binary_message() { echo "To prevent problems with software of other coins the binaries for this package are as follows:" echo " connectivity_tool => trtl-connectivity_tool" echo " miner => trtl-miner" echo " simplewallet => trtl-simplewallet" echo " walletd => trtl-walletd" echo } to_v0.3.2_upgrade_message() { cat << EOF How To Upgrade from an older version to v0.3.2 (r135.7fcc6ad): * run the old TurtleCoind to sync your chain fully * with the old TurtleCoind fully synced, open simplewallet * open your wallet * export your SPEND and VIEW keys with export_keys, this is important. * Close the old version folder TurtleCoind and simplewallet by typing exit into each window * Run the new TurtleCoind * Run the new simplewallet * Press I for IMPORT in simplewallet * Use any filename for the wallet name, it does not have to be the same * Use any password for wallet password, it does not have to be the same as the last * Enter your spend_key and your view_key from step 4 For more information visit: EOF } pre_install() { to_v0.3.2_upgrade_message } pre_upgrade() { to_v0.3.2_upgrade_message } post_install() { binary_message } post_upgrade() { binary_message }