Package Details: ttf-tahoma 9.0-1

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: ttf-tahoma
Description: Tahoma and Tahoma Bold fonts from the Wine project
Upstream URL:
Licenses: LGPL-2.1-or-later
Submitter: kyak
Maintainer: buzo
Last Packager: buzo
Votes: 88
Popularity: 0.106543
First Submitted: 2015-08-11 15:02 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-10-27 22:05 (UTC)

Latest Comments

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buzo commented on 2024-10-27 22:06 (UTC)

Fixed – sorry for the delay.

BlazingBlast commented on 2024-09-25 09:01 (UTC) (edited on 2024-09-25 09:01 (UTC) by BlazingBlast)

diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index bad0dfe..5987275 100644
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ arch=('any')
 depends=('fontconfig' 'xorg-fonts-encodings')
-            'c29342ba99a04f983193756f01eb6de946fd4d33ba0bb7061aff11e70871b6f2')
+            'd9b1fed9205e8371891dac50375b67c87624d46bca8a357e51ac6602dfefb17a')

 package() {
   install -Dm644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/fonts/TTF" tahoma{,bd}.ttf

nezu commented on 2024-09-13 08:39 (UTC)

this package no longer builds. Download fails with a 404. The wine repo has moved to:

grawity commented on 2022-05-05 04:44 (UTC) (edited on 2022-05-05 04:46 (UTC) by grawity)

It seems that this version of the font creates problems in <del>Firefox</del> all programs, with Tahoma Bold not actually appearing bold, while a version copied from Windows 8.1 works reliably.

iEscapedVim commented on 2022-03-05 17:32 (UTC)

Hi, So I am trying to install tahoma-arabic fonts but getting this error.

