hi and thanks again. last commit was 10 days ago about 5.16-rc8. two days ago, with kernel 5.16 entering core repo, updating the system, I have "stddef.h not found" error.
mmmh, am I missing something in my system?
oh i forgot. workstation 16 package is working perfectly. Is it time to upgrade? :-D
Pinned Comments
jihem commented on 2020-09-19 09:12 (UTC)
After the first installation, please:
1) install the appropriate headers package(s) for your installed kernel(s): linux-headers for default kernel, linux-lts-headers for LTS kernel...
2) reboot or load vmw_vmci and vmmon kernel modules (modprobe -a vmw_vmci vmmon)
3) Enable the services you need:
vmware-networks.service: to have network access inside VMs
vmware-usbarbitrator.service: to connect USB devices inside VMs
vmware-hostd.service: to share VMs on the network