function post_install { echo " To use dein, put the following into ~/.vimrc or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim: if &compatible set nocompatible endif filetype off \" append to runtime path set rtp+=/usr/share/vim/vimfiles \" initialize dein, plugins are installed to this directory call dein#begin(expand('~/.cache/dein')) \" add packages here, e.g: call dein#add('qwelyt/TrippingRobot') \" exit dein call dein#end() \" auto-install missing packages on startup if dein#check_install() call dein#install() endif filetype plugin on See the documentation at for more details. " } function post_upgrade { post_install } function post_remove { echo " Remember to remove dein calls from ~/.vimrc or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim for cleanup. " }