AgeCommit messageAuthor
2020-04-19fix srcinfoJohn Fawkes
2020-04-19fix pkgverJohn Fawkes
2019-11-07Update pkgverJohn Fawkes
2019-10-12update srcinfoJohn Fawkes
2019-10-12add new files to source() and fix up prepare ()John Fawkes
2019-09-24update srcinfoJohn Fawkes
2019-09-24update pkgbuild and add systemd filesJohn Fawkes
2018-04-14Add substitution rules for whitelist files and copy example-whitelist.txt to ...Adrián Laviós Gomis
2018-04-06Correct provides and conflictsAdrián Laviós Gomis
2018-04-06Update to v2 to match dnscrypt-proxy package from [community]Adrián Laviós Gomis