post_install() { printf "$(tput setaf 4) ->$(tput sgr0; tput bold) %s$(tput sgr0)\n" \ 'NOTE: You can create persistence images for ventoy with the "ventoy-persistent" command,' printf "$(tput setaf 4) ->$(tput sgr0; tput bold) %s$(tput sgr0)\n" \ ' and losslessly expand persistence ".dat" files using "ventoy-extend-persistent",' printf "$(tput setaf 4) ->$(tput sgr0; tput bold) %s$(tput sgr0)\n" \ ' which are shortcuts to "/opt/ventoy/" and' printf "$(tput setaf 4) ->$(tput sgr0; tput bold) %s$(tput sgr0)\n" \ ' "/opt/ventoy/", respectively.' printf "$(tput setaf 4) ->$(tput sgr0; tput bold) %s$(tput sgr0)\n" \ ' (See for documentation.)' } post_remove() { # Remove log file rm -rf /opt/ventoy/ }