/* ⋅ ⋅⋅ ” ’ ♯ ☢ ☍ ⌘ ✰ ⣿ ⚡ ☯ ⚑ ↺ ⤴ ⤵ ∆ ⌚ ≀∇ ✇ ⚠ ◔ ⚡ ↯ ¿ ⨂ ✖ ⇣ ⇡ ⠁ ⠉ ⠋ ⠛ ⠟ ⠿ ⡿ ⣿ ☹ ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➅ ➆ ➇ ➈ ➉ ▹ ╍ ▪ ⚯ ⚒ ◌ ⇅ ↡ ↟ ⊛ ♺ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳ python -c 'print u"\u22c5 \u22c5\u22c5 \u201d \u2019 \u266f \u2622 \u260d \u2318 \u2730 " \ u"\u28ff \u26a1 \u262f \u2691 \u21ba \u2934 \u2935 \u2206 \u231a \u2240\u2207 \u2707 " \ u"\u26a0\xa0\u25d4 \u26a1\xa0\u21af \xbf \u2a02 \u2716 \u21e3 \u21e1 \u2801 \u2809 " \ u"\u280b \u281b \u281f \u283f \u287f \u28ff \u2639 \u2780 \u2781 \u2782 \u2783 \u2784 " \ u"\u2785 \u2786 \u2787 \u2788 \u2789 \u25b9\xa0\u254d \u25aa \u26af \u2692 \u25cc " \ u"\u21c5 \u21a1 \u219f \u229b \u267a ".encode("utf8")' */ #include "ui_pyroscope.h" #include "config.h" #include "globals.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/view.h" #include "core/manager.h" #include "core/download.h" #include "torrent/tracker.h" #include "torrent/rate.h" #include "display/window.h" #include "display/canvas.h" #include "display/utils.h" #include "ui/root.h" #include "ui/download_list.h" #include "control.h" #include "command_helpers.h" #if (RT_HEX_VERSION >= 0x000901) #define _cxxstd_ tr1 #else #define _cxxstd_ std #endif #define D_INFO(item) (item->info()) #include "rpc/object_storage.h" // from command_pyroscope.cc extern torrent::Tracker* get_active_tracker(torrent::Download* item); extern std::string get_active_tracker_domain(torrent::Download* item); #define TRACKER_LABEL_WIDTH 20U // definition from display/window_download_list.cc that is not in the header file typedef std::pair Range; // display attribute map (normal, even, odd) static unsigned long attr_map[3 * ps::COL_MAX] = {0}; // color indices for progress indication int ratio_col[] = { ps::COL_PROGRESS0, ps::COL_PROGRESS20, ps::COL_PROGRESS40, ps::COL_PROGRESS60, ps::COL_PROGRESS80, ps::COL_PROGRESS100, ps::COL_PROGRESS120, }; // basic color names static const char* color_names[] = { "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white" }; // list of color configuration variables, the order MUST correspond to the ColorKind enum static const char* color_vars[ps::COL_MAX] = { 0, "ui.color.progress0", "ui.color.progress20", "ui.color.progress40", "ui.color.progress60", "ui.color.progress80", "ui.color.progress100", "ui.color.progress120", "ui.color.complete", "ui.color.seeding", "ui.color.stopped", "ui.color.queued", "ui.color.incomplete", "ui.color.leeching", "ui.color.alarm", "ui.color.title", "ui.color.footer", "ui.color.label", "ui.color.odd", "ui.color.even", "ui.color.info", "ui.color.focus", }; // collapsed state of views (default is false) static std::map is_collapsed; // Traffic history static int network_history_depth = 0; static uint32_t network_history_count = 0; static uint32_t* network_history_up = 0; static uint32_t* network_history_down = 0; static std::string network_history_up_str; static std::string network_history_down_str; // get custom field contaioning a long (time_t) unsigned long get_custom_long(core::Download* d, const char* name) { try { return atol(d->bencode()->get_key("rtorrent").get_key("custom").get_key_string(name).c_str()); } catch (torrent::bencode_error& e) { return 0UL; } } // get custom field contaioning a string std::string get_custom_string(core::Download* d, const char* name) { try { return d->bencode()->get_key("rtorrent").get_key("custom").get_key_string(name); } catch (torrent::bencode_error& e) { return ""; } } // convert absolute timestamp to approximate human readable time diff (5 chars wide) std::string elapsed_time(unsigned long dt) { if (dt == 0) return std::string("⋅ ⋅⋅ "); const char* unit[] = {"”", "’", "h", "d", "w", "m", "y"}; unsigned long threshold[] = {1, 60, 3600, 86400, 7*86400, 30*86400, 