MarsSeed [1] filed a deletion request for deepin-wine5-stable [2]:
Wine 5 package is not needed anymore, Wine 7 is out, and is more
compatible with Windows software than any time before.
deepin wine5
is not the same as wine5
, it's a modified wine5
by deepin
. Until now, there are still some wine apps from deepin
requires this package.
Pinned Comments
huyz commented on 2022-02-02 10:59 (UTC)
deepin wine5
is not the same aswine5
, it's a modifiedwine5
. Until now, there are still some wine apps fromdeepin
requires this package.huyz commented on 2021-08-24 16:09 (UTC)
可喜可贺,deepin 那边终于开始单独分发
的包了。这也就意味着这个包不用再从 deepin-wine-apps 里面拆了,可以直接用 deepin 分发的 deb 包来打包。但坏消息是,deepin 分发的 deb 包里的可执行文件路径和之前拆包时设置的路径不一致,这意味着 aur 上现有的依赖
的 deepin-wine-apps 都无法启动,需要手动调整启动脚本。具体方法是把/opt/apps/<package>/files/
。huyz commented on 2020-11-30 04:05 (UTC) (edited on 2020-11-30 04:10 (UTC) by huyz)
目前,deepin 那边分发新的 wine-apps 时,都会自带一份 wine 二进制,可能是 deepin-wine5,也可能是 deepin-wine5-stable,前者 deepin 有单独打包,后者没有,只有随着 wine-apps 自带。
deepin-wine-apps 里自带的 wine 二进制在 /opt/apps/<package name>/files/wine_archive.7z 里,版本号则存放在 /opt/apps/<package name>/files/wine_archive.md5sum 里。
通过 脚本可知,当执行这个脚本启动 wine-apps 里,脚本会尝试解压 wine_archive.7z,具体方式是,先看 $HOME/.deepinwine 里有没有解压好的,如果有,则看 $HOME/.deepinwine 的版本号(存放在 VERSION)和 wine_archive.md5sum 相比哪个高。如果没有解压好的或者解压好的版本低,则解压 wine_archive.7z,同时把版本号存放到 VERSION 里;否则不解压。从这个方式里看,deepin-wine5{,-stable} 是向下兼容的
wine-apps 也自带了 deepin-wine-helper,其解压方式也类似。 里通过环境变量指定启动 apps 时调用的 helper 的目录,也是通过环境变量指定 helper 调用的 wine 的目录。
因此,既然 deepin-wine5{,-stable} 是向下兼容的,那么在打包 apps 包的时候,就可以把 deepin-wine5-stable 拆开来打包,以 wine_archive.md5sum 的版本号作为 deepin-wine5-stable 包的版本。
然后在打包 apps 时,先看下 apps 里自带的是 deepin-wine5 还是 deepin-wine5-stable。如果是前者,则依赖加上 deepin-wine5,后者则加上 deepin-wine5-stable,并指明最低版本号为wine_archive.md5sum 的版本号。最后修改,去除解压的代码,并修改环境变量使用系统里的 deepin-wine5{,-stable} 运行即可。