# web2pdf A CLI tool to extract a part of a website, create a PDF (new version now support both class and id , even some styling ) (new version now support --comic-mode read document for more info ) ------ > let me tell u a really fun story > i am a manga and lightnovel fan > > lightnovels r novels that never become a book > r really better than many books > they rarely become even pdf > some of them even dont get translated to english and r still korean > > so i wanted to read them as pdf and doing it manually is really hard and boring > > so lets go to point > i wrote my own tools to do so -------- web2pdf it is totally cool u just give it 1. **web page** 2. **the part that contain novel or anything ( id or class )** and it do the job it make all of it to a ***perfect pdf*** it is called **web2pdf** # how to install if u use arch linux btw `yay -S web2pdf` available in aur https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/web2pdf if u wanna compile it yourself 1. clone repository 2. go to cloned file 3. go to venv using `cd ./bin/ & source activate` 4. install dependancies `pip install requests beautifulsoup4 reportlab` 5. run and enjoy using python `python web2pdf.py` 6. u can even make build its binary yourself it is easy # how to use ? ``` usage: web2pdf.py [-h] [--id ID] [--class CLASS_NAME] usage: web2pdf.py [-h] [--id ID] [--class CLASS_NAME] [--exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]] [--comic-mode] url pdf_name Save webpage content as PDF or images positional arguments: url URL of the webpage to scrape pdf_name Name of the PDF file to save options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --id ID ID of the content to extract --class CLASS_NAME Class name of the content to extract --exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...] Class names of elements to exclude --comic-mode Save images and pdf them (like a real comic or manga)``` ``` - `--comic-mode` : sometimes u wanna download a manga or comic from INTERNET they have a part that comic is saved using very long images that r put tougher downloading them one by one and make a pdf out of it is hard and somehow impossible you can use web2pdf using `--comic-mode` these times 1. it will make a dir with the same name of pdf and save all of page images 2. and than make a pdf out of it - ` --id ID ID of the content to extract --class CLASS_NAME Class name of the content to extract --exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]` these args r optional by default it will make a pdf out of all website # what to do next - [ ] maybe adding translation ability to cli tools # end ?! in the end i will be happy if u share your ideas about this script with me TY so much ❤️