Package Details: twitch-curses 1.2-3

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: twitch-curses
Description: Terminal-based browser / streamlink frontend
Upstream URL:
Keywords: streamlink twitch
Licenses: WTFPL
Submitter: corbie
Maintainer: corbie
Last Packager: corbie
Votes: 14
Popularity: 0.000000
First Submitted: 2015-11-15 14:29 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2019-08-23 23:19 (UTC)

Latest Comments

corbie commented on 2017-03-05 15:40 (UTC)

Seems like livestreamer is dead, switched to streamlink.

corbie commented on 2016-09-16 12:50 (UTC)

Twitch now requires clients to send it a Client-ID http header, which is why twitch-curses stopped working. Seems this change broke livestreamer as well. I registered on their javascript abomination of a website and acquired a client id. I fed it to both twitch-curses and livestreamer http requests, so everything should now work again.

corbie commented on 2016-08-12 14:19 (UTC)

I see. I changed the PKGBUILD so that the source file has the version number appended to its name after downloading. I hope this fixes it.

Popkornium18 commented on 2016-08-12 09:35 (UTC)

When I remove the files that pacaur has cached it updates fine. But when there are cached files, pacaur thinks it can use the cached version of the script. Yaourt does not cache files by default, thats why you don't have that problem. Could you modify the package, so that AUR wrappers realize changes in '', so they won't use cached files?

corbie commented on 2016-08-10 15:26 (UTC)

That's weird, the only thing I changed in the AUR repo was the version (1.0-4 to 1.1-1). I always just arbitrarily increase the version in AUR whenever I add anything of importance upstream. The package got upgraded without issue on my machine (using yaourt). Anyways, if anyone was wondering, there's now a manual stream selector if the desired stream quality is not available. Before, it simply passed the 'best' option to livestreamer as a fallback. However, as anyone watching ti6 dota2 championships must have noticed, some streams are special snowflakes where none of the standard options work and livestreamer can't figure out which of the available streams is the best.

Popkornium18 commented on 2016-08-10 11:29 (UTC)

When I upgrade this package with 'pacaur -Syu' it doesn't seem to upgrade the twitch-curses script. I have to manually replace the file. I don't know if this is intended, or if I am doing something wrong, but I thought I'd let you know.

Aro commented on 2016-01-30 19:41 (UTC)

This is absolutely amazing and works like a charm. Well done.

corbie commented on 2015-11-30 18:49 (UTC)

Whoops, thanks for the heads up. Fixed.

Tyrant commented on 2015-11-30 17:14 (UTC)

This is missing the "python-pycurl" dependency