post_install() { printf "$(tput setaf 1)$(tput bold) ==> WARNING: $(tput sgr0)" echo "List of packages which are linked against the GTK2 version of thunar" while read pkg; do mapfile -t files < <(pacman -Qlq $pkg | grep -v /$) grep -Fq '' "${files[@]}" <&- 2>/dev/null && echo " >> $pkg" done < <(pacman -Qq | grep -E '(^(xf|libxfce|garcon|tumbler|mousepad|orage|thunar)|xfce|xfwm)' ) } post_upgrade() { post_install } post_remove() { printf "$(tput setaf 1)$(tput bold) ==> WARNING: $(tput sgr0)" echo "Packages linked against uninstalled version of thunar:" while read pkg; do mapfile -t files < <(pacman -Qlq $pkg | grep -v /$) grep -Fq '' "${files[@]}" <&- 2>/dev/null && echo " >> $pkg" done < <(pacman -Qq | grep -E '(^(xf|libxfce|garcon|tumbler|mousepad|orage|thunar)|xfce|xfwm)' ) }