48 packages found. Page 1 of 1.

Name Version Votes Popularity? Description Maintainer Last Updated
kongdash-bin 0.3.0-1 0 0.00 ORY Hydra is a hardened, certified OAuth2 and OpenID Connect server optimized for low-latency, high throughput, and low resource consumption. orphan 2019-02-11 23:43 (UTC)
oauth2ms-git r10.a1ef0cabfdea-1 0 0.00 XOAUTH2 compatible O365 token fetcher orphan 2022-10-05 13:34 (UTC)
oauth2token 0.0.3-1 3 0.00 Simple cli utility to create and use oauth2 tokens orphan 2022-01-19 09:34 (UTC)
ory-hydra-bin 2.0.2-1 2 0.00 OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Provider orphan 2022-11-27 21:55 (UTC)
python-django-oauth-toolkit 2.3.0-1 0 0.00 OAuth2 Provider for Django orphan 2023-12-07 23:15 (UTC)
python-prawoauth2 0.3-2 0 0.00 prawoauth2 is a helper library which makes writing Reddit bots/apps using OAuth2 super easy and simple. orphan 2021-10-23 15:43 (UTC)
ruby-koala 3.0.0-2 1 0.00 A lightweight Facebook library supporting the Graph, Marketing, and Atlas APIs, realtime updates, test users, and OAuth orphan 2021-12-02 00:46 (UTC)
ruby-simple_oauth 0.3.1-2 1 0.00 Simply builds and verifies OAuth headers orphan 2021-12-15 00:15 (UTC)
pam-exec-oauth2 0.0.1-2 1 0.00 Allows Linux user authentication to OAuth2 via pam_exec alerque 2024-03-29 12:31 (UTC)
pam-oauth2 1.0.1-3 2 0.00 OAuth2 pam module alerque 2024-03-28 15:12 (UTC)
dex-idp 2.42.0-1 2 0.00 OpenID Connect Identity (OIDC) and OAuth 2.0 Provider with Pluggable Connectors AlexBocken 2025-02-24 07:32 (UTC)
python-aioauth-client 0.26.0-1 1 0.09 OAuth support for Asyncio/Trio libraries arcanis 2021-09-17 15:28 (UTC)
git-credential-oauth-git 0.15.0.r0.g7562c3a-1 1 0.00 Git credential helper that securely authenticates to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Gerrit and other forges using OAuth (Git version) Brainos 2025-03-01 05:04 (UTC)
oauth2-proxy 7.8.1-2 4 0.00 A reverse proxy that provides authentication with Google, Keycloak, GitHub or other providers. C0rn3j 2025-02-16 09:31 (UTC)
python-mwoauth 0.4.0-1 1 0.00 Generic MediaWiki OAuth handshake helper for Python carlosal1015 2024-08-21 02:14 (UTC)
oauth2l 1.3.0-1 0 0.00 Simple CLI for interacting with Google API authentication chaserhkj 2022-07-19 21:17 (UTC)
oauth2l-git v1.3.0.r4.g55ad5ab-1 0 0.00 Simple CLI for interacting with Google API authentication - git version chaserhkj 2023-10-21 02:52 (UTC)
perl-mojolicious-plugin-oauth2 2.02-1 0 0.00 Auth against OAuth2 APIs including OpenID Connect cpanbot 2023-11-07 01:10 (UTC)
perl-net-oauth2-authorizationserver 0.28-1 0 0.00 Easier implementation of an OAuth2 cpanbot 2023-01-28 14:29 (UTC)
jans-auth-server 1.1.3-1 0 0.00 Janssen Project - An open source digital identity platforms that scales. Java OAuth Authorization Server and a certified OpenID Connect Provider. davispuh 2024-07-12 16:22 (UTC)
jans-casa 1.1.3-1 0 0.00 Janssen Project - An open source digital identity platforms that scales. Java OAuth Authorization Server and a certified OpenID Connect Provider. davispuh 2024-07-12 16:22 (UTC)
jans-config 1.1.3-1 0 0.00 Janssen Project - An open source digital identity platforms that scales. Java OAuth Authorization Server and a certified OpenID Connect Provider. davispuh 2024-07-12 16:22 (UTC)
jans-link 1.1.3-1 0 0.00 Janssen Project - An open source digital identity platforms that scales. Java OAuth Authorization Server and a certified OpenID Connect Provider. davispuh 2024-07-12 16:22 (UTC)
