20 packages found. Page 1 of 1.

Name Version Votes Popularity? Description Maintainer Last Updated
rarsm 1.7-2 1 0.71 RARSM - Improved RISC-V Assembler and Runtime Simulator Big-Iron 2025-03-11 13:46 (UTC)
rvvm 0.6-1 4 0.43 The RISC-V Virtual Machine LekKit 2024-03-18 17:17 (UTC)
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc 14.2.0-2 9 0.37 The GNU Compiler Collection - cross compiler for 32bit and 64bit RISC-V bare-metal Maxr1998 2024-09-07 15:02 (UTC)
riscv64-unknown-elf-binutils 2.43.1-1 9 0.00 Assemble and manipulate binary and object files for 32bit and 64bit RISC-V Maxr1998 2024-09-07 15:02 (UTC)
qtrvsim 0.9.8-1 6 0.00 RISC-V CPU simulator for education purposes jdupak 2024-10-04 19:17 (UTC)
ripes-git 2.2.6-1 5 0.00 A graphical processor simulator and assembly editor for the RISC-V ISA VitalyR 2023-06-30 09:53 (UTC)
riscv-none-elf-gcc-bin 14.2.0_2-1 4 0.00 Cross compiler for 32-bit and 64-bit RISC-V (The xPack GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC) KirisameMarisa 2024-10-11 10:13 (UTC)
xfel-git 1.3.2.r44.g3327271-1 2 0.00 Tiny FEL tools for allwinner SOC, support RISC-V D1 chip. taotieren 2025-01-18 10:17 (UTC)
xfel 1.3.2-19 2 0.00 Tiny FEL tools for allwinner SOC, support RISC-V D1 chip. taotieren 2024-12-07 08:04 (UTC)
rvvm-git 0.7_r1249.9bee561-1 3 0.00 The RISC-V Virtual Machine LekKit 2024-03-24 14:27 (UTC)
riscv-isa-sim-git r3050.5a114574-2 4 0.00 Spike, a RISC-V ISA Simulator weilinfox 2023-11-03 13:17 (UTC)
python-bronzebeard 0.2.2-1 1 0.00 Minimal ecosystem for bare-metal assembly RISC-V development Popolon 2024-06-12 07:49 (UTC)
wlink-git 0.1.1.r3.g217f0e5-1 0 0.00 wlink - WCH-Link(RV) command line tool taotieren 2025-01-12 13:25 (UTC)
rv-link-udev-git 0.2.1.r95.g04f3781-1 0 0.00 A JTAG emulator/debugger for RISC-V micro-controllers that runs on a RISC-V development board (Sipeed Longan Nano for example). taotieren 2022-03-07 08:41 (UTC)
ripes-bin 2.2.6-3 0 0.00 A graphical processor simulator and assembly editor for the RISC-V ISA zxp19821005 2024-08-09 07:09 (UTC)
nucleistudioide 202502-1 1 0.00 Nuclei Studio IDE 是基于 MCU Eclipse IDE 开发的一款针对芯来公司处理器核产品的集成开发环境工具,用于 RISC-V 开发继承了 Eclipse IDE 平台的各种优势。 taotieren 2025-03-09 13:17 (UTC)
nuclei-openocd 2025.02-1 1 0.00 nuclei-openocd 是 Nuclei Studio IDE 的调试工具。 taotieren 2025-03-09 12:53 (UTC)
nuclei-gcc 2025.02-1 0 0.00 nuclei-gcc 是 Nuclei Studio IDE 的编译工具。 taotieren 2025-03-09 13:13 (UTC)
hifive1-sdk-git r159.261668c-1 6 0.00 The Official SDK of the RISC-V-based HiFive1 Board (and Arty) NonerKao 2017-06-21 16:52 (UTC)
gd32-dfu-utils 0.9-3 0 0.00 Dfu-utils GD32 fork. Dfu-util - Device Firmware Upgrade Utilities taotieren 2025-01-11 14:01 (UTC)

20 packages found. Page 1 of 1.