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Name Version Votes Popularity? Description Maintainer Last Updated
ttf-twemoji 15.1.0-1 87 2.82 Truetype builds of Twemoji; Twitter Color Emoji for everyone. JoeBlakeB 2024-03-28 14:58 (UTC)
ttf-google-fonts-git 1:r8380.47f307584-1 558 1.02 TrueType fonts from the Google Fonts project (git version) andrewSC 2024-08-06 23:47 (UTC)
ttf-sarasa_ui-jp 1.0.29-1 1 0.57 更紗ゴシックUI (日本語) NekoLOvO 2025-03-03 03:45 (UTC)
ttf-sarasa_ui-sc 1.0.29-1 1 0.57 更纱黑体UI (简体中文) NekoLOvO 2025-03-03 03:45 (UTC)
ttf-sarasa_ui-tc 1.0.29-1 1 0.57 更紗黑體UI (台湾正體中文) NekoLOvO 2025-03-03 03:45 (UTC)
ttf-sarasa_ui-cl 1.0.29-1 1 0.57 更纱黑体UI (传统旧字形) NekoLOvO 2025-03-03 03:45 (UTC)
ttf-sarasa_ui-kr 1.0.29-1 1 0.57 사라사고딕UI (한국인) NekoLOvO 2025-03-03 03:45 (UTC)
ttf-sarasa_ui-hc 1.0.29-1 1 0.57 更紗黑體UI (香港繁體中文) NekoLOvO 2025-03-03 03:45 (UTC)
ttf-sarasa_ui-all 1.0.29-1 1 0.57 Sarasa UI (CJK) NekoLOvO 2025-03-03 03:45 (UTC)
redhat-fonts 4.1.0-1 3 0.57 Red Hat Typeface fonts inetol 2025-03-25 20:02 (UTC)
ttf-firacode 6.2-2 3 0.41 Free monospaced font with programming ligatures xihale 2023-07-29 02:03 (UTC)
ttf-patrick-hand-full 2.001-2 1 0.28 font based on Patrick Wagesreiter’s handwriting Ordoviz 2024-04-03 14:18 (UTC)
ttf-twemoji-color 15.1.0-1 109 0.08 A color and B&W emoji SVG-in-OpenType font by Twitter with support for ZWJ, skin tone modifiers and country flags. zoorat 2024-10-06 12:08 (UTC)
dina-font-ttf 1-1 2 0.05 A monospace bitmap font, primarily aimed at programmers (TTF Format) Ckat 2024-09-05 18:16 (UTC)
ttf-mononoki 1.6-2 27 0.02 Monospace font for programmers, successor of monoOne zoorat 2023-11-12 16:20 (UTC)
ttf-octicons 19.14.0-1 6 0.01 A scalable set of icons handcrafted with <3 by GitHub clebermatheus 2025-01-28 01:25 (UTC)
ttf-opposans 20241023-1 1 0.00 OPPO Sans Eikano 2024-10-28 02:38 (UTC)
ttf-lxgw-neo-xihei-screen 25.01.24-1 3 0.00 霞鹜新晰黑屏幕阅读版。霞鹜新晰黑 的屏幕阅读版本,将原版 霞鹜新晰黑 加粗 6 个单位后,调整度量数据与 Android 默认字体 Roboto 相同。 gaogao_qwq 2025-01-24 17:29 (UTC)
ttf-lxgw-neo-xihei 1.215-1 3 0.00 霞鹜新晰黑。一款衍生于「IPAexゴシック」的中文黑体字型。A Simplified Chinese sans-serif font derived from IPAex Gothic. gaogao_qwq 2025-03-21 15:17 (UTC)
nerd-fonts-complete-mono-glyphs 2.1.0-1 16 0.00 Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts. (Mono glyphs only) gladoncio 2021-06-04 10:07 (UTC)
ttf-paratype 1:2.005-5 83 0.00 ParaType font family with extended cyrillic and latin character sets AlfredoRamos 2023-12-30 06:07 (UTC)
ttf-whatsapp-emoji 3 0.00 TrueType WhatsApp emoji dmlls 2024-05-13 16:11 (UTC)
ttf-gost 1.0-1 2 0.00 Font GOST 2.304-81 type A and type B sergskokow 2020-08-16 13:24 (UTC)
persian-fonts 20220311-1 18 0.00 Meta package to install all Persian fonts. morealaz 2022-03-11 05:13 (UTC)
ttf-gofont-git r328.70e8d0d-1 2 0.00 The font for the experimental Go user interface toolkit zuckerschnecke 2022-10-22 08:45 (UTC)
ttf-pingfang-git r2.895efd9-1 2 0.00 PingFang font from Apple. AlieZ 2022-11-25 07:21 (UTC)
ttf-spacemono 1.0.0-2 15 0.00 Space Mono font by Colophon (from Google Fonts) bengcooper 2016-07-09 14:39 (UTC)
ttf-google-fonts-typewolf 20250116-1 10 0.00 Typewolf's curated collection of the 40 best fonts from the Google Fonts project dpeukert 2025-02-02 18:20 (UTC)
