AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-04-14Resolve "Disable NetCDF to make build work again"Jan Kohnert
2023-12-31Resolve "Move PlPlot drivers to accepted directory"Jan Kohnert
2023-12-27Resolve "Version bump v1.0.4"Jan Kohnert
2023-10-01Resolve "Update dependencies"Jan Kohnert
2023-09-27Resolve "Version bump 1.0.3"Jan Kohnert
2023-04-27Resolve "Version bump 1.0.2"Jan Kohnert
2022-07-17Changed dependency wxgtk2 to wxgtk3 (as stated in CMakeFiles.txt, too).Jan Kohnert
2022-07-10Resolve "Fix build warnings (std::unary_function, and std::binary_functions)"Jan Kohnert
2022-07-03Resolve "Use xvfb in automated testing environment"Jan Kohnert
2022-06-19Update checkdepends and CIJan Kohnert