all_off="$(tput sgr0)" bold="${all_off}$(tput bold)" red="${bold}$(tput setaf 1)" green="${bold}$(tput setaf 2)" # PR yellow="${bold}$(tput setaf 3)" # title blue="${bold}$(tput setaf 4)" # section magenta="${bold}$(tput setaf 5)" # issue # Colored makepkg-like functions note() { printf "${blue}==>${yellow} NOTE:${all_off} ${1}\n" } plain() { printf "${1}\n" } green() { printf "${green}${1}${all_off}\n" } yello() { printf "${yellow}${1}${all_off}\n" } blue() { printf "${blue}${1}${all_off}\n" } magen() { printf "${magenta}${1}${all_off}\n" } post_install() { yello "1.10.0" blue "New Features:" plain " ${magenta}#135${all_off} add AUTO_SCALE_MIN/MAX by @dancek in ${green}#136${all_off}" plain " ${magenta}#151${all_off} add VRR_OFF hint on adaptive sync failure by @alex-courtis in ${green}#152${all_off}" blue "Bug Fixes:" plain " ${magenta}#147${all_off} retry after cancellations up to 3 times by @alex-courtis in ${green}#149${all_off}" plain "" yello "1.10.1" blue "Bug Fixes:" plain " ${magenta}#147${all_off} retry up to 25 cancellations, complete resolution incoming in ${green}#154${all_off}" plain "" } post_upgrade() { post_install }