Package Details: wxtoimg-beta 2.11.2-10

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: wxtoimg-beta
Description: Software to decode APT and WEFAX signals from weather satellites
Upstream URL:
Keywords: beta RTLSDR satellite weather wxtoimg
Licenses: LicenseRef-WXtoImgLicense
Conflicts: wxtoimg
Provides: wxtoimg
Submitter: gin078
Maintainer: dpeukert
Last Packager: dpeukert
Votes: 3
Popularity: 0.000000
First Submitted: 2016-05-28 00:02 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-07-23 16:00 (UTC)

Pinned Comments

dpeukert commented on 2019-12-26 22:53 (UTC) (edited on 2020-09-26 18:05 (UTC) by dpeukert)

The PKGBUILD for this package is hosted here (contributions are welcome!):

Latest Comments

dpeukert commented on 2022-09-06 13:38 (UTC)

I've implemented the path replacements suggested by @dviktor, see for more details.

dviktor commented on 2022-01-01 19:04 (UTC) (edited on 2022-01-27 12:44 (UTC) by dviktor)

I was able to make binary patches for all variants of wxtoimg. As of now file list for the package is:

$ pacman -Ql wxtoimg-beta 
wxtoimg-beta /usr/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/bin/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/bin/wxbatch
wxtoimg-beta /usr/bin/wxmap
wxtoimg-beta /usr/bin/wxproj
wxtoimg-beta /usr/bin/wxrec
wxtoimg-beta /usr/bin/wxtoimg
wxtoimg-beta /usr/bin/xwxtoimg
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/applications/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/applications/wxtoimg.desktop
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/licenses/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/licenses/wxtoimg-beta/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/licenses/wxtoimg-beta/LICENSE
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/de/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/de/man1/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/de/man1/wxcalibrate.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/de/man1/wxfaq.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/de/man1/wxrego.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/de/man1/xwxtoimg.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/es/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/es/man1/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/es/man1/wxcalibrate.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/es/man1/wxfaq.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/es/man1/wxrego.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/es/man1/xwxtoimg.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/fr/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/fr/man1/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/fr/man1/wxcalibrate.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/fr/man1/wxfaq.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/fr/man1/wxrego.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/fr/man1/xwxtoimg.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/ja/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/ja/man1/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/ja/man1/wxcalibrate.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/ja/man1/wxfaq.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/ja/man1/wxrego.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/ja/man1/xwxtoimg.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/man1/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/man1/wxbatch.1.gz
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/man1/wxmap.1.gz
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/man1/wxproj.1.gz
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/man1/wxrec.1.gz
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/man1/wxtoimg.1.gz
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/pl/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/pl/man1/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/pl/man1/wxcalibrate.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/pl/man1/wxfaq.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/pl/man1/wxrego.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/man/pl/man1/xwxtoimg.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/pixmaps/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/pixmaps/wxtoimg.png
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/de_wxcalibrate.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/de_wxfaq.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/de_wxrego.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/de_xwxtoimg.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/es_wxcalibrate.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/es_wxfaq.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/es_wxrego.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/es_xwxtoimg.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/fr_wxcalibrate.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/fr_wxfaq.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/fr_wxrego.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/fr_xwxtoimg.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/ja_wxcalibrate.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/ja_wxfaq.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/ja_wxrego.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/ja_xwxtoimg.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/pl_wxcalibrate.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/pl_wxfaq.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/pl_wxrego.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/man/pl_xwxtoimg.1
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/template0.html
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/template1.html
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/template2.html
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/template3.html
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/template4.html
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/template5.html
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/template6.html
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/tkclscrd.ttf
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/tle/
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/tle/archive.txt
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/tle/met2-21h.txt
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/tle/met3-05h.txt
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/tle/noaa-12h.txt
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/tle/noaa-14h.txt
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/tle/noaa-15h.txt
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/tle/noaa-16h.txt
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/tle/noaa-17h.txt
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/tle/othertle.txt
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/tle/resource.txt
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/tle/weather.txt
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/wxland.png
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/wxmap.db
wxtoimg-beta /usr/share/wx2img/wxmap.png

As you can see I was able to fully evade /usr/local parts in file paths by simply changing strings in corresponding executables. I've tested it on one of my previous WAV recordings and things look fine!

Complete build tree is located here. To check my patches you can use the following steps.

  1. Patch original binary executable: bspatch ORIG.exec FIXED.exec ORIG-ARCH.patch
  2. Compare original and patched binaries with the following: cmp -l ORIG.exec FIXED.exec | gawk '{printf "%08X %02X %02X\n", $1-1, strtonum(0$2), strtonum(0$3)}'. It will give you bitewise comparison of what has been changed - you can then re-check by hand in, e. g., bless or okteta

It would be great if someone can test my changes; then we can push them here. This will allow to comply to the Arch packaging standards without need of tinkering with /usr/local and similar stuff

Also I've fixed .desktop file a bit: added proper categories. proj should be in dependency list as well - I've found link to this executable while digging through binary executables

dviktor commented on 2021-07-25 16:09 (UTC)

@dpeukert, any thoughts about it?)

dpeukert commented on 2021-06-18 00:44 (UTC)

@dviktor: Huh, that looks interesting, I'll try looking into it over the weekend, thanks for letting me know.

dviktor commented on 2021-06-15 15:34 (UTC) (edited on 2021-06-15 15:35 (UTC) by dviktor)

What about patching binaries to replace hardcoded strings that point out to /usr/local stuff? I've tried this approach and it works quite well. We can only supply binary diffs instead of patched binaries so PKGBUILD will be small. There are only few strings that should be changed, for example, wxtoimg binary:

in /usr/local/etc/wxtoimg.cfg (or \\WXTOIMG.CFG
which in turn can override any value in /usr/local/etc/wxtoimg.cfg
in /usr/local/etc/wxtoimg.cfg.  Users can override these defaults in
the directory /usr/local/lib/wx/tle is checked.  See also -H.
starts it first looks in /usr/local/etc/wxtoimg.cfg (or \\WXTOIMG.CFG
which in turn can override any value in /usr/local/etc/wxtoimg.cfg
in /usr/local/etc/wxtoimg.cfg.  Users can override these defaults in
the directory /usr/local/lib/wx/tle is checked.  See also -H.
starts it first looks in /usr/local/etc/wxtoimg.cfg (or \\WXTOIMG.CFG
which in turn can override any value in /usr/local/etc/wxtoimg.cfg
in /usr/local/etc/wxtoimg.cfg.  Users can override these defaults in
starts it first looks in /usr/local/etc/wxtoimg.cfg (or \\WXTOIMG.CFG
which in turn can override any value in /usr/local/etc/wxtoimg.cfg
in /usr/local/etc/wxtoimg.cfg.  Users can override these defaults in

dpeukert commented on 2019-12-26 22:53 (UTC) (edited on 2020-09-26 18:05 (UTC) by dpeukert)

The PKGBUILD for this package is hosted here (contributions are welcome!):

gin078 commented on 2019-07-10 17:57 (UTC) (edited on 2019-07-10 17:58 (UTC) by gin078)

Before blindly committing to a new upstream, I'd like to verify that it's in fact the correct binary. I have not had time to do that yet, but should in the next week or so.

Refutationalist commented on 2019-06-27 12:41 (UTC)

The original wxtoimg disappeared, there's a new webpage, but it doesn't have the x86-64 other binary, so I recreated the package using the deb.