72 packages found. Page 1 of 2.

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Name Version Votes Popularity? Description Maintainer Last Updated
wpscan-git 4 0.92 Black box WordPress vulnerability scanner anthraxx 2018-10-01 14:28 (UTC)
xwallpaper-git 0.2.2+3+ga9855d2-1 1 0.06 Wallpaper setting utility for X anthraxx 2017-10-03 15:24 (UTC)
stegsolve 1.3-3 26 0.00 A steganographic image analyzer, solver and data extractor for challanges anthraxx 2015-06-18 16:12 (UTC)
urxvt-resize-font-git 10.2bbde29-1 57 0.00 An urxvt plugin to adjust the font size on the fly anthraxx 2016-03-01 19:36 (UTC)
dirbuster 1.0_RC1-10 22 0.00 An application designed to brute force directories and files names on web/application servers anthraxx 2015-06-18 16:10 (UTC)
linux-hardened-git 6.7.r1235754.gf18e7b54b04b-1 1 0.00 The Security-Hardened Linux kernel and modules anthraxx 2024-01-28 02:53 (UTC)
linux-hardened-headers-git 6.7.r1235754.gf18e7b54b04b-1 1 0.00 Headers and scripts for building modules for the Security-Hardened Linux kernel anthraxx 2024-01-28 02:53 (UTC)
linux-hardened-docs-git 6.7.r1235754.gf18e7b54b04b-1 1 0.00 Documentation for the Security-Hardened Linux kernel anthraxx 2024-01-28 02:53 (UTC)
hash-identifier 1.1-4 15 0.00 Identify the different types of hashes used to encrypt data and especially passwords anthraxx 2016-09-21 14:56 (UTC)
airoscript-ng 1.2rc3-7 96 0.00 A gui mainly for aircrack-ng. Automates cracking of WEP and WPA anthraxx 2016-10-28 12:50 (UTC)
vundle 0.10.2-2 54 0.00 Plug-in manager for Vim anthraxx 2016-09-21 15:38 (UTC)
bettercap-git 7 0.00 Swiss army knife for network attacks and monitoring anthraxx 2020-04-25 16:41 (UTC)
bettercap-caplets-git v20200413.r340.dba2ff0-1 1 0.00 Bettercap scripts (caplets) and proxy modules anthraxx 2020-04-25 16:57 (UTC)
zzuf-git 0.15.680.14138cd-1 1 0.00 Transparent application input fuzzer anthraxx 2016-05-05 21:37 (UTC)
yrd-git 0.5.0-1 1 0.00 cjdns swiss army knife anthraxx 2017-10-07 23:58 (UTC)
yara-git 2 0.00 Tool aimed at helping malware researchers to identify and classify malware samples anthraxx 2016-08-06 12:09 (UTC)
xprobe2 0.3-3 22 0.00 Active OS fingerprinting tool anthraxx 2016-11-13 15:36 (UTC)
xmobar-git 0.46.r5.gb5e397b-1 20 0.00 Minimalistic Text Based Status Bar anthraxx 2023-06-11 10:45 (UTC)
wavemon-git 3 0.00 Ncurses-based monitoring application for wireless network devices anthraxx 2018-09-03 23:42 (UTC)
vundle-git 90 0.00 Plug-in manager for Vim anthraxx 2016-09-21 15:38 (UTC)
villoc-git 0.0.19.c207275-1 3 0.00 Tool for visualization of heap operations anthraxx 2015-06-18 16:12 (UTC)
tlsdate-git 1:0.0.13-1 4 0.00 Secure rdate replacement to update local time over HTTPS anthraxx 2016-11-13 01:27 (UTC)
tlsdate 0.0.13-2 14 0.00 Secure rdate replacement to update local time over HTTPS anthraxx 2016-11-13 01:27 (UTC)
thc-ipv6-git v3.6.r1.gdcd270b-1 1 0.00 Complete tool set to attack the inherent protocol weaknesses of IPv6 and ICMP6 anthraxx 2019-01-07 20:52 (UTC)
tcpxtract 1.0.1-5 18 0.00 A tool for extracting files from network traffic anthraxx 2015-06-18 16:12 (UTC)
strip-nondeterminism-git 0.041-1 1 0.00 Tool for stripping bits of non-deterministic information from files anthraxx 2018-05-22 21:14 (UTC)
