37 packages found. Page 1 of 1.

Name Version Votes Popularity? Description Maintainer Last Updated
zoom 6.3.11-1 682 9.17 Video Conferencing and Web Conferencing Service edh 2025-03-01 01:53 (UTC)
minecraft-server 1.21.4-1 166 0.93 Minecraft server unit files, script, and jar edh 2024-12-04 12:48 (UTC)
grive 0.5.3-3 283 0.78 An open source Linux client for Google Drive with support for the new Drive REST API and partial sync edh 2024-09-14 09:14 (UTC)
fakepkg 1.42.2-1 34 0.41 Tool to reassemble installed packages from its deliverd files. It comes in handy if there is no internet connection available and you have no access to an up-to-date package cache edh 2022-09-20 20:06 (UTC)
insync-nautilus 22 0.21 Python extension and icons for integrating Insync with Nautilus edh 2022-11-30 15:25 (UTC)
luv-icon-theme-git 1:r836.f236f33-1 88 0.18 The spiritual successor to Flattr, a flat but complex icon theme for freedesktop environments. edh 2020-06-04 08:09 (UTC)
bcc-git 0.11.0.dev0+r1564.g3d21000a-1 8 0.12 BPF Compiler Collection - C library and examples - latest git code edh 2024-01-14 18:15 (UTC)
bcc-tools-git 0.11.0.dev0+r1564.g3d21000a-1 8 0.12 BPF Compiler Collection - Tools - latest git code edh 2024-01-14 18:15 (UTC)
python-bcc-git 0.11.0.dev0+r1564.g3d21000a-1 8 0.12 BPF Compiler Collection - Python 3 bindings - latest git code edh 2024-01-14 18:15 (UTC)
spigot 1.21.4+b188-1 30 0.08 High performance Minecraft server implementation edh 2024-12-20 23:42 (UTC)
papermc 1.21.4+b67-2 25 0.04 Next generation of Minecraft server, compatible with Spigot plugins and offering uncompromising performance edh 2025-01-03 14:34 (UTC)
slurm-llnl-git 3 0.02 Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management (development version) edh 2022-11-05 10:40 (UTC)
paper-gtk-theme-git 302.770aba4-1 182 0.00 A modern desktop theme suite. Its design is mostly flat with a minimal use of shadows for depth. edh 2018-02-08 19:32 (UTC)
grive-git 557.648ff8e-1 78 0.00 An open source Linux client for Google Drive with support for the new Drive REST API and partial sync edh 2023-01-23 14:25 (UTC)
semt 1.1.1-1 4 0.00 Processing the "Extended display identification data" (EDID) in order to apply a custom resolution. This is helpfull if the concerning monitor does not provide an EDID itself or its EDID is corrupted. edh 2017-01-07 14:08 (UTC)
routersploit-git 3.4.7.r0.g3b0f2d5-1 4 0.00 An open-source exploitation framework dedicated to embedded devices. edh 2025-01-29 02:04 (UTC)
python-smart_open 7.1.0-1 4 0.00 Library for efficient streaming of very large files from/to S3, HDFS, WebHDFS, HTTP, or local (compressed) files edh 2024-12-20 12:28 (UTC)
python-scikit-surprise-git 1.0.4.r112.gef3ed6e-1 1 0.00 Python scikit for building and analyzing recommender systems edh 2020-01-11 12:35 (UTC)
python-scikit-surprise 1.1.4-1 1 0.00 Python scikit for building and analyzing recommender systems edh 2024-06-01 18:04 (UTC)
python-pypocketfft 0.0.1-1 2 0.00 Fast Fourier, trigonometric and Hartley transforms with a simple Python interface edh 2019-08-24 12:30 (UTC)
python-pyhealpix 0.0.0b2f4d51488d-1 1 0.00 Minimalistic Python interface for Healpix C++ edh 2019-09-10 19:11 (UTC)
python-nifty-git 5.0.1.r174.g12c5065b-1 1 0.00 Versatile library designed to enable the development of signal inference algorithms that operate regardless of the underlying grids (spatial, spectral, temporal, ...) and their resolutions edh 2019-09-21 17:02 (UTC)
python-nifty 5.0.1-1 2 0.00 Versatile library designed to enable the development of signal inference algorithms that operate regardless of the underlying grids (spatial, spectral, temporal, ...) and their resolutions edh 2019-08-24 12:30 (UTC)
python-gensim 4.3.3-1 16 0.00 Library for topic modelling, document indexing and similarity retrieval with large corpora edh 2024-07-31 04:01 (UTC)
python-acme-git 2.8.0.r6.g926d0c7e0-1 4 0.00 ACME protocol implementation for Python edh 2024-01-07 23:48 (UTC)
pcc-libs 1.1.0-1 14 0.00 Libraries for the Portable C Compiler edh 2019-07-10 12:32 (UTC)
pcc 1.1.0-1 20 0.00 A Portable C Compiler edh 2020-09-15 09:23 (UTC)
munge-git 0.5.16.r0.g4799418-1 2 0.00 An authentication service for creating and validating credentials. It is designed to be highly scalable for use in an HPC cluster environment. edh 2024-03-16 18:19 (UTC)
gtk-theme-iris-light-git 105.aca7c34-1 32 0.00 A flat theme that uses varying shades and tones to create distinction and a modern experience. edh 2017-01-07 14:06 (UTC)
gtk-theme-iris-dark-git 107.3468e91-1 40 0.00 A flat theme that uses varying shades and tones to create distinction and a modern experience. edh 2017-01-07 14:06 (UTC)
electricfence 2.2.7-1 24 0.00 A malloc(3) debugger that uses virtual memory hardware to detect illegal memory accesses. edh 2024-08-23 03:33 (UTC)
cuberite-bin 1.12.2b385-2 3 0.00 A Minecraft-compatible multiplayer game server that is written in C++ and designed to be efficient with memory and CPU, as well as having a flexible Lua Plugin API. It is compatible with the vanilla Minecraft client. edh 2023-12-09 20:02 (UTC)
cuberite 1.12.2c2_eda440e-2 10 0.00 A Minecraft-compatible multiplayer game server that is written in C++ and designed to be efficient with memory and CPU, as well as having a flexible Lua Plugin API. It is compatible with the vanilla Minecraft client. edh 2023-12-09 20:02 (UTC)
certbot-nginx-git 2.8.0.r6.g926d0c7e0-1 2 0.00 Nginx plugin for Certbot edh 2024-01-07 23:47 (UTC)
certbot-apache-git 2.8.0.r6.g926d0c7e0-1 2 0.00 Apache plugin for Certbot edh 2024-01-07 23:47 (UTC)
certbot-git 2.8.0.r6.g926d0c7e0-1 26 0.00 Tool to automatically receive and install X.509 certificates to enable TLS on servers edh 2024-01-07 23:47 (UTC)
bup-git 1:0.33.r224.gd049e9b4-1 22 0.00 Efficient file backup system based on the git packfile format edh 2024-08-26 03:16 (UTC)

37 packages found. Page 1 of 1.