@flipmess - thanks, upstream fixed a bunch of stuff which allowed me to back out some of our patches - that file got move (and fixed by them). I also worked a bit on trying to fix the code and wrote a new patch for how I think it should work (using Qt classes) for storing user configs - this new commit I just made will try and use the expected $HOME/.config/kernelshark/ directory auto-calculated by Qt at runtime.
I have opened an issue with upstream to keep working on this, as we're still patching out some stuff and more work is needed - perhaps they'll adopt some of this work, we'll see. :) https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=203187
Pinned Comments
tengel commented on 2019-07-27 14:54 (UTC)
As of trace-cmd-git 2.8.x, kernelshark-git is now a unique package.