# TiKV config template # Human-readable big numbers: # File size(based on byte): KB, MB, GB, TB, PB # e.g.: 1_048_576 = "1MB" # Time(based on ms): ms, s, m, h # e.g.: 78_000 = "1.3m" # log level: trace, debug, info, warning, error, critical. # Note that `debug` and `trace` are only available in development builds. # log-level = "info" # file to store log, write to stderr if it's empty. # log-file = "" # timespan between rotating the log files. # Once this timespan passes the existing log file will have a timestamp appended to its name, # and a new file will be created. # log-rotation-timespan = "24h" [readpool.storage] # size of thread pool for high-priority operations # high-concurrency = 4 # size of thread pool for normal-priority operations # normal-concurrency = 4 # size of thread pool for low-priority operations # low-concurrency = 4 # max running high-priority operations of each worker, reject if exceed # max-tasks-per-worker-high = 2000 # max running normal-priority operations of each worker, reject if exceed # max-tasks-per-worker-normal = 2000 # max running low-priority operations of each worker, reject if exceed # max-tasks-per-worker-low = 2000 # size of stack size for each thread pool # stack-size = "10MB" [readpool.coprocessor] # Notice: if CPU_NUM > 8, default thread pool size for coprocessors # will be set to CPU_NUM * 0.8. # high-concurrency = 8 # normal-concurrency = 8 # low-concurrency = 8 # max-tasks-per-worker-high = 2000 # max-tasks-per-worker-normal = 2000 # max-tasks-per-worker-low = 2000 # stack-size = "10MB" [server] # set listening address. # addr = "" # set advertise listening address for client communication, if not set, use addr instead. # advertise-addr = "" # notify capacity, 40960 is suitable for about 7000 regions. # notify-capacity = 40960 # maximum number of messages can be processed in one tick. # messages-per-tick = 4096 ## Status address. ## This is used for reporting the status of TiKV directly through the HTTP address. ## Empty string means disabling it. # status-addr = "" ## Set the maximum number of worker threads for the status report HTTP service. # status-thread-pool-size = 1 ## Compression type for gRPC channel: none, deflate or gzip. # grpc-compression-type = "none" # size of thread pool for grpc server. # grpc-concurrency = 4 # The number of max concurrent streams/requests on a client connection. # grpc-concurrent-stream = 1024 # The number of connections with each tikv server to send raft messages. # grpc-raft-conn-num = 10 # Amount to read ahead on individual grpc streams. # grpc-stream-initial-window-size = "2MB" # Time to wait before sending out a ping to check if server is still alive. # This is only for communications between tikv instances. # grpc-keepalive-time = "10s" # Time to wait before closing the connection without receiving keepalive ping # ack. # grpc-keepalive-timeout = "3s" # How many snapshots can be sent concurrently. # concurrent-send-snap-limit = 32 # How many snapshots can be recv concurrently. # concurrent-recv-snap-limit = 32 # max recursion level allowed when decoding dag expression # end-point-recursion-limit = 1000 # max time to handle coprocessor request before timeout # end-point-request-max-handle-duration = "60s" # the max bytes that snapshot can be written to disk in one second, # should be set based on your disk performance # snap-max-write-bytes-per-sec = "100MB" # set attributes about this server, e.g. { zone = "us-west-1", disk = "ssd" }. # labels = {} [storage] # set the path to rocksdb directory. data-dir = "/var/lib/tikv/store" # notify capacity of scheduler's channel # scheduler-notify-capacity = 10240 # the number of slots in scheduler latches, concurrency control for write. # scheduler-concurrency = 2048000 # scheduler's worker pool size, should increase it in heavy write cases, # also should less than total cpu cores. # scheduler-worker-pool-size = 4 # When the pending write bytes exceeds this threshold, # the "scheduler too busy" error is displayed. # scheduler-pending-write-threshold = "100MB" [pd] # pd endpoints endpoints = [""] [raftstore] # true (default value) for high reliability, this can prevent data loss when power failure. # sync-log = true # minimizes disruption when a partitioned node rejoins the cluster by using a two phase election. # prevote = true # set the path to raftdb directory, default value is data-dir/raft # raftdb-path = "" # set store capacity, if no set, use disk capacity. # capacity = 0 # notify capacity, 40960 is suitable for about 7000 regions. # notify-capacity = 40960 # maximum number of messages can be processed in one tick. # messages-per-tick = 4096 # Region heartbeat tick interval