@lucaswerkmeister: Did you decide on an approach?
I'd very much like to use the native-image for Graal 19 as there was a breaking change introduced (https://github.com/oracle/graal/issues/1265#issuecomment-491534547) that doesn't work with the native-image from Graal 1.0.0 rc16's native-image, and it happens that something I'm working on needs this.
Not sure how much help I could be, but I'm at least motivated to participate, so please let me know if there is anything that needs doing.
Pinned Comments
lucaswerkmeister commented on 2019-11-25 00:24 (UTC)
Okay, the GraalVM 19.3.0 update should be done. This is now a virtual package, please explicitly install
instead – orjdk11-graalvm-bin
(or both). The same goes for all sibling packages (FastR, TruffleRuby, GraalPython, native-image) – the old packages have been retained and depend on the jdk8 version of the new package now, but please install the jdk8 and/or jdk11 packages explicitly, I’ll remove the old names eventually.