365*86400, 0}; int dim = 0; dt = time(NULL) - dt; while (threshold[dim] && dt >= threshold[dim]) ++dim; if (dim) --dim; float val = float(dt) / float(threshold[dim]); char buffer[15]; if (val < 10.0 && dim) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%1d%s%2d%s", int(val), unit[dim], int(dt % threshold[dim] / threshold[dim-1]), unit[dim-1]); } else { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%4d%s", int(val), unit[dim]); } return std::string(buffer); } // return 2-digits number, or digit + dimension indicator std::string num2(int64_t num) { if (num < 0 || 10*1000*1000 <= num) return std::string("♯♯"); if (!num) return std::string(" ·"); char buffer[10]; if (num < 100) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%2d", int(num)); } else { // Roman numeral multipliers 10, 100, 1000, 10x1000, 100x1000, 1000x1000 const char* roman = " xcmXCM"; int dim = 0; while (num > 9) { ++dim; num /= 10; } snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%1d%c", int(num), roman[dim]); } return std::string(buffer); } namespace display { // function wrapper for what possibly is a macro static int get_colors() { return COLORS; } // format byte size for humans, if format = 0 use 6 chars (one decimal place), // if = 1 just print the rounded value (4 chars), if = 2 combine the two formats // into 4 chars by rounding for values >= 9.95. // set bit 8 of format and 0 values will return a whitespace string of the correct length. std::string human_size(int64_t bytes, unsigned int format=0) { if (format & 8 && bytes <= 0) return std::string((format & 7) ? 4 : 6, ' '); format &= 7; int exp; char unit; if (bytes < (int64_t(1000) << 10)) { exp = 10; unit = 'K'; } else if (bytes < (int64_t(1000) << 20)) { exp = 20; unit = 'M'; } else if (bytes < (int64_t(1000) << 30)) { exp = 30; unit = 'G'; } else { exp = 40; unit = 'T'; } char buffer[48]; double value = double(bytes) / (int64_t(1) << exp); const char* formats[] = {"%5.1f%c", "%3.0f%c", "%3.1f%c"}; if (format > 2) format = 0; if (format == 2 and value >= 9.949999) format = 1; if (format == 1) value = int(value + 0.50002); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), formats[format], value, unit); return std::string(buffer); } // split a given string into words separated by delim, and add them to the provided vector void split(std::vector& words, const char* str, char delim = ' ') { do { const char* begin = str; while (*str && *str != delim) str++; words.push_back(std::string(begin, str)); } while (*str++); } void ui_pyroscope_canvas_init(); // forward static bool color_init_recursion = false; // create color map from configuration strings void ui_pyroscope_colormap_init() { // if in early startup stage (configuration), then init the screen so we can query system constants if (!get_colors()) { if (color_init_recursion) { color_init_recursion = false; control->core()->push_log("Terminal color initialization failed, does your terminal have none?!"); } else { color_init_recursion = true; initscr(); ui_pyroscope_canvas_init(); // this calls us again! } return; } color_init_recursion = false; // Those hold the background colors of "odd" and "even" int bg_odd = -1; int bg_even = -1; // read the definition for basic colors from configuration for (int k = 1; k < ps::COL_MAX; k++) { init_pair(k, -1, -1); std::string col_def = rpc::call_command_string(color_vars[k]); if (col_def.empty()) continue; // use terminal default if definition is empty std::vector words; split(words, col_def.c_str()); short col[2] = {-1, -1}; // fg, bg short col_idx = 0; // 0 = fg; 1 = bg short bright = 0; unsigned long attr = A_NORMAL; for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) { // look at all the words if (words[i] == "bold") attr |= A_BOLD; else if (words[i] == "standout") attr |= A_STANDOUT; else if (words[i] == "underline") attr |= A_UNDERLINE; else if (words[i] == "reverse") attr |= A_REVERSE; else if (words[i] == "blink") attr |= A_BLINK; else if (words[i] == "dim") attr |= A_DIM; else if (words[i] == "on") { col_idx = 1; bright = 0; } // switch to background color else if (words[i] == "gray") col[col_idx] = bright ? 