Package Details: vesktop 1.5.2-4

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: vesktop
Description: Vesktop gives you the performance of web Discord and the comfort of Discord Desktop
Upstream URL:
Keywords: discord vencord vesktop
Licenses: GPL3
Conflicts: vesktop-bin
Submitter: picokan
Maintainer: Edu4rdSHL
Last Packager: Edu4rdSHL
Votes: 14
Popularity: 5.80
First Submitted: 2024-01-16 08:05 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-05-17 15:38 (UTC)

Dependencies (5)

Required by (0)

Sources (3)

Pinned Comments

Edu4rdSHL commented on 2024-04-19 19:11 (UTC) (edited on 2024-04-29 18:33 (UTC) by Edu4rdSHL)

I don't want to be that guy, but:

  • If the package builds using makepkg -s, I don't care if your AUR helper doesn't work, it's a problem with your AUR helper and needs to be fixed there. Here's the build log for the latest version:
  • I can't reproduce the current electron issue with v30, and seems that only a few users are having the issue. So I don't see any reason to downgrade the electron version for everyone. Plus, Athonathonathon put a workaround for it, which seems to be related to the current Chrome breakage on Wayland setups.

The Wayland issue has been fixed from 1.5.1-2 onwards.

Latest Comments

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SomeAspy commented on 2024-05-28 20:19 (UTC) (edited on 2024-05-28 20:27 (UTC) by SomeAspy)

on systems using the corepack installed version of PNPM, installation will fail.

==> Starting build()...
      throw new UsageError(`No version specified for ${raw} in "packageManager" of ${source}`);

UsageError: No version specified for pnpm@ in "packageManager" of package.json
    at parseSpec (/home/aiden/.nvm/versions/node/v22.2.0/lib/node_modules/corepack/dist/lib/corepack.cjs:23242:13)
    at loadSpec (/home/aiden/.nvm/versions/node/v22.2.0/lib/node_modules/corepack/dist/lib/corepack.cjs:23316:11)
    at async Engine.findProjectSpec (/home/aiden/.nvm/versions/node/v22.2.0/lib/node_modules/corepack/dist/lib/corepack.cjs:23490:22)
    at async Engine.executePackageManagerRequest (/home/aiden/.nvm/versions/node/v22.2.0/lib/node_modules/corepack/dist/lib/corepack.cjs:23542:24)
    at async Object.runMain (/home/aiden/.nvm/versions/node/v22.2.0/lib/node_modules/corepack/dist/lib/corepack.cjs:24235:5) {
  clipanion: { type: 'usage' }

Node.js v22.2.0

Note from Ven:
package issue

vesktop fixed the issue previously:

Edu4rdSHL commented on 2024-05-17 15:40 (UTC)

Now it accepts any pnpm version, @m0tholith. It should work now independent of the pnpm version.

m0tholith commented on 2024-05-17 15:11 (UTC) (edited on 2024-05-17 15:11 (UTC) by m0tholith)

pnpm update causes vesktop to throw an error on compilation. Fixed by installing previous pnpm version

Edu4rdSHL commented on 2024-05-09 03:12 (UTC)

silentnoodle, thanks for reporting. Fixed on

silentnoodle commented on 2024-05-07 18:23 (UTC)

makepkg -si does not work but COREPACK_ENABLE_STRICT=0 makepkg -si does work

chrrybmb commented on 2024-05-07 12:49 (UTC) (edited on 2024-05-07 12:55 (UTC) by chrrybmb)

I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand. I'm going to paraphrase a comment I made four days ago and make it as clear as possible.

As you just stated, the source of people's issues was electron 30, it had nothing to do with using system provided electron. Vesktop was working just fine with the electron29 package, so if this package uses electron29 then the people who were having issues and the people who dislike bundled electron will both be happy.

Edu4rdSHL commented on 2024-05-06 17:15 (UTC)

Honestly, I don't get the problem here. People came here to report that the package is broken because electron 30+ causes issues on his setups (I never experienced it) without providing any upstream bug report or anything. Then the upstream maintainer had to come here to confirm the breakage — again, I don't see even one upstream bug report linked.

Thereafter, I fixed the package by simply packaging what the upstream project build produces, and then people now argue why I did it? Come on.

This package supports setting flags on $HOME/.config/vesktop-flags.conf or directly in the .desktop file, so just set the Wayland-required flags there and problem solved.

chrrybmb commented on 2024-05-03 15:02 (UTC) (edited on 2024-05-03 15:12 (UTC) by chrrybmb)

The "officially supported" electron version upstream supports is the one they package, which is what this package is now using.

The officially supported electron version is electron 29, it makes no difference to them whether it is packaged by the vesktop devs or arch maintainers. If Vendicated wanted this package to switch to the bundled electron they would have specified that.

xiota commented on 2024-05-03 14:59 (UTC)

Further, upstream (good afternoon Vendicated ,o7) came and pointed out the fix.

The request from upstream was, "please stick to proper stable electron versions officially supported by us". The "officially supported" electron version upstream supports is the one they package, which is what this package is now using.

ISSOtm commented on 2024-05-03 13:28 (UTC) (edited on 2024-05-03 13:33 (UTC) by ISSOtm)

Avoiding downloads during build is not the crusade of anyone, it is simply good packaging practice, for several good reasons.

The mess will go away soon if this package is reverted. I can testify firsthand that this happened for at least two packages I was involved with, one being Aseprite (for which I was promoted to co-maintainer after submitting a patch to the PKGBBUILD that fixed the random crashes).

I also believe that a satisfying solution can be reached in less time by discussing this and reaching some consensus, instead of strong-arming each-other (a package will be voluntarily deleted far sooner by its disgruntled submitter if their complaints are addressed, than if their package is deleted against their will).

To be fair to the reporters, the maintainer hasn't asked for any details either. Too much information is as unhelpful as too little, and nowhere was any particular information requested. The issue isn't specific to Wayland either, so what info is pertinent anyway?

Further, upstream (good afternoon Vendicated ,o7) came and pointed out the fix. This comment thread, the dozen of issues reported upstream, and several annoyed users, could have been avoided by complying, instead of digging one's heels in "works for me". It is not how I think packaging ought to work: what if this user had been replied "well I don't use those plugins"? Instead, things just hummed along.

I have reported that the bundled Electron breaks fractional scaling for me. And besides, it is fine to request improvements even if they aren't resolving breakage. It happens all the time, and generally improving usability is considered a good thing.