for reporting to pd. # pd-heartbeat-tick-interval = "60s" # Store heartbeat tick interval for reporting to pd. # pd-store-heartbeat-tick-interval = "10s" # When region size changes exceeds region-split-check-diff, we should check # whether the region should be split or not. # region-split-check-diff = "6MB" # Interval to check region whether need to be split or not. # split-region-check-tick-interval = "10s" # When raft entry exceed the max size, reject to propose the entry. # raft-entry-max-size = "8MB" # Interval to gc unnecessary raft log. # raft-log-gc-tick-interval = "10s" # A threshold to gc stale raft log, must >= 1. # raft-log-gc-threshold = 50 # When entry count exceed this value, gc will be forced trigger. # raft-log-gc-count-limit = 72000 # When the approximate size of raft log entries exceed this value, gc will be forced trigger. # It's recommanded to set it to 3/4 of region-split-size. # raft-log-gc-size-limit = "72MB" # When a peer hasn't been active for max-peer-down-duration, # we will consider this peer to be down and report it to pd. # max-peer-down-duration = "5m" # Interval to check whether start manual compaction for a region, # region-compact-check-interval = "5m" # Number of regions for each time to check. # region-compact-check-step = 100 # The minimum number of delete tombstones to trigger manual compaction. # region-compact-min-tombstones = 10000 # The minimum percentage of delete tombstones to trigger manual compaction. # Should between 1 and 100. Manual compaction only triggered when the number # of delete tombstones exceeds region-compact-min-tombstones and the percentage # of delete tombstones exceeds region-compact-tombstones-percent. # region-compact-tombstones-percent = 30 # Interval to check whether should start a manual compaction for lock column family, # if written bytes reach lock-cf-compact-threshold for lock column family, will fire # a manual compaction for lock column family. # lock-cf-compact-interval = "10m" # lock-cf-compact-bytes-threshold = "256MB" # Interval (s) to check region whether the data are consistent. # consistency-check-interval = 0 # Use delete range to drop a large number of continuous keys. # use-delete-range = false # delay time before deleting a stale peer # clean-stale-peer-delay = "10m" # Interval to cleanup import sst files. # cleanup-import-sst-interval = "10m" [coprocessor] # When it is true, it will try to split a region with table prefix if # that region crosses tables. It is recommended to turn off this option # if there will be a large number of tables created. # split-region-on-table = true # When the region's size exceeds region-max-size, we will split the region # into two which the left region's size will be region-split-size or a little # bit smaller. # region-max-size = "144MB" # region-split-size = "96MB" # When the region's keys exceeds region-max-keys, we will split the region # into two which the left region's keys will be region-split-keys or a little # bit smaller. # region-max-keys = 1440000 # region-split-keys = 960000 [rocksdb] # Maximum number of concurrent background jobs (compactions and flushes) # max-background-jobs = 8 # This value represents the maximum number of threads that will concurrently perform a # compaction job by breaking it into multiple, smaller ones that are run simultaneously. # Default: 1 (i.e. no subcompactions) # max-sub-compactions = 1 # Number of open files that can be used by the DB. You may need to # increase this if your database has a large working set. Value -1 means # files opened are always kept open. You can estimate number of files based # on target_file_size_base and target_file_size_multiplier for level-based # compaction. # If max-open-files = -1, RocksDB will prefetch index and filter blocks into # block cache at startup, so if your database has a large working set, it will # take several minutes to open the db. # max-open-files = 40960 # Max size of rocksdb's MANIFEST file. # For detailed explanation please refer to https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/MANIFEST # max-manifest-file-size = "128MB" # If true, the database will be created if it is missing. # create-if-missing = true # rocksdb wal recovery mode # 0 : TolerateCorruptedTailRecords, tolerate incomplete record in trailing data on all logs; # 1 : AbsoluteConsistency, We don't expect to find any corruption in the WAL; # 2 : PointInTimeRecovery, Recover to point-in-time consistency; # 3 : SkipAnyCorruptedRecords, Recovery after a disaster; # wal-recovery-mode = 2 # rocksdb write-ahead logs dir path # This specifies the absolute dir path for write-ahead logs (WAL). # If it is empty, the log files will be in the