7 : 8; // bright gray is white else if (words[i] == "bright") bright = 8; else if (words[i].find_first_not_of("0123456789") == std::string::npos) { // handle numeric index short c = -1; sscanf(words[i].c_str(), "%hd", &c); col[col_idx] = c; } else for (short c = 0; c < 8; c++) { // check for basic color names if (words[i] == color_names[c]) { col[col_idx] = bright + c; break; } } } // check that fg & bg color index is valid if (col[0] != -1 && col[0] >= get_colors() || col[1] != -1 && col[1] >= get_colors()) { char buf[33]; sprintf(buf, "%d", get_colors()); Canvas::cleanup(); throw torrent::input_error(col_def + ": your terminal only supports " + buf + " colors."); } // store the parsed color definition attr_map[k] = attr; init_pair(k, col[0], col[1]); if (k == ps::COL_EVEN) bg_even = col[1]; if (k == ps::COL_ODD) bg_odd = col[1]; } // now make copies of the basic colors with the "odd" and "even" definitions mixed in for (int k = 1; k < ps::COL_MAX; k++) { short fg, bg; pair_content(k, &fg, &bg); // replace the background color, and mix in the attributes attr_map[k + 1 * ps::COL_MAX] = attr_map[k] | attr_map[ps::COL_EVEN]; attr_map[k + 2 * ps::COL_MAX] = attr_map[k] | attr_map[ps::COL_ODD]; init_pair(k + 1 * ps::COL_MAX, fg, bg == -1 ? bg_even : bg); init_pair(k + 2 * ps::COL_MAX, fg, bg == -1 ? bg_odd : bg); } } // add color handling to canvas initialization void ui_pyroscope_canvas_init() { start_color(); use_default_colors(); ui_pyroscope_colormap_init(); } // offset into the color index table, depending on whether this is an odd or even item static int row_offset(core::View* view, Range& range) { return (((range.first - view->begin_visible()) & 1) + 1) * ps::COL_MAX; } static void decorate_download_title(Window* window, display::Canvas* canvas, core::View* view, int pos, Range& range) { int offset = row_offset(view, range); core::Download* item = *range.first; bool active = item->is_open() && item->is_active(); // download title color int title_col; unsigned long focus_attr = range.first == view->focus() ? attr_map[ps::COL_FOCUS] : 0; if ((*range.first)->is_done()) title_col = (active ? D_INFO(item)->up_rate()->rate() ? ps::COL_SEEDING : ps::COL_COMPLETE : ps::COL_STOPPED) + offset; else title_col = (active ? D_INFO(item)->down_rate()->rate() ? ps::COL_LEECHING : ps::COL_INCOMPLETE : ps::COL_QUEUED) + offset; canvas->set_attr(2, pos, -1, attr_map[title_col] | focus_attr, title_col); // show label for tracker in focus std::string url = get_active_tracker_domain((*range.first)->download()); if (!url.empty()) { // shorten label if too long int len = url.length(); if (len > TRACKER_LABEL_WIDTH) { url = "…" + url.substr(len - TRACKER_LABEL_WIDTH); len = TRACKER_LABEL_WIDTH + 1; } // print it right-justified and in braces int td_col = ps::COL_INFO; //int td_col = active ? ps::COL_INFO : (*range.first)->is_done() ? ps::COL_STOPPED : ps::COL_QUEUED; int xpos = canvas->width() - len - 2; canvas->print(xpos, pos, "{%s}", url.c_str()); canvas->set_attr(xpos + 1, pos, len, attr_map[td_col + offset] | focus_attr, td_col + offset); canvas->set_attr(xpos, pos, 1, (attr_map[td_col + offset] | focus_attr) ^ A_BOLD, td_col + offset); canvas->set_attr(canvas->width() - 1, pos, 1, (attr_map[td_col + offset] | focus_attr) ^ A_BOLD, td_col + offset); } } // show ratio progress by color (ratio is scaled x1000) static int ratio_color(int ratio) { int rcol = sizeof(ratio_col) / sizeof(*ratio_col) - 1; return ratio_col[std::min(rcol, ratio * rcol / 1200)]; } // patch hook for download list canvas redraw of a single item; "pos" is placed AFTER the item void ui_pyroscope_download_list_redraw_item(Window* window, display::Canvas* canvas, core::View* view, int pos, Range& range) { int offset = row_offset(view, range); torrent::Download* item = (*range.first)->download(); pos -= 3; // is this the item in focus? if (range.first == view->focus()) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { canvas->set_attr(0, pos+i, 1, attr_map[ps::COL_FOCUS], ps::COL_FOCUS); } } decorate_download_title(window, canvas, view, pos, range); // better handling for trail of line 2 (ratio etc.) int status_pos = 91; int ratio = rpc::call_command_value("d.get_ratio", rpc::make_target(*range.first)); if (status_pos < canvas->width()) { canvas->print(status_pos, pos+1, "R:%6.2f [%c%c] %-4.4s ", float(ratio) / 1000.0, rpc::call_command_string("d.get_tied_to_file", rpc::make_target(*range.first)).empty() ? ' ' : 'T', (rpc::call_command_value("d.get_ignore_commands", rpc::make_target(*range.first)) == 0) ? ' ' : 'I', (*range.first)->priority() == 2 ? "" : rpc::call_command_string("d.get_priority_str", rpc::make_target(*range.first)).c_str() ); status_pos += 9 + 5 + 5; } // if space is left, show throttle name if (status_pos < canvas->width()) { std::string item_status; if (!(*range.first)->bencode()->get_key("rtorrent").get_key_string("throttle_name").empty()) { //item_status += "T="; item_status += rpc::call_command_string("d.get_throttle_name", rpc::make_target(*range.first)) + ' '; } // left-justifying this also overwrites any junk from the original display that we overwrite int chars_left = canvas->width() - status_pos - item_status.length(); if (chars_left < 0) { item_status = item_status.substr(0, 1-chars_left) + "…"; } else if (chars_left > 0) { item_status = std::string(chars_left, ' ') + item_status; } canvas->print(status_pos, pos+1, "%s", item_status.c_str()); } //.........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6.........7.........8.........9.........0.........1 //12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 // [CLOSED] 0,0 / 15,9 MB Rate: 0,0 / 0,0 KB Uploaded: 0,0 MB [ 0%] --d --:-- R:nnnnnn [TI] // [CLOSED] 0.0K / 0.0K U/D: 0.0K / 0.0K Uploaded: 0.0K R: 0.00 [T ] int label_pos[] = {19, 1, 31, 5, 44, 1, 54, 9, 75, 1, 79, 1, 91, 2, 100, 1, 103, 1}; const char* labels[sizeof(label_pos) / sizeof(int) / 2] = {0, " U/D:"}; int col_active = ps::COL_INFO; //int col_active = item->is_open() && item->is_active() ? ps::COL_INFO : (*range.first)->is_done() ? ps::COL_STOPPED : ps::COL_QUEUED; // apply basic "info" style, and then revert static text to "label" canvas->set_attr(2, pos+1, canvas->width() - 1, attr_map[col_active + offset], col_active + offset); for (int label_idx = 0; label_idx < sizeof(label_pos) / sizeof(int); label_idx += 2) { if (labels[label_idx/2]) canvas->print(label_pos[label_idx], pos+1, labels[label_idx/2]); canvas->set_attr(label_pos[label_idx], pos+1, label_pos[label_idx+1], attr_map[ps::COL_LABEL + offset], ps::COL_LABEL + offset); } // apply progress color to completion indicator int pcol = ratio_color(item->file_list()->completed_chunks() * 1000 / item->file_list()->size_chunks()); canvas->set_attr(76, pos+1, 3, attr_map[pcol + offset], pcol + offset); // show ratio progress by color int rcol = ratio_color(ratio); canvas->set_attr(93, pos+1, 6, attr_map[rcol + offset], rcol + offset); // mark active up / down ("focus", plus "seeding" or "leeching"), and dim inactive numbers (i.e. 0) canvas->set_attr(37, pos+1, 6, attr_map[ps::COL_SEEDING + offset] | (D_INFO(item)->up_rate()->rate() ? attr_map[ps::COL_FOCUS] : 0), (D_INFO(item)->up_rate()->rate() ? ps::COL_SEEDING : ps::COL_LABEL) + offset); canvas->set_attr(46, pos+1, 6, attr_map[ps::COL_LEECHING + offset] | (D_INFO(item)->down_rate()->rate() ? attr_map[ps::COL_FOCUS] : 0), (D_INFO(item)->down_rate()->rate() ? ps::COL_LEECHING : ps::COL_LABEL) + offset); // mark non-trivial messages if (!