jans-scripts 1.1.3-1 0 0.00 Janssen Project - An open source digital identity platforms that scales. Java OAuth Authorization Server and a certified OpenID Connect Provider. davispuh 2024-07-12 16:22 (UTC)
oauth2-proxy-git v0.1.r1467.g42475c28-1 0 0.00 A reverse proxy that provides authentication with Google, Github or other providers. denisse 2021-04-10 04:13 (UTC)
vouch-proxy 0.41.0-1 0 0.00 an SSO and OAuth / OIDC login solution for Nginx using the auth_request module gdamjan 2025-02-23 17:46 (UTC)
pizauth-git 1.0.4.r0.gcaf045c-2 0 0.00 OAuth2 token requester daemon gesh 2024-04-15 17:38 (UTC)
gcalcli-git 3.4.0.r311.g27aa937-1 2 0.00 Google Calendar Command Line Interface, modfied to work with the package: python-oauth2client from [community] repository. guotsuan 2018-08-11 07:25 (UTC)
git-credential-oauth 0.15.0-1 6 0.04 Git credential helper that securely authenticates to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Gerrit and other forges using OAuth hickford 2025-03-01 05:03 (UTC)
python-oauth 1.0.1-1 0 0.00 Python 3 library implementing of the OAuth protocol. j_4321 2018-11-05 10:18 (UTC)
kagiana 0.4.4-1 0 0.00 It is OAuth Authenticator & Vault Certificate Getter kenchan 2023-04-05 15:29 (UTC)
yt-dlp-youtube-oauth2-git 2024.9.29.r0.g67ca8d64-1 0 0.00 Plugin that adds OAuth2 login support to yt-dlp's YouTube extractors Kimiblock 2024-10-14 15:14 (UTC)
python-rauth 0.7.3-3 6 0.00 A Python library for OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly LA-MJ 2023-09-29 14:01 (UTC)
hotp-totp-php 4.4.1-1 0 0.00 PHP tool to create one-time passwords via HOTP, TOTP, OCRA, OAuth 1.0a 2.0; rfc4226, 6238, 6287, 5849, 6749 mcnster 2017-09-23 21:50 (UTC)
ory-hydra 2.2.0-2 0 0.00 Ory Hydra OpenID Connect and OAuth Provider written in Go mekyt 2024-02-22 13:00 (UTC)
ruby-oauth 1.1.0-1 9 0.65 OAuth Core Ruby implementation micwoj92 2025-02-26 20:42 (UTC)
ruby-oauth-tty 1.0.5-1 1 0.65 OAuth 1.0 TTY Command Line Interface micwoj92 2025-02-26 20:49 (UTC)
git-sendgmail-git r20.e322915-1 1 0.00 Use git send-email with gmail via OAuth2 mikezackles 2022-06-12 04:47 (UTC)
python-oauth2token 0.0.3.r3.gef0e3f-3 0 0.00 Simple cli tools to create and use oauth2token mistersmee 2024-12-24 12:48 (UTC)
php-oauth 2.0.7-1 11 0.00 PHP extension to provide OAuth consumer and provider bindings. mtorromeo 2021-03-23 15:20 (UTC)
python-msal 1.32.0-1 1 0.37 Authenticate with Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) accounts using OAuth2 and OpenID Connect npreining 2025-03-25 00:32 (UTC)
sasl-xoauth2-git r203.47ff232-2 0 0.00 SASL plugin that enables client-side use of OAuth 2.0 npreining 2024-09-15 12:13 (UTC)
oama-bin 0.18-3 11 0.27 Provide OAuth2 renewal and authorization capabilities petrus7 2025-03-15 01:01 (UTC)
python-gpsoauth 1.1.1-1 2 0.00 A python client library for Google Play Services OAuth. robertfoster 2025-02-02 12:18 (UTC)
cyrus-sasl-xoauth2-git r24.36aabca54fd6-1 6 0.26 XOAUTH2 mechanism plugin for cyrus-sasl tohojo 2022-08-30 21:03 (UTC)
oauth2-proxy-bin 7.8.1-1 1 0.03 A reverse proxy and static file server that provides authentication using Providers (Google, Keycloak, GitHub and others) to validate accounts by email, domain or group. VVL 2025-01-15 12:29 (UTC)
oauth2c 1.17.2-2 1 0.00 User-friendly CLI for OAuth2 wooptoo 2025-03-19 10:13 (UTC)
openvpn-auth-oauth2 1.22.7-1 0 0.00 A plugin/management interface client for OpenVPN server to handle an OIDC based single sign-on (SSO) auth flows xiaoxi654 2025-02-21 17:15 (UTC)

48 packages found. Page 1 of 1.