# Arch Package for [Okta AWS CLI Assume Role tool][tool] [tool]: https://github.com/oktadeveloper/okta-aws-cli-assume-role ## Usage 1. Install from the [AUR][] [aur]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/okta-aws-cli-assume-role/ You can also run `makepkg -si` from within this repository. 1. Modify `~/okta/config.properties` if desired ``` OKTA_ORG= OKTA_AWS_APP_URL= OKTA_STS_DURATION= OKTA_PROFILE= OKTA_PROFILE_PREFIX= OKTA_CREDENTIALS_SUFFIX= OKTA_USERNAME= ``` 1. Run ```console okta-aws-cli-login ``` 1. Use `aws` commands normally **NOTE**: Set `AWS_PROFILE` or use `--profile` with the name in step 2. ## License Same terms as the tool itself (Apache License, Version 2.0).