==> Starting build()...
Unable to find 274 font(s)
arial.ttf arialbd.ttf ariali.ttf arialbi.ttf ariblk.ttf comic.ttf comicbd.ttf comici.ttf comicz.ttf cour.ttf courbd.ttf couri.ttf courbi.ttf framd.ttf framdit.ttf gabriola.ttf georgia.ttf georgiab.ttf georgiai.ttf georgiaz.ttf impact.ttf lucon.ttf l_10646.ttf micross.ttf pala.ttf palab.ttf palai.ttf palabi.ttf segoepr.ttf segoeprb.ttf segoesc.ttf segoescb.ttf segoeui.ttf segoeuib.ttf segoeuii.ttf segoeuiz.ttf seguibl.ttf seguibli.ttf seguiemj.ttf segoeuil.ttf seguili.ttf seguisb.ttf seguisbi.ttf segoeuisl.ttf seguisli.ttf seguisym.ttf sitka.ttc sitkab.ttc sitkai.ttc sitkaz.ttc sylfaen.ttf symbol.ttf tahoma.ttf tahomabd.ttf times.ttf timesbd.ttf timesi.ttf timesbi.ttf trebuc.ttf trebucbd.ttf trebucit.ttf trebucbi.ttf verdana.ttf verdanab.ttf verdanai.ttf verdanaz.ttf webdings.ttf wingding.ttf calibri.ttf calibrib.ttf calibrii.ttf calibriz.ttf calibril.ttf calibrili.ttf cambria.ttc cambriab.ttf cambriai.ttf cambriaz.ttf candara.ttf candarab.ttf candarai.ttf candaraz.ttf consola.ttf consolab.ttf consolai.ttf consolaz.ttf constan.ttf constanb.ttf constani.ttf constanz.ttf corbel.ttf corbelb.ttf corbeli.ttf corbelz.ttf aldhabi.ttf andlso.ttf arabtype.ttf majalla.ttf majallab.ttf simpo.ttf simpbdo.ttf simpfxo.ttf trado.ttf tradbdo.ttf urdtype.ttf urdtypeb.ttf ahronbd.ttf david.ttf davidbd.ttf frank.ttf gisha.ttf gishabd.ttf lvnm.ttf lvnmbd.ttf mriam.ttf mriamc.ttf nrkis.ttf rod.ttf shonar.ttf shonarb.ttf aparaj.ttf aparajb.ttf aparajbi.ttf aparaji.ttf kokila.ttf kokilab.ttf kokilabi.ttf kokilai.ttf mangal.ttf mangalb.ttf utsaah.ttf utsaahb.ttf utsaahbi.ttf utsaahi.ttf shruti.ttf shrutib.ttf raavi.ttf raavib.ttf tunga.ttf tungab.ttf kalinga.ttf kalingab.ttf kartika.ttf kartikab.ttf iskpota.ttf iskpotab.ttf latha.ttf lathab.ttf vijaya.ttf vijayab.ttf vrinda.ttf vrindab.ttf gautami.ttf gautamib.ttf vani.ttf vanib.ttf meiryob.ttc meiryo.ttc msgothic.ttc msmincho.ttc yugothib.ttf yugothil.ttf yugothic.ttf yumindb.ttf yuminl.ttf yumin.ttf malgun.ttf malgunbd.ttf batang.ttc gulim.ttc gadugi.ttf gadugib.ttf nyala.ttf ebrima.ttf ebrimabd.ttf plantc.ttf estre.ttf mvboli.ttf euphemia.ttf phagspa.ttf phagspab.ttf nirmala.ttf nirmalab.ttf nirmalas.ttf javatext.ttf daunpenh.ttf khmerui.ttf khmeruib.ttf moolbor.ttf dokchamp.ttf laoui.ttf laouib.ttf monbaiti.ttf mmrtext.ttf mmrtextb.ttf ntailu.ttf ntailub.ttf taile.ttf taileb.ttf himalaya.ttf msuighur.ttf msuighub.ttf msyi.ttf leelawui.ttf leelauib.ttf leeluisl.ttf angsa.ttf angsab.ttf angsaz.ttf angsai.ttf angsau.ttf angsaub.ttf angsauz.ttf angsaui.ttf browa.ttf browab.ttf browaz.ttf browai.ttf browau.ttf browaub.ttf browauz.ttf browaui.ttf cordia.ttf cordiab.ttf cordiaz.ttf cordiai.ttf cordiau.ttf cordiaub.ttf cordiauz.ttf cordiaui.ttf upcdl.ttf upcdb.ttf upcdbi.ttf upcdi.ttf upcel.ttf upceb.ttf upcebi.ttf upcei.ttf upcfl.ttf upcfb.ttf upcfbi.ttf upcfi.ttf upcil.ttf upcib.ttf upcibi.ttf upcii.ttf upcjl.ttf upcjb.ttf upcjbi.ttf upcji.ttf upckl.ttf upckb.ttf upckbi.ttf upcki.ttf leelawad.ttf leelawdb.ttf upcll.ttf upclb.ttf upclbi.ttf upcli.ttf simfang.ttf simkai.ttf msyh.ttc msyhbd.ttc msyhl.ttc simhei.ttf simsunb.ttf simsun.ttc kaiu.ttf msjh.ttc msjhbd.ttc msjhl.ttc mingliub.ttc mingliu.ttc
See the the supplied _COPY scripts for easy ways to get the fonts from Windows.
Extra fonts: *.tt[fc]

Any missing files must be supplied and editing of the PKGBUILD may be required.
Edit the PKGBUILD for instructions and changes.
The necessity for user intervention makes this PKGBUILD not compatible with
1 step package installers like packer or yaourt.
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
 -> error making: ttf-ms-win8 (ttf-ms-win8-arabic)

buzo commented on 2020-07-09 10:26 (UTC)

Fixed, thanks for reporting.

a821 commented on 2020-07-03 09:02 (UTC)

Edit the PKGBUILD, remove the depends array and rebuild, same with other fonts.

Awesome_Donkey commented on 2020-07-01 12:56 (UTC) (edited on 2020-07-01 12:57 (UTC) by Awesome_Donkey)

This is probably going to need updating because of the xorg-font-utils dep being removed. Right now I can't remove xorg-font-utils because of the removing xorg-font-utils breaks dependency 'xorg-font-utils' required by ttf-tahoma error.

buzo commented on 2020-01-19 13:38 (UTC)

Thanks KingFail, done.

KingFail commented on 2020-01-13 20:28 (UTC)

The font files at used by this package are currently broken, possibly caused by LXR.

The ones on the git work however, and can be downloaded from the links below and installed manually.

I suggest changing the package to use the following URLs to pull the files from, not only restoring functionality but also ensuring the latest versions are always used: