVER_TLS_CLIENT_CA="--grpc-server-tls-client-ca=" # Listen host:port for HTTP endpoints. #HTTP_ADDRESS="--http-address=" # Listen ip:port address for gossip cluster. #CLUSTER_ADDRESS="--cluster.address=" # Explicit (external) ip:port address to advertise for gossip # in gossip cluster. Used internally for membership only. #CLUSTER_ADVERTISE_ADDRESS="--cluster.advertise-address=" # Initial peers to join the cluster. It can be either , # or . A lookup resolution is done only at the startup. #CLUSTER_PEERS="--cluster.peers=" # Interval between sending gossip messages. # By lowering this value (more frequent) gossip messages are propagated # across the cluster more quickly at the expense of increased bandwidth. # Default is used from a specified network-type. #CLUSTER_GOSSIP_INTERVAL="--cluster.gossip-interval=" # Interval for gossip state syncs. Setting this interval lower (more frequent) # will increase convergence speeds across larger clusters at the expense of # increased bandwidth usage. Default is used from a specified network-type. #CLUSTER_PUSHPULL_INTERVAL="--cluster.pushpull-interval=" # Interval for membership to refresh cluster.peers state, 0 disables refresh. #CLUSTER_REFRESH_INTERVAL="--cluster.refresh-interval=1m" # Initial secret key to encrypt cluster gossip. # Can be one of AES-128, AES-192, or AES-256 in hexadecimal format. #CLUSTER_SECRET_KEY="--cluster.secret-key=CLUSTER.SECRET-KEY" # Network type with predefined peers configurations. # Sets of configurations accounting the latency differences between network types: local, lan, wan. #CLUSTER_NETWORK_TYPE="--cluster.network-type=lan" # If true gossip will be disabled and no cluster related server will be started. #CLUSTER_DISABLE="--cluster.disable" # Labels to be applied to all generated metrics # (repeated). Similar to external labels for # Prometheus, used to identify ruler and its # blocks as unique source. #LABEL="--label==" # data directory DATA="--data-dir=/var/lib/thanos/rule" # Rule files that should be used by rule manager. # Can be in glob format (repeated). #RULE_FILE"--rule-file=/etc/thanos/rules/" # The default evaluation interval to use. #EVAL_INTERVAL="--eval-interval=30s" # Block duration for TSDB block. TSDB_BLOCK="--tsdb.block-duration=2h" # Block retention time on local disk. TSDB_RETENTION="--tsdb.retention=48h" # Alertmanager replica URLs to push firing # alerts. Ruler claims success if push to at # least one alertmanager from discovered # succeeds. The scheme may be prefixed with # 'dns+' or 'dnssrv+' to detect Alertmanager IPs # through respective DNS lookups. The port # defaults to 9093 or the SRV record's value. The # URL path is used as a prefix for the regular # Alertmanager API path. #ALERTMANAGERS_URL="--alertmanagers.url=ALERTMANAGERS.URL" # Timeout for sending alerts to alertmanager #ALERTMANAGERS_SEND="--alertmanagers.send-timeout=10s" # The external Thanos Query URL that would be set # in all alerts 'Source' field #ALERT_QUERY_URL="--alert.query-url=ALERT.QUERY-URL" # Labels by name to drop before sending to # alertmanager. This allows alert to be # deduplicated on replica label (repeated). # Similar Prometheus alert relabelling #ALERT_LABEL_DROP="--alert.label-drop=ALERT.LABEL-DROP" # Prefix for API and UI endpoints. This allows # thanos UI to be served on a sub-path. This # option is analogous to --web.route-prefix of # Promethus. #WEB_ROUTE_PREFIX="--web.route-prefix=" # Static prefix for all HTML links and redirect # URLs in the UI query web interface. Actual # endpoints are still served on / or the # web.route-prefix. This allows thanos UI to be # served behind a reverse proxy that strips a URL # sub-path. #WEB_EXTERNAL_PREFIX="--web.external-prefix=" # Name of HTTP request header used for dynamic # prefixing of UI links and redirects. This # option is ignored if web.external-prefix # argument is set. Security risk: enable this # option only if a reverse proxy in front of # thanos is resetting the header. # The--web.prefix-header=X-Forwarded-Prefix option # can be useful, for example, if Thanos UI is # served via Traefik reverse proxy with # PathPrefixStrip option enabled, which sends the # stripped prefix value in X-Forwarded-Prefix # header. This allows thanos UI to be served on a # sub-path. #WEB_PREFIX_HEADERS="--web.prefix-header=" # Path to YAML file that contains object store # configuration. #OBJSTORE_CONFIG_FILE="--objstore.config-file=" # Alternative to 'objstore.config-file' flag. # Object store configuration in YAML. #OBJSTORE_CONFIG="--objstore.config=" # Addresses of statically configured query API # servers (repeatable). The scheme may be # prefixed with 'dns+' or 'dnssrv+' to detect # query API servers through respective DNS lookups. #QUERY="--query=" # Path to file that contain addresses of query # peers. The path can be a glob pattern # (repeatable). #QUERY_SD_FILES="--query.sd-files=" # Refresh interval to re-read file SD files. # (used as a fallback) #QUERY_SD_INTERVAL="--query.sd-interval=5m" # Interval between DNS resolutions. #QUERY_SD_DNS_INTERVAL="--query.sd-dns-interval=30s"