same dir as data. # When you set the path to rocksdb directory in memory like in /dev/shm, you may want to set # wal-dir to a directory on a persistent storage. # See https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/How-to-persist-in-memory-RocksDB-database # wal-dir = "/tmp/tikv/store" # The following two fields affect how archived write-ahead logs will be deleted. # 1. If both set to 0, logs will be deleted asap and will not get into the archive. # 2. If wal-ttl-seconds is 0 and wal-size-limit is not 0, # WAL files will be checked every 10 min and if total size is greater # then wal-size-limit, they will be deleted starting with the # earliest until size_limit is met. All empty files will be deleted. # 3. If wal-ttl-seconds is not 0 and wal-size-limit is 0, then # WAL files will be checked every wal-ttl-seconds / 2 and those that # are older than wal-ttl-seconds will be deleted. # 4. If both are not 0, WAL files will be checked every 10 min and both # checks will be performed with ttl being first. # When you set the path to rocksdb directory in memory like in /dev/shm, you may want to set # wal-ttl-seconds to a value greater than 0 (like 86400) and backup your db on a regular basis. # See https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/How-to-persist-in-memory-RocksDB-database # wal-ttl-seconds = 0 # wal-size-limit = 0 # rocksdb max total wal size # max-total-wal-size = "4GB" # Rocksdb Statistics provides cumulative stats over time. # Turn statistics on will introduce about 5%-10% overhead for RocksDB, # but it is worthy to know the internal status of RocksDB. # enable-statistics = true # Dump statistics periodically in information logs. # Same as rocksdb's default value (10 min). # stats-dump-period = "10m" # Due to Rocksdb FAQ: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/RocksDB-FAQ, # If you want to use rocksdb on multi disks or spinning disks, you should set value at # least 2MB; # compaction-readahead-size = 0 # This is the maximum buffer size that is used by WritableFileWrite # writable-file-max-buffer-size = "1MB" # Use O_DIRECT for both reads and writes in background flush and compactions # use-direct-io-for-flush-and-compaction = false # Limit the disk IO of compaction and flush. Compaction and flush can cause # terrible spikes if they exceed a certain threshold. Consider setting this to # 50% ~ 80% of the disk throughput for a more stable result. However, in heavy # write workload, limiting compaction and flush speed can cause write stalls too. # rate-bytes-per-sec = 0 # Enable or disable the pipelined write # enable-pipelined-write = true # Allows OS to incrementally sync files to disk while they are being # written, asynchronously, in the background. # bytes-per-sync = "1MB" # Allows OS to incrementally sync WAL to disk while it is being written. # wal-bytes-per-sync = "512KB" # Specify the maximal size of the Rocksdb info log file. If the log file # is larger than `max_log_file_size`, a new info log file will be created. # If max_log_file_size == 0, all logs will be written to one log file. # info-log-max-size = "1GB" # Time for the Rocksdb info log file to roll (in seconds). # If specified with non-zero value, log file will be rolled # if it has been active longer than `log_file_time_to_roll`. # 0 means disabled. # info-log-roll-time = "0" # Maximal Rocksdb info log files to be kept. # info-log-keep-log-file-num = 10 # This specifies the Rocksdb info LOG dir. # If it is empty, the log files will be in the same dir as data. # If it is non empty, the log files will be in the specified dir, # and the db data dir's absolute path will be used as the log file # name's prefix. # info-log-dir = "" # Column Family default used to store actual data of the database. [rocksdb.defaultcf] # compression method (if any) is used to compress a block. # no: kNoCompression # snappy: kSnappyCompression # zlib: kZlibCompression # bzip2: kBZip2Compression # lz4: kLZ4Compression # lz4hc: kLZ4HCCompression # zstd: kZSTD # per level compression # compression-per-level = ["no", "no", "lz4", "lz4", "lz4", "zstd", "zstd"] # Approximate size of user data packed per block. Note that the # block size specified here corresponds to uncompressed data. # block-size = "64KB" # If you're doing point lookups you definitely want to turn bloom filters on, We use # bloom filters to avoid unnecessary disk reads. Default bits_per_key is 10, which # yields ~1% false positive rate. Larger bits_per_key values will reduce false positive # rate, but increase memory usage and space amplification. # bloom-filter-bits-per-key = 10 # false means one sst file one bloom filter, true means evry block has a corresponding