config=46-ttf-twemoji-color.conf post_install() { echo "To finish installation, update the default font in /etc/fonts/conf.avail/${config} to your system font," echo "and then copy or symlink the file into /etc/fonts/conf.d or ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d" echo echo "SVG in OpenType (colour) fonts are currently only supported by Mozilla software. Other software will fallback to B&W glyphs." } post_upgrade() { echo "NOTE: The fontconfig file has been renamed from 56-ttf-twemoji-color.conf to ${config}." echo "You should ensure that you update any links or copies of this file in /etc/fonts/conf.d or ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d" echo echo "You should now check the default system font is correct in /etc/fonts/conf.avail/${config}" echo "and ensure a copy of or link to this file is present in /etc/fonts/conf.d, or ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d." } post_remove() { echo "To complete uninstallation, you should remove the manually installed ${config} from /etc/fonts/conf.d or ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d" }