(*range.first)->message().empty() && (*range.first)->message().find("Tried all trackers") == std::string::npos) { canvas->set_attr(1, pos, 1, attr_map[ps::COL_ALARM + offset], ps::COL_ALARM + offset); canvas->set_attr(1, pos+1, 1, attr_map[ps::COL_ALARM + offset], ps::COL_ALARM + offset); canvas->set_attr(1, pos+2, -1, attr_map[ps::COL_ALARM + offset], ps::COL_ALARM + offset); } } // patch hook for download list canvas redraw; if this returns true, the calling // function is left immediately (i.e. true indicates we took over ALL redrawing) bool ui_pyroscope_download_list_redraw(Window* window, display::Canvas* canvas, core::View* view) { // show "X of Y" if (canvas->width() > 16) { int item_idx = view->focus() - view->begin_visible(); if (item_idx == view->size()) canvas->print(canvas->width() - 16, 0, "[ none of %-5d]", view->size()); else canvas->print(canvas->width() - 16, 0, "[%5d of %-5d]", item_idx + 1, view->size()); } canvas->set_attr(0, 0, -1, attr_map[ps::COL_TITLE], ps::COL_TITLE); if (is_collapsed.find(view->name()) == is_collapsed.end() || !is_collapsed[view->name()]) return false; // continue in calling function if (view->empty_visible() || canvas->width() < 5 || canvas->height() < 2) return true; // show column headers int pos = 1; canvas->print(2, pos, " ☢ ☍ ⌘ ✰ ⣿ ⚡ ☯ ⚑ ↺ ⤴ ⤵ ∆ ⌚ ≀∇ ✇ Name"); if (canvas->width() > TRACKER_LABEL_WIDTH) { canvas->print(canvas->width() - 14, 1, "Tracker Domain"); } canvas->set_attr(0, pos, -1, attr_map[ps::COL_LABEL], ps::COL_LABEL); // network traffic int network_history_lines = 0; if (network_history_depth) { network_history_lines = 2; pos = canvas->height() - 2; canvas->print(0, pos, "%s", network_history_up_str.c_str()); canvas->set_attr(0, pos, -1, attr_map[ps::COL_SEEDING], ps::COL_SEEDING); canvas->print(0, pos+1, "%s", network_history_down_str.c_str()); canvas->set_attr(0, pos+1, -1, attr_map[ps::COL_LEECHING], ps::COL_LEECHING); } // Styles #define PROGRESS_STEPS 9 const char* progress[3][PROGRESS_STEPS] = { {}, {"⠀ ", "⠁ ", "⠉ ", "⠋ ", "⠛ ", "⠟ ", "⠿ ", "⡿ ", "⣿ "}, {"⠀ ", "▁ ", "▂ ", "▃ ", "▄ ", "▅ ", "▆ ", "▇ ", "█ "}, }; unsigned int progress_style = std::min(rpc::call_command_value("ui.style.progress"), 2); #define YING_YANG_STEPS 11 const char* ying_yang[4][YING_YANG_STEPS] = { {}, {"☹ ", "➀ ", "➁ ", "➂ ", "➃ ", "➄ ", "➅ ", "➆ ", "➇ ", "➈ ", "➉ "}, {"☹ ", "① ", "② ", "③ ", "④ ", "⑤ ", "⑥ ", "⑦ ", "⑧ ", "⑨ ", "⑩ "}, {"☹ ", "➊ ", "➋ ", "➌ ", "➍ ", "➎ ", "➏ ", "➐ ", "➑ ", "➒ ", "➓ "}, }; unsigned int ying_yang_style = std::min(rpc::call_command_value("ui.style.ratio"), 3); // define iterator range Range range = rak::advance_bidirectional( view->begin_visible(), view->focus() != view->end_visible() ? view->focus() : view->begin_visible(), view->end_visible(), canvas->height()-2-2-network_history_lines); pos = 2; while (range.first != range.second) { core::Download* d = *range.first; core::Download* item = d; torrent::Tracker* tracker = get_active_tracker((*range.first)->download()); int ratio = rpc::call_command_value("d.get_ratio", rpc::make_target(d)); bool has_msg = !d->message().empty(); bool has_alert = has_msg && d->message().find("Tried all trackers") == std::string::npos; int offset = row_offset(view, range); int col_active = ps::COL_INFO; //int col_active = item->is_open() && item->is_active() ? ps::COL_INFO : d->is_done() ? ps::COL_STOPPED : ps::COL_QUEUED; const char* alert = "⚠ "; if (has_alert) { if (d->message().find("Timeout was