## Info This is a fork of Andrew Shark's archlinux-amdgpu-pro with support to 21.40+ and the new repository packaging , extra add-ons like provlk (requires amdvlk) and the new AMD® Encoder Library , but it lacks many developer scripts (and requires manually updating the dependency list "on the developer side" If a new update comes with new dependencies) ## Contribution This a fork maintained by 14-yrs old guy who isn't very patient nor experienced with doing this type of stuff , so here's how you can help : 1. Rewrite missing .sh and .py scripts from upstream archlinux-amdgpu-pro . 2. When a New Update Hits repo.radeon.com update `GET-DEBS-*.sh` & `PKGBUILD` to support new changes and dependencies (if I didn't do so already) . 3. Improve my scripts . ## Installation Steps 1. Configure the version you want in `versions` file , there you will find major,minor,amf,and encoder versions . 2. RUN `makepkg -si` to compile and install this package GROUP .