32 packages found. Page 1 of 1.

Name Version Votes Popularity? Description Maintainer Last Updated
autojump-git 22.5.3.r0.g06e082c-6 44 0.08 A faster way to navigate your filesystem from the command line cgirard 2021-12-14 10:20 (UTC)
makemkv-libaacs 1:1-3 19 0.06 Enable libaacs emulation from MakeMKV cgirard 2019-06-24 08:08 (UTC)
quodlibet-git r11752.7fbd8ce82-1 5 0.02 Music player and music library manager cgirard 2024-10-03 08:15 (UTC)
monitorix 3.15.0-1 102 0.00 A lightweight system monitoring tool that uses rrd databases. cgirard 2022-12-13 08:13 (UTC)
mmv 2.9.1-1 88 0.00 multiple move files cgirard 2024-10-22 09:38 (UTC)
freshrss 1.24.3-2 10 0.00 A free, self-hostable aggregator… cgirard 2024-11-13 10:49 (UTC)
freshrss-extensions-git r136.7af45f2-1 1 0.00 all the official FreshRSS extensions cgirard 2024-11-08 15:16 (UTC)
nodejs-less 4.2.0-1 4 0.00 A standalone compiler for the LESS CSS language. cgirard 2024-02-21 09:24 (UTC)
py3status-git 3.54.r3.gbbe43bce-1 25 0.00 An extensible i3status replacement/wrapper written in python (development version) cgirard 2023-10-24 10:17 (UTC)
woob-git 3.6.r333.gecb44eab4-1 1 0.00 Core library and modules for Web Outside of Browsers cgirard 2024-02-06 14:48 (UTC)
wlay-git r21.7018252-2 1 0.00 Graphical output management for Wayland cgirard 2019-06-28 13:48 (UTC)
vim-logstash-git r11.6d96810-1 1 0.00 Vim highlights configuration files for logstash cgirard 2019-04-05 11:45 (UTC)
vim-indent-guides 1.7-1 0 0.00 Visually display indent levels in Vim cgirard 2020-09-29 15:04 (UTC)
vim-hybrid-git r46.cc58baa-1 1 0.00 A dark colour scheme for Vim cgirard 2019-07-10 12:02 (UTC)
vim-arduino-syntax-git r19.adbc477-1 3 0.00 Arduino syntax files for Vim cgirard 2024-10-02 15:06 (UTC)
stlarch_icons 1.2-2 2 0.00 8x8 .xbm icon pack for dzen or other status bars cgirard 2020-02-12 15:05 (UTC)
roundcubemail-plugin-contextmenu 3.3.1-1 4 0.00 Contextmenus for various parts of Roundcube using commands from the toolbars cgirard 2022-06-20 09:53 (UTC)
roundcubemail-git 1.6beta.r609.g7a3e91a9d-1 1 0.00 A PHP web-based mail client cgirard 2024-06-23 18:56 (UTC)
python-flask-restplus 0.13.0-2 1 0.00 custom actions for flask to help manage your application cgirard 2022-04-21 12:37 (UTC)
python-string-utils 1.0.0-1 0 0.00 Utility functions for strings validation and manipulation cgirard 2023-05-24 14:25 (UTC)
python-pynzb 0.1.0-1 2 0.00 A unified API for parsing NZB files cgirard 2021-03-22 10:42 (UTC)
pbin-git r10.adb4784-1 1 0.00 CLI tool for Stikked based pastebin services cgirard 2015-10-08 16:15 (UTC)
nodejs-csso-cli 4.0.2-1 1 0.00 Command line interface for CSSO cgirard 2023-05-25 08:03 (UTC)
nodejs-csso 5.0.5-1 3 0.00 CSS minifier with structural optimisations cgirard 2023-05-25 08:04 (UTC)
nodejs-clean-css 5.3.3-1 11 0.00 A fast, efficient, and well tested CSS minifier for node.js. cgirard 2024-02-21 09:28 (UTC)
nbimg 1.2.1-1 8 0.00 Allows to convert HTC Splash Screen images from NB to BMP and create NB splash screens from BMP format cgirard 2015-06-15 10:10 (UTC)
libplatform-git 2.0.1.r2.g041a8c6-1 4 0.00 Platform support library used by libCEC and binary add-ons for Kodi cgirard 2020-04-06 12:44 (UTC)
libcrossguid-git 0.2.2.r52.gca1bf4b-3 25 0.00 Lightweight cross platform C++ GUID/UUID library cgirard 2024-10-03 08:43 (UTC)
libcec-git 1: 12 0.00 Pulse-Eight's libcec for the Pulse-Eight USB-CEC adapter cgirard 2019-03-28 09:20 (UTC)
hypershift-git r3267.b9f9d94-1 0 0.00 Hyperscale OpenShift - clusters with hosted control planes - CLI cgirard 2023-02-14 10:49 (UTC)
gammastep-git 2.0.9.r1.geab8be4-1 0 0.00 Adjust the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings. cgirard 2024-10-03 08:26 (UTC)
cpp-alsa-volume 0.3.3-1 1 0.00 Tray Alsa Volume Changer written using gtkmm cgirard 2019-02-14 13:26 (UTC)

32 packages found. Page 1 of 1.