ttf-d2coding 1.3.2-2 16 0.00 D2Coding Fixed Width TrueType fonts OctopusET 2020-09-20 22:19 (UTC)
ttf-ysabeau-git 0.003.r107.gc620c84-1 0 0.00 The essence of Garamond in an open-source sans-serif typeface. Carlson24 2022-03-21 04:13 (UTC)
otf-ysabeau-git 0.003.r107.gc620c84-1 0 0.00 The essence of Garamond in an open-source sans-serif typeface. Carlson24 2022-03-21 04:13 (UTC)
webfontkitgenerator-git 1.0.0-1 0 0.00 Create @font-face kits easily archisman 2022-03-28 06:07 (UTC)
ttfviewer-bin 0.2.8-3 0 0.00 A small tool for developers to view and preview various ttf font/icon image formats. It is based on Qt and opencv frameworks and supports windows/linux/macos. zxp19821005 2024-08-30 03:12 (UTC)
ttf-zalgo 1-1 1 0.00 He comes. doomworks 2017-11-05 22:48 (UTC)
ttf-zaklad 1.0-1 1 0.00 Display font designed for use on signage and posters, it’s massive and sturdy construction was inspired the blocky geometrical letters from the Warsaw’s craftsmen shops. Etua 2018-02-24 21:54 (UTC)
ttf-x2 1.0-2 0 0.00 Free fonts with support for Persian, Arabic, Urdu, Pashto, Dari, Uzbek, Kurdish, Uighur, old Turkish (Ottoman) and modern Turkish (Roman). DarkSun 2020-05-26 10:58 (UTC)
ttf-wps-win10 1.0.0-3 5 0.00 Symbol fonts required by wps-office from Microsoft Windows 10 dreamingincode 2023-09-23 04:24 (UTC)
ttf-topaz-unicode 1-1 0 0.00 A version of the Amiga 500 "Topaz" font updated for the 21st century ogarcia 2024-01-29 09:50 (UTC)
ttf-sw2010 3.0.2-1 1 0.00 SignWriting 2010 is a typeface for written sign languages which makes the entire International SignWriting Alphabet 2010 symbol set available in TrueType fonts. Luclu7 2018-02-10 17:01 (UTC)
ttf-smokum 1.001-2 0 0.00 A western inspired slab-serif font with a little playful swagger to it. flyingcakes 2021-11-25 12:54 (UTC)
ttf-proggy-vector 1.1.5-1 4 0.00 Proggy Vector is Monospaced, Fixed-width TrueType font optimized for C,C++ programming. sheepjin99 2020-03-01 17:45 (UTC)
ttf-openlogos-archupdate 1.0-2 9 0.00 Font depicting various open-source logos, by CtrlAltF12 jpope 2022-02-07 02:05 (UTC)
ttf-nexon 5-2 0 0.00 The Level Up series TrueType fonts provided by Nexon. Jhyub 2023-01-06 06:58 (UTC)
ttf-news-cycle 0.5.2-2 1 0.00 A realist sans-serif typeface based on ATF's 1908 News Gothic. andrejr 2020-02-16 12:22 (UTC)
ttf-mizutama-emoji 0.9-2 0 0.00 A dot-patterned emoji font based on Twemoji yantene 2017-08-20 02:20 (UTC)
ttf-menlo-powerline-git r6.07e91f6-2 1 0.00 Menlo font patched to work with Powerline orphan 2022-05-05 16:45 (UTC)
ttf-lxgw-zhisong 0.342.1-1 0 0.00 霞鶩緻宋。一款衍生於「IPAex 明朝」的舊字形寫法中文字型。A Chinese font derived from IPAex Mincho. lakejason0 2025-03-19 13:44 (UTC)
ttf-lxgw-xihei 0.342.1-1 0 0.00 霞鶩晰黑。一款衍生於「IPAex ゴシック」的舊字形寫法中文字型。A Chinese font derived from IPAex Gothic. lakejason0 2025-03-19 13:44 (UTC)
ttf-lxgw-neo-zhisong 1.030.1-1 0 0.00 霞鹜新致宋。一款衍生于「IPAmj明朝」的中文宋体字型。A Chinese serif font derived from IPAmj Mincho. lakejason0 2025-03-27 08:28 (UTC)
ttf-lxgw-heart-serif 1.011-3 0 0.00 基于「こころ明朝体」以及「霞鹜新致宋」「霞鹜致宋 CL/MN」衍生的中文宋体字型。将字面横向压缩 85%,并增加圆角,更加清瘦、圆润。 lakejason0 2025-01-25 03:27 (UTC)

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