Package Details: curseforge

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: curseforge
Description: CurseForge desktop client for Linux
Upstream URL:
Licenses: MIT, custom:overwolf, custom:chromium-licenses
Submitter: saghm
Maintainer: csubee
Last Packager: csubee
Votes: 8
Popularity: 0.004330
First Submitted: 2022-05-10 04:34 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2025-03-11 21:35 (UTC)

Dependencies (1)

Required by (0)

Sources (3)

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Cabrokimer commented on 2024-04-20 08:06 (UTC) (edited on 2024-04-20 08:09 (UTC) by Cabrokimer)

Had the same error as autobotanist. Package builds ok if you replace the 15 line with options=(!strip !debug)

autobotanist commented on 2024-04-04 20:10 (UTC) (edited on 2024-04-13 02:43 (UTC) by autobotanist)

This is failing again and I have no workaround except manually installing WoW addons. The new issue is still related to the AppImage. I have tried using csubee package below, I have tried using wowup, but the version of wowup that has access to the Curseforge API throws the same error which shows as a notification on my desktop:

"Cannot mount app image please check your fuse settings. You might still be able to extract the contents with --appimage-extract option."

I've been trying different things, Discord and AI LLM support. I'm just going to have to extract the downloads into the folder for now and hope this gets updated. Is there a method of installing Curseforge that doesn't use an AppImage? That was one suggestion.

Neptune650 commented on 2024-02-10 18:44 (UTC)

Apologies for the delay, had lots of personal issues, should be updated and fixed now.

nefortner commented on 2024-02-09 09:21 (UTC)

Thank you for doing this

csubee commented on 2024-02-07 13:33 (UTC)

It seems like the package has been abandoned. I tried to contact the maintainer, but I did not receive any reply. Also, I didn't get any feedback for the orphan request here for a long time.

I created another package and set up an automatic build pipeline for it:

Feel free to use that. Cheers

blackandcold commented on 2024-02-06 21:43 (UTC)

@autobotanist what you do is manually moving the file. cogwerkz includes that fix already in his new PKGBUILD with the line

mv build/CurseForge-*.AppImage CurseForge.AppImage

Just the maintainer does not look at the comments or the package for 1.5 months.

Thanks for helping anyway, even if new :)

autobotanist commented on 2023-12-28 21:21 (UTC) (edited on 2024-03-02 19:27 (UTC) by autobotanist)

I'm sorry for the intrusion and if my solution to cogwerkz script below is not elegant. This is my first contribution to Arch wiki post here, please be gentle. The following worked for me as a simple install solution from command line:

git clone  
cd curseforge  
makepkg -si  
 #fails to install but generates navigable files  
sudo mv /home/*user*/curseforge/src/build/CurseForge-0.241.1-15351.AppImage /home/*user*/curseforge/src/  
makepkg -si  

As discussed a problem arose upstream with the publisher when the file location of CurseForge-0.241.1-15351.AppImage was altered by some developer. I also found and/or can confirm that bumping said AppImage file down a single directory was enough to successfully run makepgk -si from the home/*user*/curseforge working directory.

Happy gaming!

cogwerkz commented on 2023-12-23 16:59 (UTC)

If it's of interest to anybody, this is my custom PKGBUILD as of Dec 23rd 2023. I download the unversionen zip manually from curseforge, but it in the folder with this, and run makepkg -sic.

Modified the paths and the pkgver function, and skipped the sha512sum, everything else is as it was.

# Maintainer: Polarian <>
# Contributor: Saghm Rossi <>

pkgdesc="CurseForge desktop client for Linux"
license=('custom:overwolf' 'MIT' 'custom:chromium-licenses')

pkgver() {
    find ./build/CurseForge* | sed 's!build/!!g' | sed 's/\.\///g' | sed 's/CurseForge-\(.*\).AppImage/\1/' | sed 's/-/.r/g'

package() {
    mv build/CurseForge-*.AppImage CurseForge.AppImage
    chmod +x CurseForge.AppImage
    ./CurseForge.AppImage --appimage-extract >/dev/null
    sed -i 's/Exec=.*/Exec=\/usr\/bin\/curseforge %U/' squashfs-root/curseforge.desktop

    install -Dm755 "CurseForge.AppImage" "${pkgdir}/opt/$pkgname/CurseForge.AppImage"
    install -Dm755 "curseforge" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/curseforge"
    install -Dm644 LICENSE $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/CURSEFORGE-LICENSE
    install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/"
    install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons"

    cp -r --no-preserve=mode,ownership "${srcdir}/squashfs-root/usr/share/icons" "${pkgdir}/usr/share"
    cp --no-preserve=mode,ownership "${srcdir}/squashfs-root/curseforge.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/"
    cp --no-preserve=mode,ownership "${srcdir}/squashfs-root/LICENSE.electron.txt" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/curseforge"
    cp --no-preserve=mode,ownership "${srcdir}/squashfs-root/LICENSES.chromium.html" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/curseforge"

barabas commented on 2023-12-16 20:40 (UTC)

Upstream has moved the appimage inside a build directory.

Following diff seems to fix it:

-    mv CurseForge-*.AppImage CurseForge.AppImage
+    mv build/CurseForge-*.AppImage CurseForge.AppImage

PolarianDev commented on 2023-06-02 14:40 (UTC)

@OpenJowel I am orphaning this package because I no longer want to maintain it.

I was only holding it hoping that saghm would come back and maintain it after I apologised for scaring them, however they never returned.

Feel free to adopt the package, and maintain it yourself.

Good luck everyone!