bloom filter # block-based-bloom-filter = false # level0-file-num-compaction-trigger = 4 # Soft limit on number of level-0 files. We start slowing down writes at this point. # level0-slowdown-writes-trigger = 20 # Maximum number of level-0 files. We stop writes at this point. # level0-stop-writes-trigger = 36 # Amount of data to build up in memory (backed by an unsorted log # on disk) before converting to a sorted on-disk file. # write-buffer-size = "128MB" # The maximum number of write buffers that are built up in memory. # max-write-buffer-number = 5 # The minimum number of write buffers that will be merged together # before writing to storage. # min-write-buffer-number-to-merge = 1 # Control maximum total data size for base level (level 1). # max-bytes-for-level-base = "512MB" # Target file size for compaction. # target-file-size-base = "8MB" # Max bytes for compaction.max_compaction_bytes # max-compaction-bytes = "2GB" # There are four different algorithms to pick files to compact. # 0 : ByCompensatedSize # 1 : OldestLargestSeqFirst # 2 : OldestSmallestSeqFirst # 3 : MinOverlappingRatio # compaction-pri = 3 # block-cache used to cache uncompressed blocks, big block-cache can speed up read. # in normal cases should tune to 30%-50% system's total memory. # block-cache-size = "1GB" # Indicating if we'd put index/filter blocks to the block cache. # If not specified, each "table reader" object will pre-load index/filter block # during table initialization. # cache-index-and-filter-blocks = true # Pin level0 filter and index blocks in cache. # pin-l0-filter-and-index-blocks = true # Enable read amplication statistics. # value => memory usage (percentage of loaded blocks memory) # 1 => 12.50 % # 2 => 06.25 % # 4 => 03.12 % # 8 => 01.56 % # 16 => 00.78 % # read-amp-bytes-per-bit = 0 # Pick target size of each level dynamically. # dynamic-level-bytes = true # Options for Column Family write # Column Family write used to store commit informations in MVCC model [rocksdb.writecf] # compression-per-level = ["no", "no", "lz4", "lz4", "lz4", "zstd", "zstd"] # block-size = "64KB" # write-buffer-size = "128MB" # max-write-buffer-number = 5 # min-write-buffer-number-to-merge = 1 # max-bytes-for-level-base = "512MB" # target-file-size-base = "8MB" # in normal cases should tune to 10%-30% system's total memory. # block-cache-size = "256MB" # level0-file-num-compaction-trigger = 4 # level0-slowdown-writes-trigger = 20 # level0-stop-writes-trigger = 36 # cache-index-and-filter-blocks = true # pin-l0-filter-and-index-blocks = true # compaction-pri = 3 # read-amp-bytes-per-bit = 0 # dynamic-level-bytes = true [rocksdb.lockcf] # compression-per-level = ["no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no"] # block-size = "16KB" # write-buffer-size = "128MB" # max-write-buffer-number = 5 # min-write-buffer-number-to-merge = 1 # max-bytes-for-level-base = "128MB" # target-file-size-base = "8MB" # block-cache-size = "256MB" # level0-file-num-compaction-trigger = 1 # level0-slowdown-writes-trigger = 20 # level0-stop-writes-trigger = 36 # cache-index-and-filter-blocks = true # pin-l0-filter-and-index-blocks = true # compaction-pri = 0 # read-amp-bytes-per-bit = 0 # dynamic-level-bytes = true [raftdb] # max-sub-compactions = 1 # max-open-files = 40960 # max-manifest-file-size = "20MB" # create-if-missing = true # enable-statistics = true # stats-dump-period = "10m" # compaction-readahead-size = 0 # writable-file-max-buffer-size = "1MB" # use-direct-io-for-flush-and-compaction = false # enable-pipelined-write = true # allow-concurrent-memtable-write = false # bytes-per-sync = "1MB" # wal-bytes-per-sync = "512KB" # info-log-max-size = "1GB" # info-log-roll-time = "0" # info-log-keep-log-file-num = 10 # info-log-dir = "" [raftdb.defaultcf] # compression-per-level = ["no", "no", "lz4", "lz4", "lz4", "zstd", "zstd"] # block-size = "64KB" # write-buffer-size = "128MB" # max-write-buffer-number = 5 # min-write-buffer-number-to-merge = 1 # max-bytes-for-level-base = "512MB" # target-file-size-base = "8MB" # should tune to 256MB~2GB. # block-cache-size = "256MB" # level0-file-num-compaction-trigger = 4 # level0-slowdown-writes-trigger = 20 # level0-stop-writes-trigger = 36 # cache-index-and-filter-blocks = true # pin-l0-filter-and-index-blocks = true # compaction-pri = 0 # read-amp-bytes-per-bit = 0 # dynamic-level-bytes = true [security] # set the path for certificates. Empty string means disabling secure connectoins. # ca-path = "" # cert-path = "" # key-path = "" [import] # number of threads to handle RPC requests. # num-threads = 8 # stream channel window size, stream will be blocked on channel full. # stream-channel-window = 128