#!/hint/bash post_install() { echo "" echo "" echo ">>> You have to read and accept the license agreement:" echo ">>>" echo ">>> https://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/license_xxe_perso.html" echo "" echo "" echo ">>> Localisation files may be available from Options -> Install Add-ons" echo ">>> UI Scaling can be activated from Options -> Preferences -> General" echo "" manual } post_upgrade() { manual fix_scaling=$(vercmp $2 9.4.1-2 ) if [[ $fix_scaling -le 0 ]] then echo "" echo ">>> Options to improve the UI-scaling are now set at launch." echo ">>> You may want to reconsider enabliung UI-scaling if you had issues." echo ">>> The setting is at Options -> Preferences -> General" echo "" fi major_update=$(vercmp ${1/.*} ${2/.*}) if [[ major_update -gt 0 ]] then echo "" echo "Major Version Update. XXE will use a new configuration directory." echo "Copy over your old one or download add-ons again." echo "" fi } manual() { echo "" echo "A user manual for XXE is at" echo "/usr/share/doc/xxe/doc/index.html" echo "" }