reached") != std::string::npos || d->message().find("Timed out") != std::string::npos) alert = "◔ "; else if (d->message().find("Connecting to") != std::string::npos) alert = "⚡ "; else if (d->message().find("Could not parse bencoded data") != std::string::npos || d->message().find("Failed sending data") != std::string::npos || d->message().find("Server returned nothing") != std::string::npos || d->message().find("Couldn't connect to server") != std::string::npos) alert = "↯ "; else if (d->message().find("not registered") != std::string::npos || d->message().find("torrent cannot be found") != std::string::npos || d->message().find("unregistered") != std::string::npos) alert = "¿?"; else if (d->message().find("not authorized") != std::string::npos || d->message().find("blocked from") != std::string::npos || d->message().find("denied") != std::string::npos || d->message().find("limit exceeded") != std::string::npos || d->message().find("active torrents are enough") != std::string::npos) alert = "⨂ "; } const char* prios[] = {"✖ ", "⇣ ", "  ", "⇡ "}; std::string displayname = get_custom_string(d, "displayname"); int is_tagged = rpc::commands.call_command_d("d.views.has", d, torrent::Object("tagged")).as_value() == 1; uint32_t down_rate = D_INFO(item)->down_rate()->rate(); char buffer[canvas->width() + 1]; char* last = buffer + canvas->width() - 2 + 1; print_download_title(buffer, last, d); char progress_str[6] = "##"; char ying_yang_str[6] = "##"; if (progress_style == 0) { sprintf(progress_str, item->file_list()->completed_chunks() ? "%2.2d" : "--", item->file_list()->completed_chunks() * 100 / item->file_list()->size_chunks()); } if (ying_yang_style == 0 && ratio < 9949) { sprintf(ying_yang_str, ratio ? "%2.2d" : "--", ratio / 100); } canvas->print(0, pos, "%s %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s %s %s %s %s %s%s %s%s%s", range.first == view->focus() ? "»" : " ", item->is_open() ? item->is_active() ? "▹ " : "╍ " : "▪ ", rpc::call_command_string("d.get_tied_to_file", rpc::make_target(d)).empty() ? "  " : "⚯ ", rpc::call_command_value("d.get_ignore_commands", rpc::make_target(d)) == 0 ? "⚒ " : "◌ ", prios[d->priority() % 4], d->is_done() ? "✔ " : progress_style == 0 ? progress_str : progress[progress_style][ item->file_list()->completed_chunks() * PROGRESS_STEPS / item->file_list()->size_chunks()], D_INFO(item)->down_rate()->rate() ? (D_INFO(item)->up_rate()->rate() ? "⇅ " : "↡ ") : (D_INFO(item)->up_rate()->rate() ? "↟ " : "  "), ying_yang_style == 0 ? ying_yang_str : ratio >= YING_YANG_STEPS * 1000 ? "⊛ " : ying_yang[ying_yang_style][ratio / 1000], has_msg ? has_alert ? alert : "♺ " : is_tagged ? "⚑ " : "  ", tracker ? num2(tracker->scrape_downloaded()).c_str() : "  ", tracker ? num2(tracker->scrape_complete()).c_str() : "  ", tracker ? num2(tracker->scrape_incomplete()).c_str() : "  ", human_size(D_INFO(item)->up_rate()->rate(), 2 | 8).c_str(), d->is_done() || !down_rate ? "" : " ", d->is_done() ? elapsed_time(get_custom_long(d, "tm_completed")).c_str() : !down_rate ? elapsed_time(get_custom_long(d, "tm_loaded")).c_str() : human_size(down_rate, 2 | 8).c_str(), human_size(item->file_list()->size_bytes(), 2).c_str(), displayname.empty() ? "" : " ", displayname.empty() ? buffer : displayname.c_str() ); int x_scrape = 3 + 8*2 + 1; // lead, 8 status columns, gap int x_rate = x_scrape + 3*3; // skip 3 scrape columns int x_name = x_rate + 3*5 + 1; // skip 3 rate/size columns decorate_download_title(window, canvas, view, pos, range); canvas->set_attr(2, pos, x_name-2, attr_map[col_active + offset], col_active + offset); if (has_alert) canvas->set_attr(x_scrape-3, pos, 2, attr_map[ps::COL_ALARM + offset], ps::COL_ALARM + offset); // apply progress color to completion indicator int pcol = ratio_color(item->file_list()->completed_chunks() * 1000 / item->file_list()->size_chunks()); canvas->set_attr(x_scrape-9, pos, 2, attr_map[pcol + offset], pcol + offset); // show ratio progress by color int rcol = ratio_color(ratio); canvas->set_attr(x_scrape-5, pos, 2, attr_map[rcol + offset], rcol + offset); // color up/down rates canvas->set_attr(x_rate+0, pos, 4, attr_map[ps::COL_SEEDING + offset], ps::COL_SEEDING + offset); if (d->is_done() || !down_rate) { // time display int tm_color = (d->is_done() ? ps::COL_SEEDING : ps::COL_INCOMPLETE) + offset; canvas->set_attr(x_rate+5+1, pos, 1, attr_map[tm_color], tm_color); canvas->set_attr(x_rate+5+4, pos, 1, attr_map[tm_color], tm_color); } else { // down rate canvas->set_attr(x_rate+5, pos, 5, attr_map[ps::COL_LEECHING + offset], ps::COL_LEECHING + offset); } // is this the item in focus? if (range.first == view->focus()) { canvas->set_attr(0, pos, 1, attr_map[ps::COL_FOCUS], ps::COL_FOCUS); } ++pos; ++range.first; } if (view->focus() != view->end_visible()) { char buffer[canvas->width() + 1]; char* last = buffer + canvas->width() + 1; pos = canvas->height() - 2 - network_history_lines; print_download_info(buffer, last, *view->focus()); canvas->print(3, pos, "%s", buffer); canvas->set_attr(0, pos, -1, attr_map[ps::COL_LABEL], ps::COL_LABEL); print_download_status(buffer, last, *view->focus()); canvas->print(3, pos+1, "%s", buffer); canvas->set_attr(0, pos+1, -1, attr_map[ps::COL_LABEL], ps::COL_LABEL); } return true; } // patch hook for window title canvas redraw void ui_pyroscope_statusbar_redraw(Window* window, display::Canvas* canvas) { canvas->set_attr(0, 0, -1, attr_map[ps::COL_FOOTER], ps::COL_FOOTER); } } // namespace torrent::Object cmd_view_collapsed_toggle(const torrent::Object::string_type& args) { std::string view_name = args; if (view_name.empty()) { view_name = control->ui()->download_list()->current_view()->name(); } is_collapsed[view_name] = is_collapsed.find(view_name) == is_collapsed.end() ? true : !is_collapsed[view_name]; return is_collapsed[view_name]; } // implementation of method we patched into rpc::object_storage const torrent::Object& rpc::object_storage::set_color_string(const torrent::raw_string& key, const std::string& object) { const torrent::Object& result = rpc::object_storage::set_string(key, object); display::ui_pyroscope_colormap_init(); return result; } // Traffic history int network_history_depth_get() { return network_history_depth; } torrent::Object network_history_depth_set(int arg) { if (network_history_depth) { delete[] network_history_up; delete[] network_history_down; network_history_up = network_history_down = 0; } network_history_depth = arg; network_history_count = 0; if (network_history_depth) { network_history_up = new uint32_t[network_history_depth]; network_history_down = new uint32_t[network_history_depth]; } return torrent::Object(); } void network_history_format(std::string& buf, char kind, uint32_t* data) { uint32_t samples = std::min(network_history_count, (uint32_t) network_history_depth); uint32_t min_rate = *std::min_element(data, data + samples); uint32_t max_rate = *std::max_element(data, data + samples); char buffer[80]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%c ⌈%s⌉⌊%s⌋%s", kind, display::human_size(max_rate, 0).c_str(), display::human_size(min_rate, 0).c_str(), rpc::call_command_value("network.history.auto_scale") ? "↨ " : " "); buf = buffer; if (max_rate > 102) { const char* meter[] = {"⠀", "▁", "▂", "▃", "▄", "▅", "▆", "▇", "█"}; uint32_t base = rpc::call_command_value("network.history.auto_scale") ? min_rate : 0; for (int i = 1; i <= samples; ++i) { uint32_t idx = (network_history_count - i) % network_history_depth; if (max_rate > base) buf += meter[std::min(8U, (data[idx] - base) * 9 / (max_rate - base))]; else buf += " "; } } buf += " "; } // You MUST call this after changing the auto_scale flag, to see any changes immediately! torrent::Object network_history_refresh() { if (network_history_depth) { network_history_format(network_history_up_str, 'U', network_history_up); network_history_format(network_history_down_str, 'D', network_history_down); } return torrent::Object(); } torrent::Object network_history_sample() { if (network_history_depth) { network_history_up[network_history_count % network_history_depth] = torrent::up_rate()->rate(); network_history_down[network_history_count % network_history_depth] = torrent::down_rate()->rate(); ++network_history_count; } return network_history_refresh(); } // register our commands void initialize_command_ui_pyroscope() { #define PS_VARIABLE_COLOR(key, value) \ control->object_storage()->insert_c_str(key, value, rpc::object_storage::flag_string_type); \ CMD2_ANY(key, _cxxstd_::bind(&rpc::object_storage::get, control->object_storage(), \ torrent::raw_string::from_c_str(key))); \ CMD2_ANY_STRING(key ".set", _cxxstd_::bind(&rpc::object_storage::set_color_string, control->object_storage(), \ torrent::raw_string::from_c_str(key), _cxxstd_::placeholders::_2)); #define PS_CMD_ANY_FUN(key, func) \ CMD2_ANY(key, _cxxstd_::bind(&func)) CMD2_ANY ("network.history.depth", _cxxstd_::bind(&network_history_depth_get)); CMD2_ANY_VALUE_V("network.history.depth.set", _cxxstd_::bind(&network_history_depth_set, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_2)); CMD2_ANY ("network.history.refresh", _cxxstd_::bind(&network_history_refresh)); CMD2_ANY ("network.history.sample", _cxxstd_::bind(&network_history_sample)); CMD2_VAR_BOOL ("network.history.auto_scale", true); CMD2_ANY_STRING("view.collapsed.toggle", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_view_collapsed_toggle, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_2)); CMD2_VAR_VALUE("ui.style.progress", 1); CMD2_VAR_VALUE("ui.style.ratio", 1); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.progress0", "red"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.progress20", "bold bright red"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.progress40", "bold bright magenta"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.progress60", "yellow"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.progress80", "bold bright yellow"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.progress100", "green"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.progress120", "bold bright green"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.complete", "bright green"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.seeding", "bold bright green"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.stopped", "blue"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.queued", "magenta"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.incomplete", "yellow"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.leeching", "bold bright yellow"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.alarm", "bold white on red"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.title", "bold bright white on blue"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.footer", "bold bright cyan on blue"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.label", "gray"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.odd", ""); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.even", ""); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.info", "white"); PS_VARIABLE_COLOR("ui.color.focus", "reverse"); PS_CMD_ANY_FUN("system.colors.max", display::get_colors); PS_CMD_ANY_FUN("system.colors.enabled", has_colors); PS_CMD_ANY_FUN("system.colors.rgb", can_change_color); }