# mkinitcpio-growrootfs This package was inspired (and borrows a lot of code from) the Debian package `cloud-initramfs-growroot`. The idea is for a cloud image (AMI, QCOW2, etc) to detect the size of the underlying block device, resize the root partition to fill it, and then resize the root filesystem. This clearly needs to happen before the root filesystem is mounted, so it's necessary to do it in a `mkinitcpio` hook. # Usage ## Testing on an existing, unresized cloud image Install from the AUR, and add `grow` to your HOOKS list in `/etc/mkinicpio.conf`. It depends on the `fsck` binary from the `fsck` hook, but can be placed before `fsck` if you like. Then rebuild the initramfs - `mkinitcpio -p linux` and reboot - your disk should resize as it boots up. ## Baking into a cloud image See [my arch OpenStack image script](https://github.com/GregSutcliffe/openstack-build-scripts/blob/master/build-arch) for an example of building an Arch OpenStack image - just add `mkinitcpio-growrootfs` to the list of packages to install in your image as it's built. # Caveats Current only supports ext filesystems - I need to find a way to detect the filesystem type so that I can call the appropriate resize tool. Until then, `resize2fs` is baked in. # Copyright / License Copyright Greg Sutcliffe (greg.sutcliffe@gmail.com) 2013. License is GPLv3. `growpart` is copyright Scott Moser and is GPLv3