8 packages found. Page 1 of 1.

Name Version Votes Popularity? Description Maintainer Last Updated
verible 0.0.r3946.g851d3ff4-2 2 0.11 Suite of SystemVerilog developer tools. Including a style-linter, indexer, formatter, and language server Poscat 2025-02-17 13:12 (UTC)
verible-bin 0.0.3724-1 3 0.02 SystemVerilog parser, linter, formatter and etc from Google ildus 2024-07-27 13:58 (UTC)
svls 0.2.12-1 4 0.00 SystemVerilog language server otreblan 2024-12-23 11:47 (UTC)
verilogx 0.1-1 0 0.00 A simple, easy, and fast Verilog simulator. rafiibrahim8 2022-04-24 17:37 (UTC)
sigasi 5.5.0-1 5 0.00 Eclipse-based commercial VHDL, Verilog and SystemVerilog IDE fredericva 2024-03-27 20:27 (UTC)
questasim 2022.4-1 0 0.00 The Questa advanced simulator is the core simulation and debug engine of the Questa verification solution. m42uko 2023-08-25 09:32 (UTC)
iverilog-git s20150603.r1490.g0a86773c5-1 2 0.00 Icarus Verilog simulation and synthesis tool gilcu3 2022-05-02 09:06 (UTC)
issie-bin 3.0.11-7 0 0.00 An intuitive cross-platform hardware design application. zxp19821005 2024-08-09 03:38 (UTC)

8 packages found. Page 1 of 1.