diff options
authorTobias Borgert2020-09-18 11:44:10 +0200
committerTobias Borgert2020-09-18 11:44:10 +0200
commit7e7c40122b0a1ade30909cca74ce2e9fd8dc1fcb (patch)
Initial commit
3 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f0933ec0f245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+pkgbase = fortune-mod-mechanicus
+ pkgdesc = Fortune cookies: Warhammer 40,000 - Mechanicus (game).
+ pkgver = 20200720
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ arch = any
+ license = unknown
+ depends = fortune-mod
+ source = mechanicus
+ sha256sums = e3da67adc5f32bbc55b2b78efa57c050801d53dbdfc58995bec1f2cf57a7d5e1
+pkgname = fortune-mod-mechanicus
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..56bc64831582
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Maintainer: Tobias Borgert <>:
+pkgdesc="Fortune cookies: Warhammer 40,000 - Mechanicus (game)."
+build() {
+ strfile "${srcdir}"/mechanicus "${srcdir}"/mechanicus.dat
+package() {
+ install -D -m644 "${srcdir}"/mechanicus "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/fortune/mechanicus
+ install -D -m644 "${srcdir}"/mechanicus.dat "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/fortune/mechanicus.dat
diff --git a/mechanicus b/mechanicus
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..49b7dcef7935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mechanicus
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+Taken on 2020-07-20 from the reddit thread "Collected quotes, aphorisms, and psalms from the Mechanicus PC game (no spoilers, just scripture quotes)" ( started by Slaneesh.
+Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2018. Mechanicus, the Mechanicus logo, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence.
+All rights reserved to their respective owners.
+The weak in mind will seek to understand the xenos. The strong in mind will destroy them, and bless their ignorance. -Binary Hierarch Gethsemorr
+Be thou wary of the works of the alien, for their presence is poison and their every word deceit. -Gathalamoreans, 94.3
+Hark not the alien’s words, lest ye unknowingly repeat them. -Archmagos Veneratus Haelon
+He who prosecutes the alien with zeal, is the ally of Mankind. -Gathalamorians 60.41
+Of all creations most foul I beheld the Lord of All and knew that I was dead. -Recollections of Inquisitor Brand, Chapter 87
+In each society there is a classification that is mirrored in another society. -Scripture-Brother Magos Tech-Auxilium Prime, Know Thy Enemy, to Know Thyself
+The only logical response to the presence of the xenos, is hatred. -Verses Macrologica 17.4
+The xenos must be purged, for the stars are humanity’s birthright. -Psalms Hermeticus 46
+Seek not the words of the xenos, lest they infect us with blasphemy. -Admonitions Mechanae 3:16
+There are horrors in this galaxy that only faith and steel can overcome, and that we should be grateful we shall never fully understand. -Aphorisms 7.1
+Our only objective should be death to the alien and all his works. All else is deviance from the Omnissiah Creed. -Life of Archmagos Borasis, Appendix 9
+Look not upon the alien, for the alien looks back. -Aphorisms 56
+Watch your brother, for his sin of heresy is thy sin of tolerance. -Macharians 16.4
+We are derelict in our duty whenever we allow corruption to plague the minds of good men. -Tech-Cosmos Verse 68
+From such small heresies are great apostasies made. -Maxims Metalica, 76.12
+From the mouths of heretics emit naught but foul vapours. Cut out the tongue and be clean. -Quaestos Mechanicor 5.21
+Better safe and ignorant, than rueing the means of our downfall. -Macharian Notions, Chapter 4113
+Sometimes the weak limb must be amputated before the whole body withers. -Selucian Aphorisms, Verse 539
+When the heretic is silenced, it is as if his weapons and tools are stripped of him, he is left impotent and weak. -Jovian Ministrations 61.90
+Not all data should be acquired. -Ferro-Dictates 53.12
+Even in death, our duty is not complete. -The Lives of the Logic-Saints, Psalm 61
+One can verge from the standard form, but one must always retain their humanity, or be lost to the Men of Iron and their ways. -Text of the Oiled Cog, v.12
+Bleak be the prospects, when the black wind of heresy blows. -Levistians 7.14
+When the enemy seeks to break our spirit, meet his blasphemy with flame! -Aphorisms 82
+How dim the sacred light burns when the unholy darkness loometh all about. -Meditations Logicae Verse 619
+Ware the script of the enemy, for writ into its lies are the seeds of corruption. -Kryptmann, Verses 11-13
+Seek profane knowledge, and find profane fates. -Macharian Commentaries 73.5
+He who sows doubt is as blameful as he who sheds blood. -Hagiography of Thor, 14.91
+Wary of those that wonder. -Scripture of the Taloned Cog, v.09 p.3
+Obliterate his words, cut out his tongue, put to fire all wrought by his hand, and the heretic shall cease to exist. -Gathalamorians 714.5
+First comes knowledge of destruction, then its execution. -Malchadorian Insights 17.4
+Death itself is scarcely an excuse for the sin of duty undone. -Contemplations Hagigraphica
+The foe of reason builds monuments to his madness, and reveals himself thereby. -Malcador the Sigilite
+Knowledge will ever be a blessing and a curse. -Levistians, 9.22
+Show caution and scorn in all things. -Codex Fulminatus 83.12
+Better in ignorance than in heresy. -Aphorisms 25
+Wheresoever the blasphemer writes, obliterate. -Epigraphs Macrologica, Psalm 105
+When the spirit is neglected, the body falters and the mind is corrupted. -Aphorisms 712
+The willful child is as the maddened steed: when it is let off its leash, it is lost. -Macharian Axloms, Line 918
