nftables-geoip-db ================= nftables-geoip-db makes use of @@@DBSOURCE@@@ GeoIP data. It creates country specific database files which can be used by nft command via an include statement. Note: In the following text, CC represents 2 letter ISO code of a country, which you should replace as per your choice of the country. Country specific files are stored in /usr/share/nft_geoip directory and are named as: For IPv4: CC.ipv4 For IPv6: CC.ipv6 Each country specific file defines a variable which holds IP addresses specific to that country as per @@@DBSOURCE@@@ GeoIP data. Variable names are of the following form. For IPv4: geoip4_iso_country_CC For IPv6: geoip6_iso_country_CC This variable can be used in nft statements (rules, sets etc.) to act based on country. Example: -------- #!/usr/bin/nft -f # Purpose: allow SSH connections only from India (IN) # create some basic rules flush ruleset add chain ip filter INPUT { type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop; } add rule ip filter INPUT iif lo accept add rule ip filter INPUT ct state established,related accept # include the country specific file include "/usr/share/nft_geoip/IN.ipv4" # create a set containing IP addresses of India add set ip filter geo_IN { type ipv4_addr; flags interval; elements = $geoip4_iso_country_IN } # create rule to accept connection from IP address in the set add rule ip filter INPUT ct state new tcp dport ssh ip saddr @geo_IN accept # alternate form without creating a set (anonymous set) # add rule ip filter INPUT ct state new tcp dport ssh ip saddr $geoip4_iso_country_IN accept Auto-update GeoIP SETs ---------------------- When nftables-geoip-db is updated, IP address ranges of a country may have changed. So you need to update your active nftables sets with up-to-date IP addresses. You can place file with extension .update.nft in /etc/nftables.d/geoip directory. This file should contain nft rules which change the contents of a set with new IP address ranges. When nftables-geoip-db package is updated, it will automatically run these rules. Example: -------- $ cat /etc/nftables.d/geoip/IN.update.nft #!/usr/bin/nft -f # include the country specific file include "/usr/share/nft_geoip/IN.ipv4" # flush and update the set containing IP addresses of India flush set ip filter geo_IN add element ip filter geo_IN $geoip4_iso_country_IN Legal Attribution: ------------------ This product includes @@@DBSOURCE@@@ database, available from @@@DBLINK@@@