# NI-VISA for Arch Linux ## VI_ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR when using You need to **logout and login before first use** in order to set VXIPNPPATH environment variable. ## USB-RAW devices do not work If USB-RAW devices do not work, try following (as root) and restart your PC: ``` # AddUsbRawPermissions.sh # gpasswd -a usbraw ``` ## USB-TMC devices do not work ``` # gpasswd -a usbtmc # rmmod usbtmc # echo 'blacklist usbtmc' > /etc/modprobe.d/nousbtmc.conf ``` ## refs - http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/A10090850FF0887A86257926007A7E96 - https://github.com/python-ivi/python-usbtmc#configuring-udev - https://github.com/pyvisa/pyvisa/issues/272