sslsplit-git 1 0.00 Tool for man-in-the-middle attacks against SSL/TLS encrypted network connections anthraxx 2016-03-29 16:18 (UTC)
smali-git 2 0.00 An assembler/disassembler for Android's dex format anthraxx 2016-08-01 17:01 (UTC)
shellnoob 2.1-2 4 0.00 A toolkit that eases the writing and debugging of shellcode anthraxx 2015-10-22 22:52 (UTC)
selene-git 0.4+126+g856b15e-1 1 0.00 Simple C++11 friendly header-only bindings to Lua anthraxx 2016-11-12 19:26 (UTC)
scanmem-git 0.17.1035.0cc3830-1 8 0.00 Memory scanner designed to isolate the address of an arbitrary variable in an executing process anthraxx 2017-12-12 20:43 (UTC)
libscanmem-git 0.17.1035.0cc3830-1 8 0.00 Memory scanner designed to isolate the address of an arbitrary variable in an executing process (library) anthraxx 2017-12-12 20:43 (UTC)
gameconqueror-git 0.17.1035.0cc3830-1 8 0.00 Memory scanner designed to isolate the address of an arbitrary variable in an executing process (gtk GUI) anthraxx 2017-12-12 20:43 (UTC)
rp++-git 1:1+13+g3a54a7c-2 2 0.00 Find ROP gadgets in PE/ELF/MACH-O x86/x64 binaries anthraxx 2018-08-15 11:14 (UTC)
ropgadget-git 7.4.542.0fd62cc-1 6 0.00 Search gadgets in binaries to facilitate ROP exploitation for several file formats and architectures anthraxx 2023-12-03 13:51 (UTC)
rats 2.4-1 24 0.00 Tool for scanning source code and flagging common security related programming errors anthraxx 2016-11-12 18:31 (UTC)
radare2-bindings 2.8.0-1 29 0.00 Language bindings of the radare2 api for valabind and friends anthraxx 2018-08-08 21:06 (UTC)
radamsa-git 0.5.339.fa95381-1 3 0.00 General purpose mutation based fuzzer anthraxx 2016-11-13 18:41 (UTC)
python2-slowaes 0.1a1-3 0 0.00 Implementation of AES in Python anthraxx 2019-09-02 20:20 (UTC)
python2-dicttoxml 1.7.4-2 0 0.00 Converts a Python dictionary or other native data type into a valid XML string. anthraxx 2019-09-02 20:17 (UTC)
python-trollius 2.2-1 8 0.00 Port of the Tulip project (asyncio module, PEP 3156) anthraxx 2018-03-15 01:25 (UTC)
pyrit 0.5.0-5 3 0.00 The famous WPA precomputed cracker anthraxx 2021-11-29 20:35 (UTC)
pwndbg-git 2023.07.17.pkgs.r117.ge8f423a-1 6 0.00 Makes debugging with GDB suck less anthraxx 2024-02-15 22:34 (UTC)
peda-git 1:1.1.82.b7c7d7a-1 10 0.00 Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB anthraxx 2016-08-17 22:52 (UTC)
owl-lisp-git 0.1.13+569+g64730ee-1 1 0.00 Simple purely functional lisp anthraxx 2018-08-09 08:17 (UTC)
nsoq-git 2 0.00 Network Security Tool for packet manipulation that allows a large number of options anthraxx 2015-06-18 16:11 (UTC)
nsoq 1.9.5-1 2 0.00 Network Security Tool for packet manipulation that allows a large number of options anthraxx 2015-06-18 16:11 (UTC)
nikto-git 7 0.00 A web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items anthraxx 2020-02-17 22:31 (UTC)
metasploit-git 1: 17 0.00 Advanced open-source platform for developing, testing, and using exploit code anthraxx 2023-08-29 23:46 (UTC)
memcached-git 0 0.00 Distributed memory object caching system anthraxx 2017-08-23 20:05 (UTC)

72 packages found. Page 1 of 2.

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