To facilitate running multiple bridges, a systemd template service has been provided. The template started as matrix-puppet-hangouts@FOO expects to find the following files: /etc/synapse/matrix-puppet-hangouts/ config-FOO.yaml registration-FOO.yaml refresh_token-FOO.txt /var/lib/matrix-puppet-hangouts/ room-store-FOO.db user-store-FOO.db Unfortunately, matrix-puppet-hangouts has hard-coded paths, so there's currently a lot of symlinks and a fake home folder (gross). A setup.sh script helps create the expected structure and perform the registration Another problem is the login procedure for hangups is currently rather unfriendly. Quick Setup (assuming bridge and synapse are on the same computer): 0. Change to the config directory cd /etc/synapse/matrix-puppet-hangouts/ 1. Run setup.sh [user] to make a bunch of folders and symlinks. Ex: ./setup.sh FOO 2. Edit the config json to suite your needs. 3. Login to hangups sudo -u synapse hangups --token-path refresh_token-FOO.txt --manual follow the onscreen instructions. after pasting your token, an ncurses hangouts client will show; press Ctrl+C to exit See https://github.com/tdryer/hangups/issues/350#issuecomment-323553771 for more details. 4. Generate the registration file. Ex: ./setup.sh FOO --register http://localhost:8090 5. Include the registration-*.yaml file in your synapse config # homeserver.yaml app_service_config_files: - /etc/synapse/matrix-puppet-hangouts/registration-FOO.yaml 6. Restart the home server and start the appservice. Ex: systemctl start matrix-puppet-hangouts@FOO systemctl restart synapse NOTE: If you run multiple instances, be sure to change the port For further documentation look to the upstream project: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc