28 packages found. Page 1 of 1.

Name Version Votes Popularity? Description Maintainer Last Updated
simutrans-pak192.comic 0.7.1-1 5 1.00 High resolution graphics set for Simutrans, with a comic style Roboron 2024-02-20 18:55 (UTC)
nsis-nsisunz-bin 1.0-1 1 0.00 NSIS plugin which allows you to extract files from ZIP archives Roboron 2022-01-11 17:29 (UTC)
nsis-inetc-bin 1 0.00 Internet client plug-in for files download and upload. Roboron 2022-01-11 17:27 (UTC)
simutrans-svn r11169-1 1 0.00 Transportation simulation game - Nightly build from SVN Roboron 2024-05-05 10:34 (UTC)
soundfont-realfont 2.3-1 0 0.00 GM soundbank by Michel Villeneuve. Roboron 2022-08-20 10:44 (UTC)
simutrans-pak96.comic 0.4.10.extended-1 0 0.00 Medium resolution graphics set for Simutrans, with a comic style Roboron 2020-02-08 12:00 (UTC)
simutrans-pak64.scifi 0.2-1 1 0.00 Low resolution graphics set for Simutrans, with a SciFi theme Roboron 2020-02-09 09:37 (UTC)
simutrans-pak64.nippon 0.6.2-1 1 0.00 An alternative japanese low resolution graphics set for Simutrans Roboron 2023-02-28 20:06 (UTC)
simutrans-pak64.japan 123.0-1 1 0.00 Low resolution graphics set for Simutrans, with a japan theme Roboron 2022-01-11 17:55 (UTC)
simutrans-pak64.ho-scale 0.1-1 0 0.00 Resolution graphics set for Simutrans for model train fans Roboron 2020-02-08 15:10 (UTC)
simutrans-pak64.german 0 0.00 Low resolution graphics set for Simutrans, with a german theme Roboron 2023-10-15 15:42 (UTC)
simutrans-pak64.contrast 102.2-1 0 0.00 Minimalistic, low resolution graphics set for Simutrans Roboron 2020-02-09 09:35 (UTC)
simutrans-pak64.classic 1.05-1 1 0.00 Resolution graphics set for Simutrans, resembling the original Roboron 2020-02-09 09:34 (UTC)
simutrans-pak48.excentrique 0.19.RC2-1 0 0.00 Low resolution graphics set for Simutrans, with an eccentric theme Roboron 2022-01-11 17:45 (UTC)
simutrans-pak32.comic 102.0-1 0 0.00 Lowest resolution graphics set for Simutrans Roboron 2020-02-09 09:33 (UTC)
simutrans-pak128.japan 120-1 1 0.00 High resolution graphics set for Simutrans, with a japan theme Roboron 2020-02-08 13:43 (UTC)
simutrans-pak128.german 2.1-1 1 0.00 High resolution graphics set for Simutrans, with a german theme Roboron 2023-08-09 17:49 (UTC)
simutrans-pak128.cs 2019-1 0 0.00 High resolution graphics set for Simutrans, with a czech theme Roboron 2020-02-08 20:47 (UTC)
simutrans-pak128.britain 1 0.00 High resolution graphics set for Simutrans, with a british theme Roboron 2020-10-14 11:06 (UTC)
simutrans-extended-pak256 0 0.00 Highest resolution graphics set for Simutrans Extended Roboron 2023-10-21 19:22 (UTC)
simutrans-extended-pak128.sweden 20200504-2 0 0.00 High resolution graphics set for Simutrans Extended, with a swedish theme Roboron 2023-10-21 19:21 (UTC)
simutrans-extended-pak128.cs 2019-2 0 0.00 High resolution graphics set for Simutrans Extended, with a czech theme Roboron 2022-08-21 12:47 (UTC)
simutrans-extended-pak128.britain r4433.db7f0c7b5-1 0 0.00 High resolution graphics set for Simutrans Extended, with a British theme Roboron 2023-10-21 19:17 (UTC)
simutrans-extended-git r21635.734f8e345-1 1 0.00 Transportation simulation game - Extended Version - Nightly build from git Roboron 2023-10-21 19:01 (UTC)
nsis-untgz-bin 1.0.18-1 0 0.00 NSIS plugin that allows to extract the files from a tarball Roboron 2022-01-11 17:40 (UTC)
nsis-shelllink-bin 1.2-1 0 0.00 NSIS plugin that allows you to read and change shell link (.lnk) files Roboron 2022-01-11 17:31 (UTC)
nsis-cabx-bin 1.0-1 0 0.00 NSIS plugin which allows you to extract .cab files Roboron 2022-01-11 17:25 (UTC)
mingw-w64-fluidsynth 2.4.1-1 0 0.00 A real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications (mingw-w64) Roboron 2024-12-17 18:39 (UTC)

28 packages found. Page 1 of 1.