AgeCommit messageAuthor
2019-02-26Added build dependencies and a deprecation warning to the package build, plus...Antoine Viallon
2019-02-02Updated to version 2.2.0, use their boostrap script before building the packa...Antoine Viallon
2018-02-27Clean up some nastiness, don't overwrite upstream-provided systemd unit.Eli Schwartz
2018-02-27Revert "Fixed PKGBUILD"Eli Schwartz
2018-02-15Fixed PKGBUILDLukas Holzner
2018-01-09change binfmt-support.service mode to 644张弘引
2017-08-30update to 2.1.8张弘引
2017-07-12update to 2.1.7, replace md5sum to sha256sumRains
2016-08-11update to 2.1.6Rains
2015-07-27update to r2小雨