5 packages found. Page 1 of 1.

Name Version Votes Popularity? Description Maintainer Last Updated
bibclean 3.07-1 4 0.01 BibTeX and Scribe bibliography prettyprinter and syntax checker Hendrikto 2023-11-20 17:13 (UTC)
python-citerus-git r5.5262430-1 1 0.00 CLI util to retrieve cryptobib citations edoars 2024-02-26 17:04 (UTC)
qnotero 2.3.1-1 28 0.00 A Qt application which provides access to your Zotero references saxonbeta 2022-07-29 18:19 (UTC)
hayagriva 0.8.0-1 0 0.00 Format references and citations for your YAML-encoded or BibLaTeX bibliography files and query bibliographies using selectors. BoostCookie 2024-10-15 14:24 (UTC)
cobib 5.2.1-1 2 0.00 Console Bibliography mrossinek 2024-10-30 20:00 (UTC)

5 packages found. Page 1 of 1.