--- a/tasks/build.coffee +++ b/tasks/build.coffee @@ -74,14 +74,6 @@ ['linux32', 'linux64'].forEach (dist) -> gulp.task 'build:' + dist, ['resources:linux', 'compile:' + dist, 'clean:build:' + dist, 'changelog:linux'], (done) -> async.series [ - # Rename the executable - (callback) -> - exeDir = './build/' + dist + '/opt/' + manifest.name + '/' - fromPath = exeDir + 'electron' - toPath = exeDir + manifest.name - - fs.rename fromPath, toPath, utils.log callback, fromPath, '=>', toPath - # Move the app's .desktop file (callback) -> fromPath = './build/resources/linux/app.desktop' --- a/tasks/clean.coffee +++ b/tasks/clean.coffee @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ # Remove the default_app folder inside the linux builds ['linux32', 'linux64'].forEach (dist) -> - gulp.task 'clean:build:' + dist, ['download:' + dist], -> + gulp.task 'clean:build:' + dist, -> del './build/' + dist + '/opt/' + manifest.name + '/resources/default_app.asar' .then (result) -> console.log result