#encoding=UTF-8 #******************************************************************** # Wrapper Properties #******************************************************************** # Java Application wrapper.java.command=/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin/java # Java Main class. This class must implement the WrapperListener interface # or guarantee that the WrapperManager class is initialized. wrapper.java.mainclass=freenet.node.NodeStarter # Java Classpath (include wrapper.jar) Add class path elements as # needed starting from 1 # Be sure there are no other duplicate classes. wrapper.java.classpath.1=/opt/freenet/lib/*.jar wrapper.java.classpath.2=/usr/share/java/wrapper.jar # Java Library Path (location of libwrapper.so) wrapper.java.library.path.1=/usr/lib/java-service-wrapper # Java Bits. On applicable platforms, tells the JVM to run in 32 or 64-bit mode. wrapper.java.additional.auto_bits=TRUE wrapper.java.additional.1=-Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=0 wrapper.java.additional.2=-Dnetworkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=0 # Needed for some linux distros? Shouldn't prevent using IPv6, just make it prefer IPv4? wrapper.java.additional.3=-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true # You could enable this for debugging, but Freenet will use more CPU if you do. #wrapper.java.additional.4=-enableassertions:freenet # You might want to set the following line if you have changed java.maxmemory # wrapper.java.additional.5=-XX:MaxPermSize= # Initial Java Heap Size (in MB) # If a non-zero value is specified for this property then an appropriate -Xms # parameter will be added. The initial memory must be less than or equal to # the value set for the maxmemory property #wrapper.java.initmemory=4 # Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB) wrapper.java.maxmemory=512 # Application parameters. Add parameters as needed starting from 1 wrapper.app.parameter.1=/opt/freenet/conf/freenet.ini #******************************************************************** # Wrapper Logging Properties #******************************************************************** # Enables Debug output from the Wrapper. #wrapper.debug=TRUE # Format of output for the console. (See docs for formats) wrapper.console.format=PM # Log Level for console output. (See docs for log levels) # https://wrapper.tanukisoftware.com/doc/english/prop-console-loglevel.html wrapper.console.loglevel=INFO # Log file to use for wrapper output logging. # You may wish to change this. wrapper.logfile=/opt/freenet/wrapper.log # Format of output for the log file. # The format consists of the tokens 'L' for log level, 'P' for prefix, 'D' for thread, # 'T' for time, 'Z' for millisecond time, and 'M' for message # Unfortunately the log timezone cannot be changed, see # http://www.nabble.com/Log-message-timezone-td23651317.html wrapper.logfile.format=LPTM # Log Level for log file output. (See docs for log levels) wrapper.logfile.loglevel=INFO # Maximum size that the log file will be allowed to grow to before # the log is rolled. Size is specified in bytes. The default value # of 0, disables log rolling. May abbreviate with the 'k' (kb) or # 'm' (mb) suffix. For example: 10m = 10 megabytes. wrapper.logfile.maxsize=2m # Maximum number of rolled log files which will be allowed before old # files are deleted. The default value of 0 implies no limit. wrapper.logfile.maxfiles=3 # Log Level for sys/event log output. (See docs for log levels) wrapper.syslog.loglevel=NONE # these will shut down or crash the JVM wrapper.signal.mode.usr1=RESTART wrapper.signal.mode.usr2=IGNORE # choose what to do if the JVM kills itself based on the exit code wrapper.on_exit.default=SHUTDOWN wrapper.on_exit.0=SHUTDOWN wrapper.on_exit.1=SHUTDOWN # OOM wrapper.on_exit.10=RESTART # graceful shutdown wrapper.on_exit.2=SHUTDOWN # hard shutdown wrapper.on_exit.3=SHUTDOWN # hard restart wrapper.on_exit.4=RESTART # hard restart wrapper.on_exit.5=RESTART # the router may take a few seconds to save state, etc wrapper.jvm_exit.timeout=60 # give the OS 60s to clear all the old sockets / etc before restarting # Let's change the default from 60 to 10 seconds and see if anyone moans.. wrapper.restart.delay=5 wrapper.restart.reload_configuration=TRUE # The ping timeout must be at least 5 seconds longer than the value of wrapper.ping.interval. # Extend this if you are getting 'JVM appears hung' shutdowns. wrapper.ping.timeout=320 wrapper.ping.interval=300 # pid file for the JVM # Directory must exist or the wrapper will fail to start. wrapper.java.pidfile=/run/freenet/freenet.pid #******************************************************************** # Wrapper General Properties #******************************************************************** # Allow for the use of non-contiguous numbered properties wrapper.ignore_sequence_gaps=TRUE # Title to use when running as a console wrapper.console.title=Freenet Router Service # Set permissions used when creating files # See http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.com/doc/english/prop-umask.html # for a detailed explanation of these settings. wrapper.umask=0022 wrapper.java.umask=0022 wrapper.logfile.umask=077 #******************************************************************** # Wrapper JVM Checks #******************************************************************** # Out Of Memory detection. wrapper.filter.trigger.1=java.lang.OutOfMemoryError wrapper.filter.action.1=RESTART wrapper.filter.message.1=The JVM has run out of memory. #******************************************************************** # Advanced Options #******************************************************************** # Enable the Shenandoah Gargabe Collector #wrapper.java.additional.100=-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions #wrapper.java.additional.101=-XX:+UseShenandoahGC