+Blessed is the ignorance that wise men choose for themselves. -Aphorisms 793
+When the corruption of the unholy becomes manifest to our senses, a far greater corruption lies unseen. -Superlogicae, verse 971
+Let the weaker in mind follow the words of the strong. -Canticles of Gethsemenoth Line 87
+Thus are the wages of those who delve too deep. -Castigations 17.4
+We fight the foe’s battle for him, when we take his words into our hearts. -Amalathian Commentaries, Chapter 94
+Do not ask the Omnissiah for a pleasant existence, ask Him for the strength to overcome our tribulations. -Aphorisms 62
+Let the stench of corruption be swept aside by the sweet winds of faith. -Archmagos Veneratus Hieraticus
+The Lord of Mars is with us in the dark, even if thou knowest it not. -Exaltations 49
+Above bullets, above blades, care for your soul above all. -Gathalamorians 45.7
+Protect the shield of the mind, and the body will be shielded thereby. -Epigrams of Saint Eukelsis 3.89
+The eyes of the Omnissiah are ever upon us. -Fabricator General Plutonis
+Sometimes our prayers are answered, but not in the way we would prefer. -Fabricator General Kane
+Thus does the Enemy seek to crush our spirit, for our souls are our most potent weapon. -Amalanthians 9.41
+The sweet incense of faith conquers the toxic stench of corruption. -Kalemnan Orations 5.25
+And lo, shall Your holy steel be as armour around our souls, and shall Your wisdom guide our hands. No spear nor barb of the enemy shall trouble our flesh of iron. Let the Will of Mars be done! -Collected Logic-Psalms 31.3
+Men fueled by the righteousness of their purpose can achieve what armies cannot. -Eukelsians 60.24
+Even in the deepest darkness, give devotion to the Omnissiah, for there He is needed most. -Gathalamorians 71.30
+Rejoice. Give thanks. For we are but one step now from triumph. -Canticles of Mars, 79.12
+To every problem, a solution lies in the application of tech-lore. -Ferrarch Asklepian
+Fragile indeed are the tools of the righteous. -Avelornians 5.91
+Beware the deviance of thine own tools, for the Enemy finds his entrance thereby. -Maxims of Amalanth, 5.12
+Without a Standard Model, there is naught but madness and Chaos among the stars. -Aetheric Manuscripts Appendix 71
+Improvisation is rarely welcomed, and then only if the Omnissiah’s will demand it. -Linguis Fulminatus, Chapter 7
+Obey the Standard Model, or obey the laws of death. -Fabricator General Sin-Cosinius
+A tech-priest does not have hunches. He immerses himself in vast knowledge that is the Omnissiah’s gift, and takes whatever course of action is revealed thereby. No matter how onerous it may be. -Aphorisms 90
+The only will of the Machine Spirit is that of the Omnissian technologies, for the xenos will deceive you and tempt you, but you will not falter, for you are a priest. -Cannot unless you Canticle, v.34
+Through the application of knowledge can great destruction arise. -Fabricator General Isotor
+Let knowledge serve only man, and let that which does not remain in darkness. -Aphorisms 61.2
+The Enemy rushes to action, when our ministrations cause him fear. -Aphorisms 94.13
+As we purify the ground beneath their feet, they shall find no shelter! -Macharian Commentaries Chapter 71
+Bring guns as well as prayers. -Aphorisms 31
+The loose tongues of our soldiers are as guns in the hands of our enemies. -Saturnine Verses 81.4
+When the enemy offers open battle, take it, and make it his final mistake. -The Life of Uriah Jacobus, 8.31
+When the enemy begs for destruction, do not let him go hungry. -Helfirian Recollections, Chapter 571
+Blessed is the life that, in its ending, forgives a lifetime of sin. -Memoirs of Saint Hestios, 5.25
+Purification is the Prelude to Annihilation. -Hagiographics of Saint Regulavis, 91.12
+If it has not a head to sever, cut out the heart. -Lives of Gyarados 73.60
+Purify it with flames, for this is the wish of the Omnissiah! -Aphorisms 43
+When the final analysis is fully calculated, all equations balance against righteous annihilation. -Gathalamorians 9.41
+Then into the teeth of the enemy we shall stride. -Life of Macharius, 23.19
+Blessed is he who, in death, does his duty. -Conceptua Comprehensis
+Let the foe blunt their blades against our resolve. They will be ash and memories soon enough. -Macharian Duologues Chapter 61
+By flame shall the unclean be made clean, by fire shall the unholy be made holy. -Gathalamorians 71.6
+Grant a coward the excuse to retreat from the battlefield and he will never fight again. -Aphorisms 7.31
+Verily it is written that the Omnissiah grants His blessing to those who come well-equipped with explosives. -Aphorisms 96.9
+Prayer has power, but I cannot deny fire does, too. -Archmagos Cortiko, Verse 58
+When thou desires to discourse purely, use binary. -Sayings of the Princeps 65.4
+Such sweet music is the chatter of binary, that has no tongue to lie. -Sayings of the Archmagi, Appendix 4
+Enough fire in the right place can solve any problem. -Colloquialisms of Metalica, Chapter 52
+Inefficiency is a slope whereupon one slides ever downwards, by degrees, until one reaches the nadir of unknowing. -Canticles Borealis, 6.15
+If His Will be done, let it be done quickly. -Neodogmatics 71.90
+If it is worth doing, it is worth doing to completion. -Aphorisms 97
+It’s not work if you enjoy it. -Colloquialisms Minor, Chapter 51
+High risk, high reward. -Magi Pecuniam
+No task that is easy is ever worthwhile. -Amaranthine Verses 78.12
+The circuits are complete. The engine of fate is primed. One turn of the cog remains, and the grand machine shall fulfill its purpose. -Logistae Septimus, 21.4
+The broken in body can blame the bullet or the sword, but the broken is mind have all of creation to curse. -Verses Fulminatus, 59.31