Flagged Out-of-Date Comment: abstreet-git

MarsSeed flagged abstreet-git out-of-date on 2024-03-22 (UTC) for the following reason:

Fails to build. To fix, declare: options=('!lto'); add depends+=('alsa-lib' 'fontconfig' 'gtk3'); add makedepends+=('cmake'). Pls add needed provides=(abstreet); conflicts=(abstreet). The testcase 'tests::run_test_map_importer' fails. Pls implement the Rust guidelines for prepare() and build(), with frozen cargo deps, to make it reproducible; also add git tag based pkgver(): - https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Rust_package_guidelines#Prepare - https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/VCS_package_guidelines#Git